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Canada's Porn Labor Market Needs

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posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 09:51 AM
This article claims Canada has ignored credible warnings of illegal and deadly activities and in doing so, has caused the deaths of two Americans. Canada is being blamed for not investigating and putting a stop to blatently illegal activities. The question being asked is why didn't Canada follow up on these reports of illegal activites?
October 4, 2005
Lifesite News

Canadian Government Ignored Warnings Leading to Deaths of Two Young Americans

LAVAL Quebec, October 4, 2005 ( - The mysterious deaths of two young Americans found at the bottom of a gorge in Laval Quebec was eminently preventable if Canadian government officials would
have heeded the warnings of anti-trafficking organizations which contested the "exotic dancer" visas which allowed he men into the country. Mark Kraynak, 23, and Steve Wright, 20, entered Canada through an application by a male porn 'modelling' agency in the United States called French Connection Français (FCF) run by Stephan Sirard.

The exotic dancer program, which opened wide the doors to the importing of foreign strippers in order to fill so-called 'labour market needs' in Canada, has repeatedly come under fire by human rights groups, citing
repeated instances of forced prostitution and other forms of exploitation and slavery. In response to numerous complaints from anti-trafficking groups, the Canadian government gave assurances to human rights
advocates that "no new applications would be processed for any type of exotic performance until such time as the matter could be reviewed to eliminate the risk of extortion & injury".

When news broke that Kraynak and Wright were applying to enter Canada under the scheme, along with four other 'models', Gregory Carlin of the Irish Anti-Trafficking Coalition (IATC) warned Canadian authorities not to
permit the temporary visas.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This news article leads to more questions than answers.

The questions to consider ... is Canada ignoring the problem because the people who die are Americans or perhaps because the people who die are not rich and industrious (in the usual sense of the word)? Is America ignoring the problem because the people who die are 'just' porn stars? Or is it this 'just let them be and since porn and human trafficing is going to happen anyways'?

My cynical feeling is that Canadian and American powers think it's the fault of the porn 'models' for being there so why waste $$$ on trying to stop what can't be stopped and we (Canada and America) have better things to spend our tax money on. Let those people die. It is a hazard of the job they are in.

Related News Links:

[edit on 10/6/2005 by Amorymeltzer]

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 10:51 AM
The Lifesite link is biased, anti abortion, anti homosexual and is really looking for anything at all to promote it's agenda. The other link has no relation to the story whatsoever because neither young men were HIV positive that I could see. The third (bottom link) I could not open.

Here is the probable real reason the boys wound up dead...they were partying in Montreal with friends and tried to escape paying for a $40 cab fare by running away and jumping over a fence. Too bad there was a bit of a drop on the other side.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 04:55 PM
Actually, this is an important story, not just because it covers the deaths of a couple of exotic dancers, but because it involves the immigration policies of one our neighbors and how those policies affect not just our glut of exotic dancing citizens, but our national security, as well.

While the site may have its agenda, there is no reason to suspect that the article mistates the facts of the case in question.

The US State Department report noted that Canada's exotic dancer program is "a type of program that has been abused and exploited by traffickers in many other countries." In fact the TIP report noted that Canadian officials have acknowledged that the situation has led to forced prostitution. "Officials acknowledge that some women may have been forced into prostitution," it said. Nonetheless, the Canadian government did not fully shut down the program. Rather it allows strip clubs to apply for such special visas on a case by case basis. "The visa program has not been entirely suspended," noted the report.

Those warnings went unheeded and the bodies of the two American young men were found in early September after they were missing for ten days.

While it might be a little much for some to feel sympathy for those who become caught up in the sex industry, there has been evidence in the past that the Canadian law has been abused by some to traffic in human beings, especially young women.

I'm not the prude that many here feel that I am, for I sometimes indulge my appetites for the visual pleasures of the flesh, but at the same time, I do understand that while such activities are not illegal, there is much that is unethical about the business practices of those who are engaged in such.

It is questionable that Canada's appetite for the voyeuristic pleasures of the flesh is so acute that they must have in place special visa policies to import non-citizens for these services, espcecially when it is evident that organized crime exploits the law.

The IATC are not persuaded by the speculation being floated to the media by le département de police de Ville de Laval and will be asking Foreign Minister Pierre Pettigrew to report to anti-trafficking groups in the United States & Europe regarding the unexplained deaths of Mark Kraynak and Steve Wright. "The exotic dancer program authorized by Mr Pettigrew in 1998 has been connected to organized crime, slavery, and the trafficking of juveniles and the IATC now hope the deaths of these two young men will see the permit programme finally abolished," Carlin told

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:05 PM
"Family members say video footage from a security camera in the area shows the two models running from a taxi cab driver. It's believed the two hopped a fence and fell to their death."

Nuff said. Bad story.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:18 PM
Just because a self-appointed monitor of editorial standards takes it upon herself to denounce a story that discomfits some does not diminish the importance of the story.

It is only the deaths of these two that has brought to light the broader problem that affects Canadians and Americans alike, not to mention the other nationalities that may be involved.

Clearly this is a policy that has global implications and just because a few guardians of the political tone don't approve, this is a matter deserving of broader exposure.

This is an important story. Besides, the details of the deaths of the two in question are open to debate, according to the article.

[edit on 2005/10/6 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

It is questionable that Canada's appetite for the voyeuristic pleasures of the flesh is so acute that they must have in place special visa policies to import non-citizens for these services, espcecially when it is evident that organized crime exploits the law.

I agree. I think this is the main point you're getting at with this post but getting side-tracked on how and why they died.

I had no idea Canada had special visas for exotic dancers. Is this really needed? I mean a catagory just for this? Is there that much of a shortage of people either willing to do this or good looking enough that they import Americans? It does sound very fishy indeed. If you ask me, I think it may just be another doorway for the sex slave trade.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by astrocreep
I think this is the main point you're getting at with this post but getting side-tracked on how and why they died.

You're right astrocreep. This ATSNN submission was voted down by a those who simply couldn't see the forest for the trees. It's a little like the python bursts eating alligator story, which, in and of itself, was of little importance, but when one considered the fact the pythons are non native species that competes with the top of the food chain, then the story becomes hugely important.

The same with this story. The deaths of the two individual are not of much interest beyond the local news, but when one considers the laws that make it possible for them to be in Canada and the broad evidence of exploitation of the law, then the story begins to have international importance.

Also, the treatment of this story is a prime example of how bashing America is fully accepted, but any criticism of our neighbors to the north never get anywhere.

[edit on 2005/10/13 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:46 AM
First off, exotic dancer visas are ridiculous. This is the first case of American men I've heard of, they are usually Eastern European women.

Now that I've got that out of the way, I'll explain the flawed thinking that went into the program. Club owners complained that it was hard to get Canadian women to work in the industry because most of the agencies are/were controlled by the Hells Angels. Women just weren't willing to get involved with the HA.

So instead of dealing with the Hells Angels problem we have in Canada, they decided to import desperate European women who get exploited.

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