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Republican Logo - Satanic/malevolent ?

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posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Thomas Crowne

Don't matter which party you vote for or who or what is where. There are good and bad people in EVERY group. Those logos / brands don't work anymore to incite public loyalty. Actually, they are seen with contempt as a way to control people to buy more things, you all think people actually care about logos and brands? They could care less, especially when you try to stamp them on their foreheads. They are actually taking a back-seat to generic branding that people CAN AFFORD...the age of branding is over when ppl cannot afford to buy the product. It's useless and seen as an annoyance when it's plastered all over the place it has the denotation of being PUSHED down people's throats, and people don't like that, but it doesn't mean they NEVER disregard it...they see, you just don't know they do.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
They're just stars (like on our flag)!

A pentagram looks like this: no.

They are upside down stars. Goathead = baphamet. This happened in Bush's first term in office.

Obama is caught showing goathead hand signals several times. They are luciferians. Wake up.

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