posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 09:28 AM
Recently I have been hearing a number of discussions about possible candidates for the office of President of the United States. I have heard a
number of possibilities, the most prominent being Sen. Hillary Clinton and Condoleeza Rice. Incidentally, I personally feel that both of the people
mentioned would certainly "qualify" and be able leaders. But I also heard names like Oprah Winfrey being bandied about.
I can understand and readily accept Clinton and Rice as candidates for this important post because they have experience and a substantial record of
public service and an insight into what the position actually entails. However, when Oprah's name was mentioned, I had to ask myself whether Ms.
Winfrey was qualified. On further reflection, I had to ask myself the question that I pose to all of you......What qualifies someone to be
President of the United States?