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Katkrina as weapon, proof following my visions

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posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 09:49 PM

This link has developed theory and evidence that this whole hurricane thing is no longer in the realm of act of God. Humans can now command nature to our wills, but my question is who is responsible.

This is the only true vision I have ever had, but I can somewhat understand that the idea of this disaster was in the minds of many humans prior to the event, and I feel that the perpetrators, and the radar imaging meteorologists were in their own ways sending this information outward. I was lucky or unlucky, however you want to look at it, to tap into this reality, and ever since, I have felt incredibly strange about everything that followed.

FEMA has way to much power in this deal, and they have sabotaged the efforts for relief, and they became an obstruction. FEMA jammed communications, and something here stinks to high heaven.

Haliburton getting no bid contracts, and so forth,,,,,ridiculous,,,,,

[edit on 25-9-2005 by John bull 1]

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 10:03 PM
I can command nature at my will to. By going outside and flapping my arms I am contributing to the change of the weather.

The Chaos Theory, man

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 04:20 AM
You response seems enlightened. Perhaps you are.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 12:08 PM
That site has some lets say has some interesting information. Heres a choice quote

These planetary examples have long been elegant confirmations of our Hyperdimensional Physics Model for the entire solar system: that rotating mass, by virtue of the nature of space and “multi-dimensional reality,” is able to “open a gate” into another, more energetic dimension

Well thats all sound science
''dimensional gates'' what more proof could anyone want

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 12:29 PM

FEMA jammed communications

Hmmm..... I thought the disruptions to communications were a result of Sunspot 798 [possibly causing radio blackouts and radiation storms].

Then again Vern . . . that thar FEMer chit is sum poorful stuff.

excuse the sarcasm folks

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Majestic12
I can command nature at my will to. By going outside and flapping my arms I am contributing to the change of the weather.

The Chaos Theory, man

Have you ever seen "The butterfly Effect"?

The movies opens with the a chaos theory quote about how a butterfly flapping it's wings could create a typhoon halfway around the world

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by shixta

This link has developed theory and evidence that this whole hurricane thing is no longer in the realm of act of God. Humans can now command nature to our wills, but my question is who is responsible............

[edit on 25-9-2005 by John bull 1]

And now Donkies can fly.....What a crock of nothing.
Hey, send this to Farrakon, he'd probably believe it.

(Mod edit- please do not try and beat the censors,)

[edit on 5-10-2005 by asala]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 09:48 PM
The Paradigm shift is upon us all, but how long it will take for everyone to be convinced is a totally different matter.

We must all become capable of dealing with the many impossibilities of our current age. New science, technology, and human insight are converging upon one another and the impossible is very possible.

We've open a doorway to discovery where we don't know how to predict what is goin to happen next.

There is the ability for humans to control certain things in our environments, and as we humans develop we are learning to do more and more with less and less. At some point in the future, we will accomplish the act of doing everything with nothing. At this point humanity enters a realm beyond the linear time that we recognize and agree upon. Reality is a mere consensus and eventually the way we perceive time, space, and each other is going to have to change.

This thread is a fairly good example of the different worlds of thought that swirl amongst the airwaves, and a litmus test of things to come.

Paradigm Shifting Now!

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 12:46 AM
nothing is impossible and i'v always said that. when i say this i always get the same response, "then why dont you just float in mid air right now!"
this is typical of someone still trapped in todays society. we live in a world of infinite possibility and it is far from impossible for people to control the weather for personal gain. i have similar beliefs on the australian drought.
it is going to take a very large scale wake up befor any of this can be helped or stopped.

iv allways known it but i dont know it till i know it. this may not make sense but all through life there has been a feeling that something is not right or that im being supressed in some way. it is only recently that iv started to relize what is going on. there is a very fradgile barrier holding me and others back its only a matter of time before we break it. u are quite right in sayin the shift is appon us all. i feel it also.

to some it may sound crazy but i suspect the crazy people are not crazy, just awake!

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