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Iraq : Listen to the Galloway – Hitchens Debate

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posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:58 PM
Journalist Christopher Hitchens takes on MP George Galloway in a ferocious encounter over the rights and wrongs of the Iraq War.

A debate on the invasion of Iraq in 2003

Motion: The Iraq war of 2003 was just and necessary.

Journalist Christopher Hitchens takes on MP George Galloway in a ferocious encounter over the rights and wrongs of the Iraq War. Hitchens thinks deposing Saddam Hussein was a noble act. Galloway retorts that an illegal occupation will only create more Jihadist terrorism.

Recorded earlier this week in New York City, Radio 4 presents the highlights of their two-hour-long “grapple in the big apple.” Combative, impassioned and informative. This is a clash not to miss.

Listen to the debate

Source BBC

This is good, well I think so anyway

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 05:34 AM
I watched it, and it was pretty good. A little too much personal sniping at each other for my tastes, though.

Hichens did point out a major hypocrisy of Galloway though, when he pointed out that Galloway had been in Syria recently, where he praised the success of the Iraqi insurgency against the coalition, and then shortly thereafter visited Cindy Sheehan where he offered his condolences.

[edit on 22-9-2005 by jsobecky]


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