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12,500 Little Girls Are Members of Armed Groups In DRC

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posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Lady of the Lake
My this child has big arms and hands? Just my observation.

Agreed. I'm afraid that picture is doctored. Look at the feet, too. Those are not the hands, arms or feet of a small child.

As regards the subject, we may be somewhat responsible (I'm sure we are) for the ills in these countries, but the whole world is kinda messed up right now. Like a mother in a crashing airplane, we (The West, but more specifically, the US) need to put on our mask and make sure we survive before helping the children of the rest of the world.

People may not realize it or agree, but I think the US is heading down a road that just may render us unable to be in a position to help anyone else. If we put more and more into 'helping' other countries, there won't be enough of our middlle class to save ourselves.

Just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 11:23 AM
we pretty much helped Africa enough but they dont appreciate us very much i remember back in 93 Blawk Hawk Down they drag one of the American soldiers. those militias and the people depended on the warlords to survive for they had resources many taking from the UN food aid. we try to get rid of the warlords like Mohammed Farah Aidid. but thanks to CNN the American people believe that it wasnt worth saving those Somalis so which led to non intervention during the Rwanda genocide in 94 which was next year. so u can criticize us for intervening or not intervening it would give American critics ammunition to say we dont care if we didnt intervene or dat we were doing for American empire if we intervene.
wat baloney.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 11:30 AM
With respect to all, I want to ask a very simple question.

What SHOULD we do ?

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:03 PM
Want me to find more?

[edit on 30/8/05 by Souljah]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Apparently the first two Men that were born on this planet, according to the Bible, were brothers that killed each other. Nice way to start a book ey?

Anyway, do you know whats one of the most payed jobs in Africa today?

Being a Soldier, a Mercenary. And you are not payed by the hour, but by the number of people you kill.

So, why are there so many Wars in the Poorest continent on the Planet?


Soulja ...

I suspect you will have some kind of really cool comeback, but you appear to want to have any reason at all to slam on the West.

There are so many wars on the poorest continent because so many of the rulers are so greedy, and rage filled due to ancient blood feuds that there is no other way to go for them in their limited paradigms. And the people are so steeped in their traditional ways that there is no useful alternative for them.

I think that it might be enlightening for you, if you were to get out from behind the keyboard, get uncomfortable and go there. Perhaps have a look at what is going on there for real.

I guess I'm bothered that you hold us directly responsible for all the strife and war that has been going on since before way back. Tribal warfare has simply escalated to the point it is today. Gone from knives to AKs; from spears to rockets. Slavery is still a way of life over there. Death and destruction to tribes that are not your own are the way of life.

I'm not saying it is right, at least, not from our Western way of thought, but it is different over there. Were that not so, they would be ammenable to change.

It is culture and you can't change that. You can legislate to a degree, and that works for a while, but you really can't change it. There are a few, every once in a while who work for change, but they seem to either die, or turn into the very forces they are fighting to change.

I guess I'm saying that somewhere along the way they have to be willing, and able to see the need for change and make it. All the prosyletizing in the world won't make change there until they decide they are ready.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Honestly what do either of you know of Africa other than what you are told on the 11 o clock news?

Firstly I don't watch the 11 o'clock news and I do have some understanding of what is happening in Africa and many other countries for that matter. The west most certainly isn't blameless and I do concede that much of what you have written is based on fact but time to move on.

What value can I bring to this discussion, this. We live in a society today where we are always blaming the ‘other guy’. This happens in the west as well. Not my fault – always someone else. We are creating a society where we do not take responsibility for ourselves and we do not stand up and for ourselves, where collectively we say enough is enough let us try and work together rather than killing each other.

So let me ask you this. Who puts the guns in the hands of children? Yes the west most probably sells them but who buys them and gives them to the children? By the way I think the picture earlier in this thread is a fake. The hands and arms are far too big for a child. People do have a choice – and that is don’t buy the guns. When women and childrening are starving in these countries who send food and who stops aid getting to the women and children? Once again, the locals have a choice.

So you see this type of behaviour just goes on and on and I frankly I am tired of the 'blame everyone else' society. It would be nice just once to see a balance discussion.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 07:37 PM
Still no answer.....mabye I'm asking the right questions....

