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Our Sun as a "trash incinerator"?

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posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 02:08 AM
Thats pretty cool, i like that idea better. Now all they need to do is use microwaves to create the plasma using co2 gases.. so instead of outputting the co2s as a form of emissions, you just connect it back into the machine and it uses the new co2s created from burning the trash as the plasma to burn the next batch of trash. Then hook a water generator to it, and bam we're ready to rock and roll.

The french plant that you had linked to above says it still emits gases. =(

Slice a grape in half (so that the 2 halves are still connected, but just split open like a smashed out hotdoh bun.), put it on a plate and microwave it for 5 seconds (don't really do this unless you want to destroy your microwave). You'll get a huge ball of plasma =)

[edit on 9-9-2005 by senseless04]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by senseless04
Thats pretty cool, i like that idea better. Now all they need to do is use microwaves to create the plasma using co2 gases.. so instead of outputting the co2s as a form of emissions, you just connect it back into the machine and it uses the new co2s created from burning the trash as the plasma to burn the next batch of trash. Then hook a water generator to it, and bam we're ready to rock and roll.

The french plant that you had linked to above says it still emits gases. =(
[edit on 9-9-2005 by senseless04]

Yeah, though, I think there are other systems being used and in development. I don't know a great deal about how it's used for municiple waste.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by senseless04
But aircraft carriers dont leave the planet =p. There are aprox 3000-4000 sats that are currently in use around the planet. An estimated number of 6000 pieces of space debris (large pieces, small pieces arent tracked, mostly old dead sats) also trapped by earths magnetic field. Aprox 1000-2000 tons of debris in earth's field alone. I think you're underestimating the number of launches there are per day. Recently (past 5 years) there have been at least 3 corporate space companies (which launch sats up using old russian ICBMS) that have opened up shop.

Aircraft carrier is about 95000tons.. Not quite there but we're getting closer =)

No I am not underestemating things. All of the debris orbiting the Earth is going to eventually reenter the atmosphere and return their mass to the Earth. The only lost mass is the amount that leaves the Earth's gravity well. If a cheap reliable method is found to send our trash into the Sun it would be the ultimate environmental clean-up tool. Problem is that we have a finite amount of resources and something that would be launched into the Sun cannot be recovered.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:08 AM
I understand the risks and costs that prohibit the feasibility of sending nuclear waste into space, but stricty concerning what would happen...if nuclear waste were shot at the sun, most likely it would burn up before it even reached it, right? would there be any remnants and if so any that would still be radioactive?

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Xar Ke Zeth
We have all these plastic bags and radioactive waste, and various other goods that can't be recycled.

What would happen if we just sent them into the Sun?

I understand the cost (and consequences of accidents) but if that didn't matter, would there be any adverse side effects of launching any garbage or waste material into the Sun?

It seems a waste to leave it polluting our planet, when the Sun could reduce it to a plasma.

Given the size of the sun; the waste wouldn't have any real affect on the solar activity in my point of view. The sun works by fusion power, so sending the waste into the sun shouldn't have any adverse affect on Earth. However, it would be costly to send large objects like fridges, etc into space.

However, if all the governments put the money into that endeavour than into war, then Earth would have a better chance of healing itself.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:24 AM
The Sun is providing us with energy needed for life. - It would be very disrespectful to throw your trash at it. - IN MY Eyes, it is not the son of God; It is the Sun is God - And I did not get that from Zeitgeist.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by senseless04
Thats pretty cool, i like that idea better. Now all they need to do is use ....

[edit on 9-9-2005 by senseless04]

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the 'they' are never going to REALLY do anything good for us...

- Just take a good look at true history and the state of the world.

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