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NEWS: Grieving Mother's Campaign Against Bush's War

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posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:53 PM
If Bush can't answer the simple question,
What is the damn reason her son had to die for,

Seems to me Bush and War mongers just like to see people needlessly murdered. Or maybe you just want to help prop up the fat profit rich Haliburton.

Bush broke her heart when he killed her son.

Now he won't even explain why.

Guess he needs Rove to create a scripted reason for him.

You people who support the war are sick war dogs.
You like to see the burned and mutilated corpses of Iraqis and Americans.
You can't come up with a good reason for this war,
You just like murder and mayhem.
Bet you enjoyed seeing Americans hanging like barbequed meat from that Iraqi bridge.
I think you people are sick.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:57 PM
OK slank, chill it down NOW.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:02 PM
Why don't you tell that to tens of thousands of Dead Iraqis and over 1800 Dead Americans and all their families.

We have commited mass murder in Iraq.
All for no reason but GREED.

Halibuton profited at the expense of tens of thousands of human lives.
All unnecessarily Dead as the result of American actions.

War is not a movie,
War is REAL death and REAL destruction.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by slank
If Bush can't answer the simple question,
What is the damn reason her son had to die for,

Hey slank, her 15 minutes with Bush are up and were up after her and her family's initial meeting. She will not get another 15 minutes....

Anyhow, I believe this says it better than any of us have said it so far:

"I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan," Bush told reporters Thursday. "She feels strongly about her position, and she has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America."

"I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place," Bush said. "I also have heard the voices of those saying: Pull out now. And I've thought about their cry and their sincere desire to reduce the loss of life by pulling our troops out. I just strongly disagree."

Cindy Sheehan talks and waits outside president's ranch

Also, be assured that what rights she has to voice her discontent, likewise, those who disagree with her also have such rights.


[edit on 14-8-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:05 PM
If this president is as moral and God fearing as he claims what would be the harm in getting over there and giving this woman 10 minutes of his precious time and reassure her that (gulp) he's doing what is best for the world, yada yada yada....Instead he allows this to become highly politisized and a public spectacle for the nation and the world to see..

I beleive this president thrives on chaos and he will have it no other way.

So what if he has already met with her?! Do it again. darn it. WTF

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:05 PM
The only sick person in this story is this mother who is using her son's noble sacrifice to push her own political agenda thereby disgracing and dishonoring her son.

I'm sure her son is rolling in his grave.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by slank
Why don't you tell that to tens of thousands of Dead Iraqis and over 1800 Dead Americans and all their families.

We have commited mass murder in Iraq.
All for no reason but GREED.

Halibuton profited at the expense of tens of thousands of human lives.
All unnecessarily Dead as the result of American actions.

War is not a movie,
War is REAL death and REAL destruction.

Thanks for the "honey" but I think my wife would object. Just to set things straight, #15 of the T&C:

15.) You will, if asked by myself or a moderator, cease posting any content, and/or links to content, deemed offensive, objectionable, or in poor taste by the representatives of the message board.

Consider this the second request to keep the content of ATSNN above the rest of the Net. Insults are NOT allowed here.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:07 PM
His carefully crafted response from his speech writers.

The man lives in a cocoon.

Can't even face genuine intellectual opposition.

He and you are the instruments of evil.

Nice words and images to paper over horrible deeds.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:09 PM
By papering over the facts of war you have blood on your hands.

Many serial murderers have very polite manners.

Keep your manners at the cost of your soul?

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
So what if he has already met with her?! Do it again. darn it. WTF

She should feel fortunate that she has gotten the time with the President as she did. How many other families can say the same?
Yet you, as with others, want him to meet her again?

Wishful thinking.
And if anyone is letting this become more politicized as it already is, she should be looking in the mirror. Perhaps then she will see those pushing and shoving her forward: Michael Moore, CodePink,, etc......


posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:14 PM
She stands for tens of thousands of dead Iraqis, over 1800 dead Americans, tens of thousands of maimed and wounded Americans,

And simply asks the question,


posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:17 PM
I think we are lucky not to have YOU in Washington

This whole thing could have been old news by now...Just ask the Crawford resident who fired the shots....

