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Wag the dog 2005

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posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 02:29 PM
Rovegate is getting bigger and looking really bad for the Bush administration, and now the terror alert level raised for New York. Then a scare at Penn station over a soda bottle filled with kitchen cleaner. I was just on CNN and it had a breaking news story about the Washington monument bein Evacuated. Now after refreshing the site its gone.?

you think some one is tryin to divert attention away from the political troubles in Washington?? First Bush gives a speech about Terrorizm then within 3 days all of this, does anyone really expect an terror attack anytime soon?...or is it just a distraction??


Do you think this will be the last alerts with no attacks??

[edit on 7-10-2005 by LDragonFire]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 02:55 PM
Hi LDragonFire,

I found a link for you about the Monument being evacuated:
Police Evacuate Washington Monument

I am going on my instincts here, and I am most sure these "alerts" and "credible signs of a terror plot" are a distraction. How conveinient of them to tie the NY subway threat to Al Quaeda(sp?). You have, however, asked the Real question, which is

Do you think this will be the last alerts with no attacks??

I think it depends on how desperate the administration is. Like you said, with Rovegate going on, the backlash from Katrina, the homeless and jobless rate skyrocketing, and the economy slumping, Id say things are piling up in such a way that they may feel they have to do something. (Or let something happen

Nothing like fear to get the pubic back in line, no?!

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:01 PM
I really hope you’re both are joking about the administration "hoping for an attack or letting one happen".

When will it become clear that people dieing is nothing to joke about. It seams that someone always thinks that we need to kill someone to prop up the president agenda.
Grow up. It’s not always about what’s going on in Washington

[edit on 7-10-2005 by Racer5]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Racer5

Grow up. It’s not always about what’s going on in Washington

Grow up. It is.

The President under increasing scrutiny goes on TV yesterday for what The White promised would be a ground breaking speech on the war on terror with "unprecedented details" to get every news channel on him all day.

We got nothing.

But unsubstantiated terror alerts (the first in a while) the very next day.

They are filling the TV with just that, filler.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by sylvrshadow
Hi LDragonFire,

I found a link for you about the Monument being evacuated:
Police Evacuate Washington Monument

I am going on my instincts here, and I am most sure these "alerts" and "credible signs of a terror plot" are a distraction. How conveinient of them to tie the NY subway threat to Al Quaeda(sp?). You have, however, asked the Real question, which is

Do you think this will be the last alerts with no attacks??

I think it depends on how desperate the administration is. Like you said, with Rovegate going on, the backlash from Katrina, the homeless and jobless rate skyrocketing, and the economy slumping, Id say things are piling up in such a way that they may feel they have to do something. (Or let something happen

Nothing like fear to get the pubic back in line, no?!

Thanks for the link sylvrshadow. I find it odd that we have gone along time without any terror alerts, and just days after another one of Bush's terror speach, BAM another alert, then another. ROVEGATE is Gonna be Huge, can you say Impeachment......I feel they will do anything to stay in power, and say anything to stay in power. Fear!!!! Remember folks the terrorist hate us because of the Freedoms.....The Freedoms we are loosing? Or does it have to do with US military Occupation in Arab countries they consider sacred??

Question Everything

my bet is there will be no attack


posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:16 PM
So you are saying that it was the white that clear Penn station.
"We got nothing.

But unsubstantiated terror alerts (the first in a while) the very next day. "

He must have planted the soda can. i'll bet we can get his finger prints off the can, or maybe is was Carl Rove.

Here you go.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Racer5
So you are saying that it was the white that clear Penn station.
"We got nothing.

Not at all. I meant his promised "unprecedented" speech was hardly anything new.

But unsubstantiated terror alerts (the first in a while) the very next day. "

He must have planted the soda can. i'll bet we can get his finger prints off the can, or maybe is was Carl Rove.

No. There are many channels to increase sensitivity, and on any given day of the week, you will find something to sound the alarm given the right environment. I'm saying the speech delivered nothing but the environment to produce a panic attack in whoever called in the flaming bag of poo at the Washington Monument. Figuratively speaking.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:24 PM
Hmmm, every republican in the country is currently in trouble for something. So what do they do? Make up false "attacks". I saw part of the speech, it was uh, the same.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Racer5
Here you go.

