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Looting vs. Survival

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posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 12:03 PM
I don't care if they need it or not they don't have anything to go home to they have nothing. Insurance will cover most of the stores losses while the people will be homeless and left with nothing. Let them have what they want!

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 12:09 PM
ST Udio, even if the mother did stock pile on baby stuff wouldn't it have just washed away like everything else the lady had?

[edit on 31-8-2005 by Kramthenothing]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 12:43 PM
Are you kidding me? This is a fantastic opportunity to observe survival of the fittest at its very finest. First of all, many of these people made the DECISION to stay while observing a category 5 the size of the gulf of Mexico approaching the area. THat is qualification number one for a Darwin award. So, yes. That poor mother should have been using whatever resources she had to help her kid out in the first place, namely getting the hell out. Where there's a will there's a way. And what is it with people feeling sorry for people who are smiling at the cameras and dancing around like lunatics as they relieve business owners and homeowners of their livelihood? Screw them. The national guard should cordon off the area, pull out, and let em all hatch it out for a couple of months. We'll all be better off when the stronger and smarter genetic material emerges.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 01:02 PM

We'll all be better off when the stronger and smarter genetic material emerges.

Thank goodness Stephen Hawking doesnt live in New Orleans.

I would take what I need to survive. I can always buy a big screen later.
But if I was at or below poverty level - and I had been all my life - my frame of reference would not be the same as it is now. Who knows what I would be inclined to steal. Its a subjective argument.

[edit on 31-8-2005 by bl0t]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 01:04 PM
Well, blot. One could argue that Steven Hawking is stronger and smarter genetic material. If he had a floating wheel chair he would have no problem at all. I apologize for my lack of compassion. Not really.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 01:19 PM

I don't care if they need it or not they don't have anything to go home to they have nothing. Insurance will cover most of the stores losses while the people will be homeless and left with nothing. Let them have what they want!

Are you all kidding me. You are right the insurance companies will cover the loses. but in the true end all Americans pay for the loses. This hurricane is going to be around 25 billion in cost. Do you really believe some little insurance company in Louisiana or Mississippi has the money to cover it? HAHAHA. The insurance companies around the Nation cover it and then they in turn hike up insurance costs to cover their loses.

These looters are pathetic to me. That lady could have gone to a shelter and been like hey my baby has no food and has pooped itself. I guarantee people would have rallied to her aid. People are there to help those in need. There is no need for anyone to STEAL.

There is a big difference in what this women did and what others are doing taking TV's and stuff. What she did does not upset me that much because it was to help her kids. Those who want to take stuff that have no value to personal survival I say shoot them. Shoot them on the spot. The National Guardsmen and others who are down there to help have no time to put up with crap like that. And we do not have the resources or time to put them in jail down there. It is just as bad as stealing from an old helpless lady. That city is vunerable and dying, those who want to steal from it have no respect for anyone elses life but themselfs. So we should show no respect to their life either.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Damn right, TimCouch. WHat is all this namby pamby entitlement bull*hit anyway? "We'll cover it. Take whatever you want." What nonsense is this? These people are just as lazy in their survival as they are in their daily complacency. "I want a new pair of Kobe's from foot locker. Hey! Here's my opportunity!" Holy crap. The only volunteering I feel like doing is volunteering some marksmanship. I will not subsidize people who are subsidizing themselves with other peoples belongings.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:07 PM
I don’t have a problem with people who are looting to get food or supplies. But I read a report on Yahoo news about people breaking into stores to steal Jewelry and Football jerseys. WTF is wrong with these people? Their city is sinking and becoming a waste land and they want to steal football jerseys? They are diverting police and National Guard troops from rescue operations to deal with idiots who steal football jerseys at a time like this.

[edit on 31-8-2005 by WestPoint23]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:24 PM
I doubt any of you have had your house smashed down by a storm the size of France whilst your city is half under water. So I would think placing yourselfs in the mindset of these people is a little differcult.

I see some people saying they would get 'only' what they needed to survive, thats easy to say when you have income and a roof over your head. Try it when you have NOTHING and a free plasma right infront of you!

You have a choice, Plasma gets thrown out eventually (which it will) or you take it and make money off it!

[edit on 31-8-2005 by 7th_Chakra]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:34 PM

I doubt any of you have had your house smashed down by a storm the size of France whilst your city is half under water. So I would think placing yourselfs in the mindset of these people is a little differcult.


Fine they can steal. The people have a right to survival. But the people who own those peoperties (TV, stereo, clothes...ect) Have every bit of right to sit there with a gun and kill them. PROTECTION OF PROPERTY

[edit on 31-8-2005 by Timcouchfanclub]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by GTWill
There is video of an arrest of a mother getting diapers and formula for her baby.

Now I understand looting is wrong but taking things for survival is a crime. Have some heart.

Rather than everyone else having a heart, she should've had a brain. This hurricane didn't spontaneously form out of the bright blue sky over new orleans. She should've stocked up. She should've gotten some washable diapers so as to not have to replace them.She commited a crime.

