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ABUSE CRISIS: Pfc. England Gets 3 Years in Abuse Case

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posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 08:34 PM
PFC Lyndie England has been sentenced to three years for her role in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. She could have been sentenced to nine years. England posed with naked prisoners in several photographs that exposed the scandal when they were released to the public. The Army had been investigating the incident when the photos were made public.


[url=,0,677575.story?coll=ny-leadnationalnews-headlines&track=rss][/url ]
Army Pfc. Lynndie England, who said she was only trying to please her soldier boyfriend when she took part in detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, was sentenced late Tuesday to three years behind bars.

England's sentencing wrapped up the last of nine courts-martial of low-level soldiers charged in the abuse scandal, which severely damaged America's image in the Muslim world and tarnished the U.S. military at home and abroad.

The jury of five Army officers needed about 90 minutes to determine their sentence for England, a 22-year-old from rural West Virginia who was the most recognizable of the reservists charged after graphic abuse photos became public.

The charges carried up to nine years, but prosecutor Capt. Chris Graveline asked the jury to imprison her for four to six years. The defense asked for no time behind bars.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I have to feel some sympathy for England, not because she is guiltless, but because she was, indeed, used by her superior at the time of the abuses, Pvt. Graner. However, it must be remembered that every member of the armed forces is required to report illegal activity and England would have to have an IQ of less than 50 to not know that her actions were illegal. I'm glad she got a relatively light sentence. Even if her deportment at Abu Ghraib was generally deplorable, she is the least culpable of all those who were involve, in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 10:01 PM
I agree with you on this. As I responded in another thread regarding her going to trial, I stated that I felt it was asinine to go after her when it could quite easily be determined that it was not her that was responsible for the abuses, but rather the system in place at the prison. What she did was wrong. There's no arguing that. But she's merely a scapegoat in this whole thing, to take the eyes off of those who are truly responsible. We, as Americans, have the right to know who REALLY allowed it to happen. Was it just the detachment she was with at the prison, or was it someone higher in command, or was it even, dare I say, an executive order?

I fear we'll never know the real culprits in this case, because the majority of the public is happy just knowing that someone has burned for the travesties that happened at Abu Gharib. Unfortunately, this probably won't get pushed any further, like it really needs to be.

Forget the scapegoat. Who REALLY committed these atrocities?

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