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 07:53 PM
Things are not as bad as they are in your minds...

Who here has been to Africa? Hands?

Well, mine is up. Born and raised.

"minus the ubiquitous Egypt, still hasn't produced a sustainable technical society."
South Africa is doing just fine, and come to think, if South Africans actually owned the Gold and Diamond companies, instead of foreign corporations..

What, are we to nationalize some British companies, and have the UN declare war on us? So even shipping most of the natural resources out of the country (while the miners are getting a few dollars a day), South Africa has still managed to achieve something. People should go see for themselves instead of fretting about it on the Internet.

Instead of donating money, save it, and go there! If you want to do something personal, you tend to have to do it IN PERSON.

Africa's place right now in the public conscious is what? Scary war-torn place. All ruins and #.

And how far off the truth is this really? Massively! The common perception is that you can't even feed yourself if you go to Africa! Or that you SHOULD stay in a city... Hmmm, way to see the country side, that.

All North Americans and most Europeans should be giving thoughts to migrating to the rest of the world, but yet, we only see people arrive in countries such as Canada, US, UK, Australia.

They are actually increasing hate of foreigners in Africa by keeping foreigners from going there! And then, the people that do show up, of course, own large corporations!

Great impression they make, on behalf of us regular folk, hm?

[edit on 30-8-2005 by akilles]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
With respect to all, I want to ask a very simple question.

What SHOULD we do ?

If we managed to stop the trafficking of weapons, it would be a good start.

WAR: Global Arms - Trafficking Network Designated by US

"The Merchant of Death" is still active...

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
With respect to all, I want to ask a very simple question.
What SHOULD we do ?

First and foremost as Helmutt suggested end all shipments of arms to Africa. Stop dumping the west's surplus weapons for rock bottom prices, where people do not even have running water, or basic sanitation facilities.

Then end all western backed leaders who are driven purely by profit and power, and allow the African nations to democratically ellect their own governments. This should allow them the chance to be governed by people who somewhat have their citizens in mind.

After that all foreign debt should be considered null and void, to allow them the chance to build their infrastructure, since the west' infrastructure was built on the backs and with the resources provided by the "third world".

Last and not least a thorough and detailed study investigating the benefits the west recieved over 500 years of imperialism for the purpose of eventually being expressed in/as a monetary value, which would ultimately be paid back to the continent as a whole (african Union perhaps) for further development, and to ensure the end of all foreign aid whatsoever.

Of course this is all IMHO.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Lady of the Lake
My this child has big arms and hands? Just my observation.

It's in the camera perspective. Put an adult hand in place where the boys is on this rifle, the forefingers would wrap around the stock to be opposite of his thumb; and his forearm would look as big as his head as well, anything closer is larger.

If that doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll post a pic of adult hands holding a rifle in the same fashion [didn't feel like installing the digi drivers just now].

As for the feet [Benevolent Heretic], the boy is in a prone position, on a burm. His feet are closer to his torso as this position is as if squatting yet laying down. You seem to have the impression the boy is stretched out flat, which would make his feet appear smaller.

Just once, do you think we might not blame western countries for all the ills of the world?

If kids ..... KIDS ...... are killing and dying - does it really matter who's at fault?


[Edit = feet comment]

[edit on 30-8-2005 by Misfit]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Still no answer.....mabye I'm asking the right questions....

I agree we need to stop dumping weapons but back to my previous point if there wasn't a market and a buyer there would be no sales to start with. Supply and demand. Don't demand and there is nio supply.

This will sound really harsh and perhaps insensitive but I believe the only way to help is to do nothing. It breaks my heart to see children suffer but as long as we buy into the drama it will continue. That said, large corps have got to stop exploiting the natural resoucres and hence personal wealth of some of these countries.

I also agree with the previous comment that America may not be in position to assist for much longer. I suspect my little country is the same. We have real issues to deal with here. We have poured millions into third world countries and their lot doesn't appear to improve. I think whilst ever we continue to do this we make third world countries weaker. They need to develop their own strength. Many more will die and that is very sad but sometimes before major change can occur and people take control of their lives and their destiny they have to reach rock-bottom perhaps they are not there yet.

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