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NEWS: Indonesia Says American Firm Has Case To Answer over Toxic Dumping

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posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 06:34 PM
The presiding Judge at Manado in eastern Indonesia ruled on Tuesday that US based Newmont Mining Corporation does have a case to answer over the illegal dumping of toxic waste, after he threw out an appeal from the mining giant to drop the controversial pollution suit bought against them. The Judge commented that the Mining company had failed to prevent the toxic dumping of mercury and arsenic into Buyat Bay, which made nearby villagers sick.
"The government is busy visiting other countries to invite investors into the country, but at the same time it does not welcome investors who are already in the country," he said.

But environmental activists say that miners have for too long been allowed a free hand in Indonesia.

A government-commissioned probe and a police study have concluded that the bay was polluted, but several other studies, including one by the World Health Organisation and the Indonesian health ministry, did not support that charge.

Newmont says its disposal processes at the bay were properly approved by the government.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This case is being closely watched internationally and although Newmont say they followed guidelines fro the dumping, environmentalists have said that mining companies have been allowed free reign for far too long in the country.

Toxic waste dumping has been an environmental issue that is a major problem in the world and large multi national companies are more and more being held accountable for their careless tactics and operations which have indeed been found to harm the environment.

[edit on 20-9-2005 by Mayet]

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 09:18 PM
It is real easy to blame the mining industry in this case, they are both natural occurring substances in nature, That is something the activist do not tell you

Enjoy your next cup of coffee also it has cyanide in it.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by shots
It is real easy to blame the mining industry in this case, they are both natural occurring substances in nature, That is something the activist do not tell you

Enjoy your next cup of coffee also it has cyanide in it.

Alot of things do. I eat apple pips for that very reason. Trying to build up a tolerance of it...but then again....might be killing myself slowly, along with everything else I do though, that isn't my major concern!

When I have my next fag with a cup of coffee, no doubt I will be consuming a seriously unhealthy amount of bollocks.


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