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prophetmike's 2nd ATS anniversary!!!

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posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 06:32 AM
Wow, how time flies when you're having fun. 2 years ago today, I joined the ATS community looking for info on the Kennedy Assassination... and seriously... I have been coming here daily for the past 2 years... and there's no sign of me stopping. I certainly don't post much.. I mean, I JUST hit 900 posts yesterday... I'm not a big poster, but that's ok... I love being here. I feel like a part of a big family. Thanks to everyone for making my ATS experience a great one...

Here's a link to my 1st anniversary thread (which has most of what I wanted to say... but I don't like to rehash old stuff, so JUST READ IT
) -

Thanks once more... and I'll be around this time next year... you can BET ON IT.


posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 09:56 AM
Happy Anniversary !

Normally I wouldn't really care, to be honest, about someones anniversary on some website. However, as I approach my own 1st Anniversary on ATS/BTS (October 30th), I realize that ATS/BTS is not "just another website". For all intents and purposes, this is a virtual community -- or at least the closest to a virtual community that I have found. I have come to know and to genuinely care about many of the people that I have encountered through this wonderful site. So it is with sincere best wishes that I say, once again, Happy Anniversary!

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 07:30 PM
I hit my 1 year just a few days ago, September 25 2004. I then joined but I have been browsing the site for a year or two before.

2 years is a long time prophetmike, mabey by your next anniversary you'll be BTS councilor.


[edit on 9/30/2005 by GoldEagle]

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 08:08 PM
Congratulations prophetmike.
Feels like Eternity, doesn't it?

Just kidding.
I hope you continue to remain around for a time longer.

My best to you, prophetmike.


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