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Halo Movie!

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posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 03:17 PM
I dont know if everyone knows but theres been rumors of a halo movie circulating all over the place. Its been confirmed, there is a halo movie and it is being watched over by Peter Jackson, the genius who brought about the halo movies

"As a gaming fan, I'm excited to bring Halo's premise, action and settings to the screen with all the specificity and reality today's technology can provide," said Jackson. "Fran and I are intrigued by the unique challenges this project offers, and we're delighted to be working again with our friends at Universal, and with our new ones at Fox and Microsoft. I'm a huge fan of the game and look forward to helping it come alive on the cinema screen."

At least theyre gaming fans so im almost positive that they wont mess this up.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 03:24 PM
Sweet and with Jackson even better.

This will be huge.

The visuals in the Halo games cried out for a huge sci fi movie and Jackson will go there!!

Awesome news.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 11:20 PM
Here is the latest info on Halo from Darkhorizons:

Triple-Academy Award winners Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh ("The Lord of the Rings" trilogy) will serve as the executive producers of "Halo", the upcoming feature film based on Microsoft's phenomenally popular video game reports Rope of Silicon.

On top of that, its also been announced that Jackson's Weta Workshop Ltd. and Weta Digital Ltd. will be creating the creatures, miniatures and visual effects for the film. This agreement marks the first time that Jackson and Walsh have performed these services on a major studio film that Jackson is not directing.

"Halo" will be shot in its entirety in Wellington, New Zealand and the film is currently targeted for a Summer 2007 worldwide release. Universal will handle domestic distribution of the film, and Fox will handle the international release.

Even though Peter Jackson is a producer rather than a director, all the elements look to be present to make Halo a fantastic movie. With Team WETA on board for the visuals, it at least promises to be visually spectacular. I can't wait to see the Halo universe brought to life! Death to the Covenant!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 11:33 PM
Sorry, I just gotta ask...

Who is this guy and what did he do with Peter Jackson?

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:04 AM
More info on the Halo movie script........................

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 04:17 PM
I heard peter jackson passed it down to someone else. I will admit I'm not the biggest fan of Halo but this movie doesn't really seem his style.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 05:25 PM

i read that script...

here is my question (that you may not be able to answer):

what is the possibility that this is the real script???

i read it all...

it seems awesome and i am not even a hardcore fan...


posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

i read that script...

here is my question (that you may not be able to answer):

what is the possibility that this is the real script???

i read it all...

it seems awesome and i am not even a hardcore fan...


they see ALL................................

I have used that sight a few times, and overall its been pretty good.......however I do take everything with a pinch of salt as it could be completely made up, although the review website Aint it cool News has picked up on this, in my eyes, lends some credibility to the details of the script.

Only time will tell if it is the movie script, although it does sound hellish !!

Will just have to wait nearer its release date as more info comes out.

[edit on 8-11-2005 by Mindwalker]

[edit on 8-11-2005 by Mindwalker]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:47 AM
thanks Mindwalker

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 02:35 PM
People are porbably going to hate me for saying this but i dont really think Halo should be turned into a movie, the game wasnt even that amazin yes it was good but it was basically medal of honour with shiny guns, a good game but everyone goes overboard.

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 03:29 PM
The even bigger question who will play Masterchief?
And if anyone says VIN DIESIL i will tear out there heart and eat every SINGLE BIT

[edit on 1-12-2005 by WERE_ALL_GONA_DIE]

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 06:56 AM
roger that vin is an awsome actor dont get me wrong but i dont think hes good for a halo movie. he to me still doesnt seem right for the hitman role hes set to cast.... ill think about whoo would be a good master chief. (but wait if the movie keeps his identity secret they could put in a avarage joe that fits the suit and can do stunts. then get the voice from the game...) I Dont Know anyways Go Halo Movie

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 10:55 AM
I doubt Jackson would go with Diesel...the man couldn't act in an informercial let alone in a film that Peter is involved with.

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 02:41 PM
Plus the voice is all wrong. His testosterone laced manly voice would be horrible...maybe a grunt who dies on reach. Im saying samuel l jackson for the sargeant. Who would be a good actor for master chief?

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 03:59 PM
No-one would suit MC, his face shouldn't ever be shown. Just get a guy in the suit and have the voice overs.

After King Kong though, I can't wait for anything that PJ is involved with.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 05:11 PM
why does peter jackson my fellow new zealander have to waste his tallents on such a worthless movie... it's like a remake exept crapper

[edit on 1-1-2006 by lepracornman]

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 10:45 AM
lepracornman just because you don't like Halo, it doesn't make it automatically crappy. Peter Jackson will do a good job, I'm sure.

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 03:54 PM
im so glad they got peter jackson working on the halo movie

i was able to find a pretty funny, fake script for the opening seen read it until the end its pretty goodjust so you know this is not the real script

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 11:50 AM
I could see them using an Older Actor to play MC, seeing as in the games he is a seasoned veteran. Clint Eastwood's voice could fit the MC in my opinion. I never played the Halo games that much, but my roomate plays it all the time. I just thing someone who sounds grizzled should play MC based oh how I hear his voice.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Zanzibar
No-one would suit MC, his face shouldn't ever be shown. Just get a guy in the suit and have the voice overs.


I couldnt agree more it should be like Vader, well before they showed his Three Stooges Curly looking butt in Return of the Jedi. ARGH what a let down.. Nothing they showed under that mask could have lived up to the Mystic of Vader but that was just weak..

That way they can also use any awesome Voice actor they want even the guy from the game Steve Downes. They could also then easily get a actor to fill John-117s gigantic dimensions as given by Bungie Studios "The Master Chief stands 7' tall and weighs approximately 1,000 pounds in full battle armor"

[edit on 6-2-2006 by ShadowXIX]

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