When all other arguments fail, i would tell you that the president works for us and has to answer to we, the people of the USA.

[edit on 14-8-2005 by dgtempe]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:42 PM
You have voted dgtempe for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

DG, you've been around a while, and are pretty well respected I believe. I don't know if it means that much to you to get a vote for way above, but you got mine anyway. I think that lots of people forget that Dub, Cheney, and the rest of the Boys of Summer, do work for we the people and I think it's about time that they realized it ... And act accordingly.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 03:10 AM
Thought i'd share this quote:

"Why do the right wing media so assiduously scrutinize the words of a grief filled mother and ignore the words of a lying president?" - Cindy Sheehan

How true.

To all the right wingers on this board who support Bush and his escapade in Iraq, dont you think its reasonable that she just gets another meeting with the president, Bush has a chat with her and then that's the end of it??? Is that so unreasonable?

Muaddib, you're point is one that is possible however lets use our heads with a bit of logic and probability:

is it more probable that a mother knows her son better than an aunt? If so thank you


[edit on 15-8-2005 by drfunk]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 05:12 AM
America sees the war as some kind of video game.

Many of the war supporters laugh about it in their posts like it is a joke.

We don't even see the real horror we have unleashed there.
The dismembered bloody bodies with bones poking out.
The smell of cooking human meat as the black smoke rises from it.
The stench as human bodies putrifying in the Hot desert sun.

This war got very real for this woman.

Her first born son is now a corpse.

Her boy who used to laugh and play and occasionally scream.

This has happened to tens of thousands of families here in the US and Iraq.

Their former living playful family member is dead and breathes no more.

America is psychotically detatched from the war.
the media only presents carefully sensored photos.

We can't even see the clean flag drapped coffins of American dead as they are shipped home.

America is like a schizophrenic killer, that brutally murders people by day then cleans up and dresses elegantly at night to party as though nothing is wrong.

War is mass murder.

This one just doesnt have any good reason for it.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 06:42 AM
Should her opinion of the war and Bush change because her son died? She disagreed with it from the get go, now her son dies and some seem to think she should become apathetic and go sit by the window and be a good little American. Is this what I'm understanding?

Personally, I don't care what organizations support her. I do care that while people die, without being told why, (an honest reason), Haliburton profits tremendously. How can we question her motives because of organizations that support her and not question Bush's involvement with Haliburton?

I, too, would like to talk to the president about this war. A pat on the head and a peck on the cheek doesn't cut it. I, however, am just a working class American, struggling with the cost of gas, and medical expenses while my tax dollars are being used to occupy another country. Therefore, I certainly can't afford to go to Texas, (cost of gas and loss of wages) so I don't get to publicly request a meeting with Bush, but, I can appreciate Mrs. Sheehan wanting the answers a growing number of Americans want. She doesn't look too me like a publicity seeker. Have you looked at the pics of her? Is she dressed and made up like someone is concerned with being on prime time news?

I gave this president the benefit of the doubt at the beginning. I didn't question his motives, I believed him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt as a God fearing man. No one changed my mind but him.

I remember the Viet Nam war. My father re upped too. Because it was the only job he could find at that time. Did he agree with the war, did he think it was possible to win? No, he did not. He saw young men trained in the desert to fight a war in a jungle. He saw 5 nineteen year old young men die that he knew. I knew young men that came back from that war that never were the same. And to what end? Oh, btw, I heard on NPR radio that our soldiers are using weapons from that war. Maybe the president should ask Haliburton to donate some money so we can at least buy them decent weapons and provide vehicles. (That, right there, would make me want to talk to the president about my son's death, let alone the reason he was there to begin with). Instead, America will give haliburton a tax break. Something the matter with this picture?


I'm sorry about the way the link is posted. I'm new here and don't have time to read on how to do it since I have to go to work to keep this war machine running while sacrificing medical care.

