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Anyone Feel Like a Be-Tweener?

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posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 05:36 PM
This applies to any of you who have done AP, OOBE or had clinical deaths.
Or any brave souls like Terennce Mckenna who went to extremes to achieve NDE.
Do/ have you feel like only one of your feet is on earth and the other foot is in the vasy cosmos?

[edit on 10-1-2005 by worldwatcher]
mod edit: removed reference to drug usage

[edit on 1-10-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 09:54 PM
The strange thing that results from exploration like T. McK did, and my experiences with '___', is that sometimes the feeling of being connected with the "other" is almost overpowering, But sometimes the feeling of being "grounded" is just as strong. Even seemingly ordinary things such as changing your diet can affect what I call "the connection."

Exercise can get the endorphins engaged and if you are familliar with what the "consious expansion" feeling is you can magnify it to a truely transendental experience.

I have to be very careful with my choice of phrasing and words because some mods have warned me about my advocacy of "exploration via mind altering techniques"

Any psychonaut will tell you; if you want to cross the threshold of "Chapel Perilous" be well armed with the sword of reason and the shield of faith. Many a good man has been lost because of bravado and haste.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
The strange thing that results from exploration like T. McK did, and my experiences with '___', is that sometimes the feeling of being connected with the "other" is almost overpowering, But sometimes the feeling of being "grounded" is just as strong. Even seemingly ordinary things such as changing your diet can affect what I call "the connection."

Exercise can get the endorphins engaged and if you are familliar with what the "consious expansion" feeling is you can magnify it to a truely transendental experience.

I have to be very careful with my choice of phrasing and words because some mods have warned me about my advocacy of "exploration via mind altering techniques"

Any psychonaut will tell you; if you want to cross the threshold of "Chapel Perilous" be well armed with the sword of reason and the shield of faith. Many a good man has been lost because of bravado and haste.

I totally understand..I was such a fan of McKenna's, it is still hard to believe he is gone so young, but like Rod Serling advanced souls go young.
Mine is clinical deaths, but the same principles apply.
I was a psychonaut when I was younger, spent time with the Sioux braves.(rosebud]
The part that is most difficult for me, is what is the plan when I am not allowed to dis-card the body 3 times over?
We are kin, I see you know who the Master wordsmith is..

Perhaps this is a benign thread? Hey mods?

[edit on 30-9-2005 by siriuslyone]

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 10:51 PM
Let's look at the bright side. Terrance has found all the answers to all his questions. I still miss him though. 3 times, whoa!

When I analyze it, I don't think I am looking for the Answer: I'm just enjoying the Trip.

Sioux braves crazy dudes. My Native American experience was with the Navajo and Utes, Native American Church. I was to young and cynical to understand the absolutly spiritual connections the NAC have.

Oh yeah, Robert Anton Wilson, truely defies description. I borrow freely from his cosmology and it dosen't even matter if I don't quite understand it.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Let's look at the bright side. Terrance has found all the answers to all his questions. I still miss him though. 3 times, whoa!

When I analyze it, I don't think I am looking for the Answer: I'm just enjoying the Trip.

Sioux braves crazy dudes. My Native American experience was with the Navajo and Utes, Native American Church. I was to young and cynical to understand the absolutly spiritual connections the NAC have.

Oh yeah, Robert Anton Wilson, truely defies description. I borrow freely from his cosmology and it dosen't even matter if I don't quite understand it.

One learns from whatever the soul needs. IMO
I was shown by the Sioux how to see if a human has his third eye open or not. Most do has petrified due to not having activated the kundalini.
My trip has been long, BUT one will NOT die until it is their tIme. believe that.
No, I was referring to the awesome Master Zimmy Dylan.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 12:57 AM
Ah yes, Bob Dylan, talk about a Tweener"

Have you read "Chronicles" by him? Even makes you appreciate his genius more.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Ah yes, Bob Dylan, talk about a Tweener"

Have you read "Chronicles" by him? Even makes you appreciate his genius more.

No, I have not read Chronicles. Did you see the mini-series that Martin Scorsese did on him recently? He told some TRUTHS about himself he never has before.If you are un the US, it will be on PBS at 9:00 EST again on Saturday night.It is called No Direction Home.
To me, he is not a tweener, but was sent directly from the Universal Source.
I recently acquired a boot of his Vatican performance, and the Pope asked for Heaven's Door, but Bob got in Hard Rain too.

[edit on 1-10-2005 by siriuslyone]

[edit on 1-10-2005 by siriuslyone]

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