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Is anyone having trouble with the site?

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posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:41 PM
I have been having hit and miss luck all day with the site responding. I get a window that says " could not be found. Please check the name and try again."

Am I the only one with this problem today?

I have no problems whatsoever with any other sites or email.

I'm trying to post this and it won't let me. Grrr!

Still trying...

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:43 PM
hmm i dont seem to be having a problem?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:50 PM
yes, I have had many problems connecting during the last week.
When using IE I get "Page Cannot Be Found" but when I use Netscape I get this message "ALERT - The connection was refused when attempting to
connect to" so I was like "hmmmm"and it made me wonder if they were maybe blocking our access to it.

Is anybody else experiencing anything like this ?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:52 PM
I just tried IE because I use Firefox and I'm having the same problem. I'm lucky to get a post in before it's gone again for 15 minutes...

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:54 PM
Yep i had trouble about 3 hours earlier, nothing came up and all i got was a white screen. It was back to normal in about 20mins however

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:55 PM
I use FF and I only get that message when the site is down (it's not) or when my wireless loses connection for a bit.

Other than that...never and I am on a lot.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:01 PM
I have a wireless connection, but EVERYTHING else is working fine. Just ATS.

So... if I disappear, someone come and get me, OK?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:10 PM
The last few weeks I've noticed the 'Page Not Found' occasionally as well, but only when clicking on ATS. At first I just tried some other sites right away and they seemed to load fine, then I'd go back and try ATS again. Usually it would come right up.
Now when it seems slow coming up, I just 'stop' the loading and try again.
ATS comes up usually on the second try when that happens.

I'd guess the problem showns up on the average of +/- once out of 25 times. It is a new development, though, and thought my 'puter was fritzing on me.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by ImJaded
yes, I have had many problems connecting during the last week.

When using IE I get "Page Cannot Be Found" ...

Is anybody else experiencing anything like this ?

yes, more problems in the last week or maybe 10 days.
'Page Cannot Be Found'...but other sites being readily displayed.
Also.........several times i was involuntarily logged-off.
Thus i had to go thru the dance of getting all the ADs
& pop-ups and commercials that unregistered guests
must wade thru to see any of the content.....
until such time as i can log-on, successfully

(there might be a glitch in the monkey-works, in that
i usually have the above 'problems' of getting the site,
or finding myself involuntarily logged-out...
->>after i had gone through the task of logging-on
to enter another PTS board, as i spend 99% on ats)

I have a nagging feeling that you-or-I or anyone else
cannot be constantly logged-on to more than one board...
or else the site puts you into a default mode and either
the site is unavailable because of the confusion or else
you are directed to reset your cookies by the method of
'erasing the chalkboard' and logging-on with password, etc.

who knows.....? maybe its really just part of the hidden game
message- - > care to sleuth it out.....?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

I have a nagging feeling that you-or-I or anyone else
cannot be constantly logged-on to more than one board...
or else the site puts you into a default mode and either
the site is unavailable because of the confusion or else
you are directed to reset your cookies by the method of
'erasing the chalkboard' and logging-on with password, etc.

I rarely stay logged onto PTS, BTS or the sister site unless I'm actually posting there, which I haven't been doing recently at all. And yet, the 'page not found' incidents have happened (seldom, but often enough to be a concern).

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by masqua

. And yet, the 'page not found' incidents have happened (seldom, but often enough to be a concern).

well, then reading that Page Not Found html
would not be a 'pseudo' Page-not-found notice......
and as such, being rife with secret leads or messages
or secreted 'click-on' points or links to follow the clues??

oh well....sigh...............

have a good day

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:45 PM
This might have something to do with all this
Rolling Blackouts block parts of the Net

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:59 PM
link just happened to me again. I was trying to go into the Collaborative fiction board just moments ago and the white page with the 'could not be displayed' header came up.

I'm not logged into PTS or BTS...only ATS

I reloaded ATS from my home page and got straight into Collaborative Fiction the next time around. That's been happening fairly frequently over the past week or more.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 07:08 PM
I'm doing ok now... Maybe it 'rolled' on past me.

Thanks Kenshiro.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 07:11 PM
I am, I just wrote a massive post and I lost it during submission. Gave me a "page cannot be displayed" HTML page, pressed back, post was gone! Site worked fine instantly after. Thought it was my wireless but that was ruled out.

I'm not angry at all but it is a bit of a inconvenience. Hope it is fixed soon.


posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
I am, I just wrote a massive post and I lost it during submission. Gave me a "page cannot be displayed" HTML page, pressed back, post was gone!


I've had that happen too and it's a ROYAL pain in the hind end after you've typed all that out and got it just the way you want it... Especially if you type like me...

The one CERTAIN way to avoid that ever happening again is to use a word processor to type you post in and do a copy and paste. This way, if the site has a "hick-up" you've still got your thoughts all typed out in your word processor.


[edit on 10-6-2005 by Springer]

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Springer
The one CERTAIN way to avoid that ever happening again is to use a word processor to type you post in and do a copy and paste.

Yeah, I copy all my posts to the clipboard before posting just in case I lose it. Its a good method.


posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 08:21 PM
I only used the word processor before, but I got the Google Toolbar spellchecker so I stopped using it. That was before the problem.

Here is quick way to do things if you find it inconveniant that I now use, before you click the "Preview Post" or "Post Reply" button, highlight all your text in the text box and copy it either by going to, Edit > Copy, or pressing Ctrl + C. This will store the text into a temporary memory location. So if it gives you the About:Blank page you can always click the Back button on your browser go back to the post editor page, select the text box and press Ctrl + V or go to, Edit > Paste. This will restore your work.

To store it in a more stable enviroment instead of a temporary memory location. Copy your work it into a word processor or in Notepad before you click the "Preview Post" or "Post Reply" button.

The best method though is to use a word processor, to create your post from scratch. It also provides the best results, but BB code has to be added later.

EDIT: I'm a slow typer, theshadowknows beat me to it by a few minutes. grrrr....

Originally posted by theshadowknows
Yeah, I copy all my posts to the clipboard before posting just in case I lose it. Its a good method.


[edit on 10/6/2005 by GoldEagle]

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 08:31 PM
Or you could use Firefox. It doesn't take away the page when it displays the error.

I loves me some Firefox!

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 08:38 PM
I am having problems too, the pages between post will freeze and I have to end the process and start over again and is only happening with the site, none of my other IE windows are doing that.

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