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American Media Dissent: A new trend?

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posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 04:44 PM
I've seen Katrina usher in a new way of talking about the Bush Administration by the media - critical , with healthy touches of disdain.
This latest developement was best encapsulated in Bill Mahr's recent sign-off monolouge:
" Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any more. There's no more money to spend. You used up all of that. You can't start another war because you used up the army. And now, darn the luck, the rest of your term has become the Bush family nightmare: helping poor people. Listen to your Mom. The cupboard's bare, the credit cards maxed out. No one's speaking to you. Mission accomplished!

Now it's time to do what you've always done best: lose interest and walk away. Like you did with your military service and the oil company and the baseball team. It's time. Time to move on and try the next fantasy job. How about cowboy or space man? Now I know what you're saying: there's so many other things that you as President could involve yourself in! Please don't. I know, I know. There's a lot left to do. There's a war with Venezuela. Eliminating the sales tax on yachts. Turning the space program over to the church. And Social Security to Fannie Mae. Giving embryos the vote.

But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now. Why? Because you govern like Billy Joel drives. You've performed so poorly I'm surprised that you haven't given yourself a medal. You're a catastrophe that walks like a man. Herbert Hoover was a #ty president, but even he never conceded an entire city to rising water and snakes.

On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of New Orleans. Maybe you're just not lucky. I'm not saying you don't love this country. I'm just wondering how much worse it could be if you were on the other side.

So, yes, God does speak to you. What he is saying is: 'Take a hint.' "

A late night comedian, sure, but had not the "watch what you say" decree been taken to heart across the board? Did anyone ever see such tameness prior in all facets of media, where self censorship was the norm?
Anderson Cooper is another one who has been on site in NOLA and has been part of a very emotional media.....with the predominate emotion being anger.
Not all fashion trends are minor, and I for one hope this is one that shames the fixed game & 'bought cops' on Capitol Hill into action.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 06:44 PM
Good grief, I *hope* so. The American media has been whipped by this administration for so long that I keep expecting them to revert to kissing Bush's rear at any given moment. This guy has been given a free ride since 9/11, and he's way overdue for a press-delivered smackdown (particularly after his photo op speech in Jackson Square).

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 06:56 PM
I don't think so BT. The genuine outrage of regular people that happened to be anchors lasted all of a day or two before the corporate bosses changed everyone's "official" tune.

See CNN. See CNN pimp for Bush. Pimp CNN, pimp!

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 07:04 PM
The "official" tune may have been changed, RANT, but it seems that rank and file Americans have finally noticed the little man behind the curtain. Bush's tanking poll numbers show that "we the people" aren't buying his shtick anymore, non?

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 07:06 PM
If only it were true! Bill Maher always talks like that, doesn't he? He's always been very outspoken in his opinion of Bush whenever I've seen him, which is all too seldom. I love the guy!

If you caught Brian Williams of NBC on Jon Stewart's show, he didn't exactly come out and slam anyone (being the professional he is) but I got the feeling he wanted to.

Maybe a few are doing their job a little more. It's about time!
Baby steps, I guess.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 07:35 PM
Bill Maher is always outspoken, and I enjoy his program a lot.

What many are forgetting is that the reason the media and most politicians did after 9/11 was actually keeping the patriotism and unity in favor of the administration and to Mr. Bush in the name of the good of the country.

The country went through a very hard time by foreign forces, siding with the president to keep the country united was the Right Thing to do.

That was over due by occurs the Republican party supporters and to many like me it look like some kind of favoritism.

Then the over whelming support for the war and the willingness to support the troops made it easier for the present administration to keep his patriotic profile.

After the devastation in NO, Bush support was already weaning along with the very disastrous results of the war on terror and the overspending in Iraq, with the war that many Americans do not support anymore.

That was enough for everybody to get off the Patriotic horse supporting the administration and start bringing down the house and point out the bad deals of this administration not only about the way things were done after the devastation in the south and for everything else going on in the nation and abroad.

I guess people can only be so loyal and Mr. Bush is no running again so everybody is their own person now specially if you are running for the white house.

I think the media is having a holiday with the administration right now.

[edit on 20-9-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 04:44 PM
The media has always been critical of Bush.. (Except maybe Fox News)
Bill Mahr has ALWAYS been critical of Republican or Conservatives in general

Bush is not the greatest person in the world.. but he is the sitting president like it or not. Bill Mahrs statement was basically saying "Don't go away Mad.. Just go away". I do not imagine that Bush will resign the presidency like Richard Nixon did. Its Not going to happen no matter how much Mahr rants.

But I would wonder now.. If the Liberals want to prove to the country that their way is better.. Who are they going to run for the White House in 2008? Better yet.... Who is the RNC going to groom out for the Republican ticket in 2008?

I still think its going to be a very interesting election...

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by kitanis
The media has always been critical of Bush.. (Except maybe Fox News)
Bill Mahr has ALWAYS been critical of Republican or Conservatives in general

No, the media pretends to be critical of the administration, but near the end of their q & a period, the conclusions always seem to be watered down to favour the administration's handling of whatever current task is being untaken...

I've been recently watching all news stations to see if any of them have a backbone, and they are all too soft.

They give their shows hardcore names like hardball, and the no spin zone, but they're all the same, some more dramatic then others, some made to look tough but at the end, none of them are really any different from eachother.. It's like watching a soap opera, whichever one is more action packed you find yourself drawn to and rooting for the good guy whos taking action, like bill o'reilly... he's a shyster and a half.

You can give these reporters the facts about the war being unconstitutional and they will shut you down and yell over you like what o reilly did to donahue the other night.

These guys don't care about the foundations of this country and preserving it... They are whipping boys who allow themselves to be for a fat pay check.

But I would wonder now.. If the Liberals want to prove to the country that their way is better..

Look at this statement... THis is the very first thing that comes to mind..
political cheerleading before concerning yourself with whats best for this countries people; sustaining the supreme law of the land.

I still think its going to be a very interesting election...

How about disgusting, pre planned, and totally staged.
They will have an answer prepared for every staged questioned, the debates will be staged, their drama will be fake, and their hand gestures will be used to sway you (this is another documented truth).

Ushenko in Ukraine was a statesmen, not a politician, the ukraine election was more real then the american one, they don't use machines that can be easily manipulated, or have contracts signed behind the scenes worth millions of dollars in order for a software programmer to sway the election votes one without leaving a trace.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 06:00 PM

How about disgusting, pre planned, and totally staged.
They will have an answer prepared for every staged questioned, the debates will be staged, their drama will be fake, and their hand gestures will be used to sway you (this is another documented truth).

This goes without saying.. but I noticed all the "armchair" experts (myself included) who analyize the elections and the comments that fly on television news shows and radio are great entertainment during the election.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by kitanis
This goes without saying.. but I noticed all the "armchair" experts (myself included) who analyize the elections and the comments that fly on television news shows and radio are great entertainment during the election.

armchair experts I think would be more intune with everything thats going on, as they sit back and are voluntarily making the conscience decision to analyze, interpret, sense, and perceive.
I don't find it entertaining but rather appalling, the things I like to delve into is the behind the scenes news about the voting boxes, and the ohio news about inconsistent votes and the ones that somehow never got counted, as well as in dade county in florida, and actually all over the country, this is news to me, this is what I focus my eye balls and brain on not tv stations who show staged events for us. I'll never find that entertaining, what's entertaining is parliamentary (canada and uk) arguments between the elected and opposing parties, they use facts against them, yell at them, call them names, sometimes get in fights, and that is real, that isn't staged..those are the politics i like to see

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