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NEWS: Hostage Shared Meth With Courthouse Shooter

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posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 03:10 PM
Ashley Smith revealed that she shared crystal methamphetamine with courthouse shooting suspect Brian Nichols while she was held hostage by him in her apartment. Smith said the experience made her turn away from drugs and she hasn't used them since. Nichols is currently charged with four counts of murder committed during an escape from an Atlanta courthouse.
ATLANTA — The woman who says she gained the trust of suspected courthouse gunman Brian Nichols by talking about her faith in God discloses in a new book that she gave him methamphetamine during the hostage ordeal.

Ashley Smith did not share that detail with authorities after she talked her way out of captivity.

In her book, "Unlikely Angel," released Tuesday, Smith says Nichols had her bound on her bed with masking tape and an extension cord. She says he asked for marijuana, but she did not have any, and dug into her crystal methamphetamine stash instead.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Well whatever she did, I guess it worked since she got out alive and convinced Nichols to surrender to the police. This new revelation kind of puts a new light on what happened while she was a hostage though, something that was never mentioned following the incident.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 03:41 PM
Guess that explains why they were having a 'religious' experience and he turned himself in. Don't thank god, thank chemistry!

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 03:44 PM
I also find it interesting that this little bit of information was only revealed in her book. While I am glad that a possible tragedy was averted by her imaginitive techniques, (e.i. she made it out alive and the criminal was captured) it seems like other imaginitive ideas were also at work, namely withholding certain information to make the book deal a bit more 'juicy'.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 03:53 PM
I'm sure she just didn't want to go to jail. I don't blame her.

I see the positive side of this. The meth might have saved her life and just as important the overall experience helped her kick the habit. The Lord works in mysterious ways.


posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 04:03 PM
DCFusion I couldnt agree more. This was held back to sell more books. This little tidbit will undoubtedly be on the news tonite, and it will make a few fools go out and buy a lousy book.

Its great that she made it out alive, and it was news for like a day.. is it necessary to write a whole book about her life and the incident?

Every victim, hostage, survivor of this and that, and any nutball (runaway bride) seems to find themselves a book deal 5 minutes after their crisis.

It makes for poor publishing in my opinion. I will never buy a book about any 15 minutes of fame story.

I cant even take any of these people seriously.. anyone that would omit details so their book will sell better could also stretch the truth in the book too. The news shows are just as much to blame, since they always spotlight these people when their books come out.

Lets buy books about noteworthy people, rather than tabloid-newsworthy people. At the very least, there are hundreds of fiction authors out there that will tell a better story than any tabloid-news figure, and they will more than likely have better writing skills too.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 04:27 PM
Look. If you're a hostage, and you have drugs, why not offer them? At the very least, it'll make the captor like you a bit mroe (if you offer to use 'em yourself). At the best, he uses 'em and is incapacitated. Meth is a terrible substance, but hell, I'd sure as hell offer him anything in my house under those circumstances.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer
but hell, I'd sure as hell offer him anything in my house under those circumstances.

Like AJAX?
Very smart girl however, I've seen grown men turn into people who are afraid of their own shadow and won't even go outside when tweaked even in broad daylight. It's a truely horrible drug (at least the psuedo-crack that's being concoted in DIY Methlabs, apparently back in the day it was different as there was Pharmicuetical sources once upon a time)

[edit on 27-9-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 04:41 PM
Crystal Meth, the white trash savior LOL.

1 point for phrozen water eh?

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000
Very smart girl however, I've seen grown men turn into people who are afraid of their own shadow and won't even go outside when tweaked even in broad daylight.

Only after you've been up a couple days does the paranoia really set in. When you first get high you feel like anyone you're hanging out with at the time is the coolest person in the world, and you'll talk the ear clean off anyone who is unfortunate enough to listen.
That may explain why she survived, he had the initial euphoria and over friendliness that you get your first night up.

[edit on 27-9-2005 by 27jd]

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 06:00 PM
Too bad...
I had thought, "what a nice young lady"

This is a sorry case of "yep, even her"

Meth needs to be eradicated...
it didn't do the nazis any good, and it wont do us any good either...

In fact... this is the first GOOD thing that has ever been involved with the drug to my knowledge. I am amazed that he didn't geek out, and get paranoid either...

and yeah, different people have different reactions...
My ex got geeked, wrote bad checks all over town, bought her new boyfriend a harley, and her manager a BMW convertable (couldn't afford either)... as well as getting all her friends loaded so everyone who would listen to her ramble...
and managed to get arrest warrants in two different states ALL IN ONE WEEK! with no sleep of course...
I asked how they finally got control of her...she finally did so much meth, that she passed out... from pure exhaustion...

yep, that is one i will pass on...

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 07:30 PM
Yeah, some people jump in head first. Meth is garbage, it affected me and all my friends a long time ago, before this new surge in use. I guess because I live in a city with alot of the biker gang element. I'm glad I learned my lessons back then. I have one friend who went back to it, and his life when straight in the toilet, so fast it was amazing.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer
but hell, I'd sure as hell offer him anything in my house under those circumstances.

I don't think its the best idea to give a crazed murderous gunman who's tied you down to the bed a bunch of drugs that'll make 'im really loose his inhibitions. She's a drug addict, she saw this as yet another oppurtunity to use some drugs, and as a result thought she had some sort of 'really meaningful and cosmic' experience. Not having any real theology to base it on, what comes out is some cheap, 'chicken-soup' feel-good pop theology because she just happened to take the book off of the discount shelf at walmart.

Plus, it'll be a long time before she can say she's a recovered drug addict.

This also means that she was tweaking something awful during some of those interviews no? Or does this rather explain why there was a long period in between the event and the first apperance on the news, becuase she was comming down? Meth'll last for a very very long time.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
She's a drug addict, she saw this as yet another opportunity to use some drugs, and as a result thought she had some sort of 'really meaningful and cosmic' experience. Not having any real theology to base it on, what comes out is some cheap, 'chicken-soup' feel-good pop theology because she just happened to take the book off of the discount shelf at walmart.

Plus, it'll be a long time before she can say she's a recovered drug addict.

That is an awful bold statement to make by stating she is drug addict.. How do you know that is fact; for all you or anyone knows that may have been the first , 2nd or third time she ever used meth in her life.

Just because a person may have tried a drug a few times does not make them a drug addict, that is the point I am trying to make and even I am not sure what I am saying is the truth, but I will at least give her the benefit of the doubt until someone else proves it as fact.

I do not know this for fact, but I understand many have tried a drug more then few times never to become addicts.

[edit on 9/27/2005 by shots]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by shots
I do not know this for fact, but I understand many have tried a drug more then few times never to become addicts.

It is fact, I know from personal experience, when I got tired of feeling like my skin was crawling and my stomach was in a knot, I walked away never looking back. That was almost ten years ago and the very sight of that garbage repulses me.

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