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The Lysergical Solution!

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posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 04:38 PM
Hello I'm Lysergic, and you might've heard my name mention in such shameless attention whore ads as:

Ninja Cat Sez:
You in the chair, you vote! You vote Lysergic very wise choice you vote again!
You need reason?
I give to you!
He very handsome
He still have many plans for BTS
He once ate a really big donut
He once had a lvl 78 Gravy Wizard on a popular mmorpg
He be muy Ninja!
He make BTS into what you want!
Vote Lysergic!

So yeah listen to what the kat has said and vote for me! or else incur the wrath of the lvl 78 spell Gravieggedon!!!!

Questions, comments, flames,

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 04:39 PM
You've got my vote!

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 04:47 PM
Lysergic, you have got my vote.

Do you have an image you'd like me to place in my sig for you?

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 05:16 PM
I "had" some but I think I took them off ats upload then I reformatted, I suppose I could make some sometime soon

actually ZZZ made me some, I wonder if they are still up on his webspace here? -wink-wink :p

Also don't think you guys can handle my r337 photochop skills.

ps: thanks for the support

[edit on 8-10-2005 by Lysergic]

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 07:26 AM
I kinda like the idea of a lysergical solution
best of luck

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 03:18 PM
well, sad to say I didn't win the primaries. Oh well. Lysergic seems to be the best choice anyway.

Vote For The Man With The Plan


You sure as hell have my vote, lys.

You remember your UIN, lys? LOL (Inside Joke)

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 04:02 PM
Thats a cute cat lys but how do you justify the hundreds of innocent other cats you use in sweatshops for your campaign??

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 04:14 PM
Gravy Wizard as in KoL?

if so i was once a Lv 9 Pastamancer(but i forgot my password...
)! o.0 fear my l337 skiilz!! RAWR!

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 01:45 PM
What does the Ninja party feel is missing from BTS? What does the modern ninja think makes up the core of BTS? What have you accomplished in the council, and what do you intend to bring this session?

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 05:00 PM
What does the Ninja part feel is missing from BTS?

For one, New smilies, who doesn't love those? How about bringing Polls to bts? I'm sure there could be a lot of threads that could make use of that! UK Wizard when he was on bts council staff he suggested a BTS Member award "Most Chilled Out Member" People like awards right?

What does the modern ninja think makes up the core of BTS?

The core of BTS is the random, wether you want to find some cool websites, or get help with your computer blues, talk about your cat, gaming forums, and even links to funny videos, and lets not forget you can also talk about religious theology if so you feel inclined to do so!

But the Core? The core is all the people who visit and post on BTS and make it a fun place.

What have you accomplished in the council, and what do you intend to bring this session?

Well we got the point system changed, had other things ready to go but it's been delayed due to SO being very busy.
What do I intend to bring this time around?
I plan to finish the projects I've already started, the smilies is done, with a nice big list of smilies in it. Also plan on bringing back polls, bts award, I've heard people would like an vehicle forum.

Other than that I feel BTS is good to go, as to BTS chat being disable, it has been like that due to abuse a long time ago, but it still went to the same exact rooms if I remember correct.

And as always I am open to suggestions from everyone


oh so you heard of kingdom of loathing eh?
lvl 9 pastamancer eh? should've rolled a saucerer!


Everything has it's price.

actually I don't know it lol

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
What does the Ninja part feel is missing from BTS?

For one, New smilies, who doesn't love those? How about bringing Polls to bts? I'm sure there could be a lot of threads that could make use of that! UK Wizard when he was on bts council staff he suggested a BTS Member award "Most Chilled Out Member" People like awards right?

What does the modern ninja think makes up the core of BTS?

The core of BTS is the random, wether you want to find some cool websites, or get help with your computer blues, talk about your cat, gaming forums, and even links to funny videos, and lets not forget you can also talk about religious theology if so you feel inclined to do so!

But the Core? The core is all the people who visit and post on BTS and make it a fun place.

What have you accomplished in the council, and what do you intend to bring this session?

Well we got the point system changed, had other things ready to go but it's been delayed due to SO being very busy.
What do I intend to bring this time around?
I plan to finish the projects I've already started, the smilies is done, with a nice big list of smilies in it. Also plan on bringing back polls, bts award, I've heard people would like an vehicle forum.

Other than that I feel BTS is good to go, as to BTS chat being disable, it has been like that due to abuse a long time ago, but it still went to the same exact rooms if I remember correct.

And as always I am open to suggestions from everyone

JW lys if you were too busy to finish it up last time what keeps you from being too busy this time?

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 04:09 PM

I think this just speaks for itself. tsk tsk

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 04:42 PM
Well Trutt, I never said I was too busy, dunno where you got that.

Instead I have, and had things ready to go, just having to wait on SO to stick it into ATS store, thats what I been waiting for.

SO = Skeptic Overlord if that threw you off.

Why you being so mean to that pussy? What did pussy ever do to you?

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 08:25 PM
I would like folks to know...that when the points system change was put in place where you can donate points to change something, Lysergic was the first to do so. He gave ~EVERY~ point he had to implement the change, and that says something about the charector of someone willing to give they're ALL to help bring about board changes. You will notice he is still on the hole for BTS points by giving them up for bringing about needed changes.

I was impressed, and think the members aught to know about it.

Good luck Lys!

[edit on 12-10-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 04:49 PM
Hey don't worry about the points, they went to overall goodness of ats

I've got more points and they shall be going to bts wether i win or loose

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