This is like a point by point confirmation of everything I just said before even reading it.

Asked if he thought New York officials had overreacted, Bush said: "I think they took the information we gave and made the judgments they thought were necessary.


posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 03:46 PM
You can twist it however you want you don't have the facts to backup your point. It just your opinion as to what they are doing. He said they made the call, not the white house.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Racer5
You can twist it however you want you don't have the facts to backup your point. It just your opinion as to what they are doing.

That's the most meaningless thing I've read today. Thanks.

He said they made the call, not the white house.

So did I. My theory was the Bush administration contributed to the environment that precipitated that bogus call.

Here's your linked story one more time. It says exactly that repeatedly in Bush's own words, and that's despite the title, despite just the parts you'd like to read, and despite you trying to put words in my mouth that aren't there.

"Our job is to gather intelligence and pass it on to local authorities. And they make the judgments necessary to respond," Bush told reporters. Administration security officials had said on Thursday the threat to New York was of "doubtful credibility," a phrase repeated earlier Friday by Bush's spokesman.

"The level of cooperation between the federal government and the local government is getting better and better. And part of that level of cooperation is the ability to pass information on. And we did, and they responded," Bush said during a picture-taking session at the White House with the prime minister of Hungary.

Asked if he thought New York officials had overreacted, Bush said: "I think they took the information we gave and made the judgments they thought were necessary. And the American people have got to know that, one, we're collecting information and sharing it with local authorities on a timely basis. And that's important."

Earlier, White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters: "In this case, we notified New York City officials early on of the intelligence information that we had received. And while it is specific, you heard our homeland security officials say it is of doubtful credibility. It is something we continue to analyze."

The fact the Bush White House is backpedaling now that after they went out of their way to warn NY a threat was coming they added the caveat of its "doubtful credibility" supports my theory even further.

In fact, I think given your link (thanks again) we can officially promote my theory to proven status given how many time Bush said it's his job to scare local authorities into reacting.

What's your theory again? The war on terror is full of unrelated coincidences that have nothing to do with each other? Let's see you prove that fact checker.

[edit on 7-10-2005 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 04:56 PM
Meanless because you see through rose color glasses? You see what you want no more no less.
My guess is that if they didn't share the information and something happen you would be screaming bloody murder that they didn't do their job and warn them.

So how do you know it was a bogus call? Scare the authorities into reacting? surley you jest. With all that has happen to the US i think that being prudent is the best call.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Racer5
With all that has happen to the US i think that being prudent is the best call.

You don't know how right you are. No I mean it. You really don't have any idea.

pru·dent (prdnt)
1. Wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense.
2. Careful in regard to one's own interests; provident.
3. Careful about one's conduct; circumspect.

...careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment; "a prudent manager"; "prudent rulers"; "prudent hesitation"

As to who's wearing rose colored glasses, you'd have to be to not see the timliness of the swirling indictments and controversy around Bush this week, his well publicized "unprecedented" Terror speech (just so we don't forget to be afraid, which is exactly what terrorists do, release videos), his administration's warning to NY and the eventual outcome which was two days of coverage about anything (which turned out to be nothing) but his imploding dynasty.

"Doubtful credibility" indeed.

[edit on 7-10-2005 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:35 PM
If you guys have some facts to back this up as a conspiracy them, but if your angy that we are evacuating places and then they don't go boom...well thats not a conspiracy now is it...just good work by the ones in charge to stop things from going BOOM!

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 06:07 PM
Perhaps you midsunderstood what belongs in Political Conspiracies forum.
Let me quote from the ATS home page:

Discuss political conspiracies, cover-ups, and deceptions of political figures and parties.

If memory serves, the movie wag the dog was a coverup and deception to take people's attention away from what is really going on.
Seems this thread is spot on

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Perhaps you midsunderstood what belongs in Political Conspiracies forum.
Let me quote from the ATS home page:

Discuss political conspiracies, cover-ups, and deceptions of political figures and parties.

If memory serves, the movie wag the dog was a coverup and deception to take people's attention away from what is really going on.
Seems this thread is spot on

No I am afraid YOU have it wrong. WAG THE DOG the MOVIE was about a conspiracy, however what possible shred of proof is there that this is what is happening. No conspiracy...just good work by the people stopping terrorism! That would push this into there see that was simple. I am sure glad I was able to explain it to eveyone. Now lets move along to some REAL conspiracy topics!