Its especially important to be heavy handed with theives at a time like this, when the whole city could turn into a looting riot.

Also, survival? No. There are shelters and soup kitchens and fema. She choose to steal, rather than prepare or accept the help that is being offered. She's the grasshoper, the ants shouldn't feel sorry for her, let her play her fiddle in jail.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:48 PM
Okay, I haven't read the entire thread but wanted to chime in on this topic.


Seriously, let them take whatever they want. So what if they are taking plasma televisions. How are they going to profit from it? How are they going to get it out of New Orleans? People that are looting luxuries are idiots anyways. It's a disaster area and most can not leave without help from authorities. You think they'll be allowed to bring that plasma t.v. into the truck/boat that rescues them? Wasting resources to stop the looting is just that, a big fat waste. Most looters should be taking neccessities...diapers, clothes, food, etc. Those taking items for their own profit will not be able to profit from it anyways. Allow them to loot, concentrate efforts on evacuation and then go from there.


posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 04:11 PM
For those of you who think that insurance will pay for the items being looted you're dead wrong. Look at an insurance policy sometime, read the fine print. I'll take any and all bets that less than 1 busuness in 10 and lessthan 1 home in 50 had Flood Insurance. With New Orleans being below sea level, Flood Insurance would cost an arm and a leg. Those that did have insurance are only going to be covered for damages caused by the storm. You can bet bottom dollar that the insurance companies are obtaining all of that video tape of the looting that is being shown on television. They have people who are going to go throught the tape and identify the addresses of the places being looted. They will put that into a database and when those who have insurance file their claim they won't get paid for the looted items.

The second problem with the looting is that these people are destroying more than they are carrying off. Watch the video. With the declaration of Marshall Law the City and State can salvage the damaged property and use it in the relief effort. How many people do you think the the contemts of a Walmart could feed and clothe?

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 04:15 PM

I see your point, but in the scheme of things looting only hurts the situation. Say there is a mom and pop appliance store. This is the peoples lively hood. Now a hurricane comes through and beats it up pretty bad. And then people come in and steal everything else that is good. EVERYTHING is gone. Yeah they can do the insurance thing but after a major storm it will take years before they may even get paid. Mom and Pop will probably never rebound from it.

Plus if they allow looting of stores what the hell is to stop people from going into houses? Stealing is stealing. These people don't care who they hurt.

People may try and justify the STEALING but I can just as easily justify owners of the property to kill in order to protect their things. Not only is it stealing, but breaking and entering and...Trespassing.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 04:40 PM

I think your wrong about the insurance. I bet every business in New Orleans had Flood insurance and Looting as a part of their property insurance. Looting as a part of your insurance all depends on what plan you get. And the business owners are not stupid especially if they have a lifes work invested into it. They know they are below sea level and they also knew that this was possible.

As for the homeowners...they were probably more risky about insurance and I bet a lot lost everything there and won't get it back.

The looting sounds like a dream come true for the city

[edit on 31-8-2005 by Timcouchfanclub]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 04:53 PM
not being racist but i saw a bunch of black people stealing whatever they could, i saw some people with whole racks of sports jerseys and a woman kickin in a store door. It is deplorable that they would steal these things when they could be either escaping, or doing something to help. Oh well, its just inherent in some people to steal, the poor taxpayer is screwed I truly feel sorry for you. I hope they set up a donation scheme, I would surely donate a few quid!

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Timcouchfanclub

I think your wrong about the insurance. I bet every business in New Orleans had Flood insurance and Looting as a part of their property insurance. Looting as a part of your insurance all depends on what plan you get. And the business owners are not stupid especially if they have a lifes work invested into it. They know they are below sea level and they also knew that this was possible.

As for the homeowners...they were probably more risky about insurance and I bet a lot lost everything there and won't get it back.

I thought pretty much like you do, until I saw how many businesses didn't have Flood Insurance last year when we got hit by Ivan. I'll stand by my post and we'll see in the coming months what happens.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 05:26 PM
Insurance does not cover "looting" for homes or businesses.

To quote the Alabama insurance commissioner "Shoot All Looters on Sight!"

I can come ask just as well as you can smash a window and take. You can be civilized in a time of need.

Looting is for animals...scavengers to survive.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 05:33 PM
OMG y'r such a treat man.........


"Have every bit of right to sit there with a gun and kill them. PROTECTION OF PROPERTY "
Oh my my my ....w'r does it say in the commandments ONE SHALL KILL for another mans sin/stealing ????

Y'r Canadian friend,

With guys like you out there....does not surprise me that the story is true.....I feel so bad for her kids.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Timcouchfanclub

I think your wrong about the insurance. I bet every business in New Orleans had Flood insurance and Looting as a part of their property insurance. Looting as a part of your insurance all depends on what plan you get. And the business owners are not stupid especially if they have a lifes work invested into it. They know they are below sea level and they also knew that this was possible.

As for the homeowners...they were probably more risky about insurance and I bet a lot lost everything there and won't get it back.

I thought the same about California and earthquake insurance, until I found out how much that type of insurance cost.

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