BTW don't stare into my AVATAR eye very long or you will begin to believe things that are movies... M O V I E S people!

By your theory since E.T. was movie and we discuss aliens on ATS then E.T. must be a true story again I say ......

[edit on 7-10-2005 by 12 12 2012]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 06:18 PM
A N Y way, I think I am losing this battle. Seems like I am the only one who feels this is a baiting thread (I am right by the way) I have MODS showing up at my business right now in unmarked white vans, and they are walkign towards by building now! I have minority whips emailing me threating to really WHIP me if I don't shut up so I will leave this thread to its own demise, There FLAME AND BASH AND BAIT all you want people, I take leave of you in this thread. I know when I have been out mod'd.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by 12 12 2012
No I am afraid YOU have it wrong. WAG THE DOG the MOVIE was about a conspiracy, however what possible shred of proof is there that this is what is happening. No conspiracy...just good work by the people stopping terrorism! That would push this into there see that was simple. I am sure glad I was able to explain it to eveyone. Now lets move along to some REAL conspiracy topics!

What bombs?...what terrorists?...are they in jail?...have any been captured? or is it like the BS that sent us to war in Iraq???

mod edit to shorten quote

[edit on 7-10-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by 12 12 2012
A N Y way, I think I am losing this battle. Seems like I am the only one who feels this is a baiting thread (I am right by the way) I have MODS showing up at my business right now in unmarked white vans, and they are walkign towards by building now! I have minority whips emailing me threating to really WHIP me if I don't shut up so I will leave this thread to its own demise, There FLAME AND BASH AND BAIT all you want people, I take leave of you in this thread. I know when I have been out mod'd.

This thread is not about baiting, at least it was not my intention. My opinion, is what I have stated. Lets look at some reasons why I think this way.

1 Bush's lowest approval ratings Ever.
Why is his approval Ratings are low?
1 Katrina Failure
2 Iraq War
3 Republicans leaders being indited and investigated.
4 Meires being his pick for supreme court
5 This list could go on but I'll leave it like this....IMHO

Basicly I have read mainstream News articles of late, like the one from Al-Qeidas number 2 man complaining about not having enough money. The lact of any Terrorist attacks in the USA since 9/11.

There are a few things like Katrina, when the Government was saying one thing and patting each other on the back for a job well done, but Americans saw the oppisite on the News every night. The Government has been saying that the insugency in Iraq numbers about 20,000 people, so there tryin to tell us that 20,000 Iraqi's are killing so many US Military, and Iraqi civilains, they must be well trained[Sarcazim]

The inditment of Delay, the Grand Jury questioning of Rove, The investigations of Frist, the failure's of the Katrina Disaster, now Bush first wants to use the military for natural disasters[he said this after KAtrina], now he wants to use military for National Emergencys[bird Flu].

Ok after all of this he wants us, for some reason to focus on terrorizm.....HUH?

Pesonally IMHO We have neglected our own people and country because of Terrorizm, Rebuilding New Orleans would not be a big deal if we were not spending so much taxpayer money in Iraq.

Its Easy for me to believe that Bush would do Anything to divert the publics opinion Away from the Failure's and indescresions of the powers that be right now.


posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 07:47 PM
Who Needs A Conspiracy?

The overwhelming majority of the thread so far offers nothing about the "conspiracy" at all.

Meanwhile, the "conspiracy" upon which this thread is based isn't supported by anything but a suggestion that a CNN article was mysteriously moved.

Both the soda bottle and Washington Monument angles are mentioned in the linked article. So what's that all about?

The article itself doesn't support any conclusion of conspiracy. Where's the beef?

Instead, we have unfounded speculation to go on. How novel.

Please don't take this the wrong way, LDragonFire, but I really don't see a thread here. Your last post doesn't do anything to convince me otherwise.

Let's be honest with ourselves.

If what we're seeing this thread is any example of the techniques being brought to bear to uncover a conspiracy in this case -- whatever that might be -- then the alleged conspirators have nothing to worry about.

This is not the way to uncover the truth.

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