Go ahead, keep believing everything your president feeds you, be apathetic, that's all he asks.

[edit on 15-8-2005 by gypsyskyes]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by sigung86
I think that lots of people forget that Dub, Cheney, and the rest of the Boys of Summer, do work for we the people and I think it's about time that they realized it ... And act accordingly.
I appreciate your support of my view and thank you.

Thats what it boils down to.

Government is supposedly picked by the people, to work for our best interests and protection. Instead, big bad corporations get all the protection and the money. Forget the regular Joe out on the street

Actions like these just endears me more and more to Bush and Co..

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

Government is supposedly picked by the people, to work for our best interests and protection. Instead, big bad corporations get all the protection and the money. Forget the regular Joe out on the street

Actions like these just endears me more and more to Bush and Co..

He, he, dg since when we elect president any more it seems that for the last two presidential elections the presidents elections has been dominated by "Religious rights" "the moral majority" the "corporate agenda" and the " oil barons"

It makes me sad how a women that had the guts to come out and speak for herself is been bang up and down to justify the war, I guess women role by the "American moral Majority" and " The religous right" is of Ms. Sussy homemaker, if you lost a son well got ahead make some more.

Thats is your God given place in the land of men and Gods.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 02:03 PM
dgtempe, slank, and marg.........................................................
If Cindy Sheehan's voice is so important to the left wing media and those who make up the angry and hate-filled left, such as yourselves, and it is said that the moral authority of parents who bury their children during war is absolute, just as the left wing media is playing her words and despair as, do those pro-war parents who have lost children in Iraq equally bear recognition and consideration, having absolute moral authority as Cindy Sheehan and those others do that are there with her? Do their voices carry as much validity as Cindy Sheehans?! Apparently not, does not fit into the leftwing angry and hate-filled mainstream media and anti-war anti-Bush movements agenda's.

If so, and their voices have equal validity, why are their voices not being heard within mainstream media, such as the Today Show, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, etc.?
Here's one parent voice:

"I don't agree" with Sheehan's views, said Lynn Kelly of Pitman, whose son, Marine Cpl. Sean P. Kelly, was killed in a helicopter crash in Iraq in January.

"I wouldn't say, 'Bush, you killed my son.' I don't agree with that," said Kelly.

"I think we had to do something and I believe that ultimately, I was one of the few that had to make the ultimate sacrifice, which isn't fair, in my eyes," she said.

"But I don't believe that Mr. Bush was the one that pulled the trigger," said Kelly.

Or how about another parents voice:

Marine Cpl. Marc T. Ryan, of Gloucester City, was killed in an explosion in Ramadi, Iraq in November.

"I would tell Cindy Sheehan that, as one mother to another, I do realize your loss is your loss and there's nothing you can do to heal from it," said the corporal's mother, Linda Ryan.

"George Bush didn't kill her son, it's the evildoers who have no value of life who killed her son. Her son made a decision to join the Armed Forces and defend our country, knowing that, at any time, war could come about," Ryan said.

She said she's been on the end of those kinds of conversations several times. Recently, when she took her dog in for medical treatment, the veterinarian, despite seeing Ryan's memory bracelet and the necklace bearing a portrait of her son, started telling her how much she hates George Bush.

Marine parents: Protest wrong

Or maybe this parents voice:

Among those attending the pro-Bush rally was Thomas Zapp, of Richmond, Texas, whose 20-year-old son, Marine Lance Cpl. T.J. Zapp, was killed by a bomb in Iraq on Nov. 8, 2004.

Zapp said that it was unfair for Sheehan to demand a second meeting with the president when many parents of slain GIs, like himself, have not even had a single meeting.

"I have not met with President Bush," he told the Tribune-Herald. "Why should she get to meet with President Bush again?"

"I firmly believe our president is sincere with what we have to do and I believe that he's under enormous pressure and he's doing the best he can. I'm here to support him," Zapp added.

Pro-Bush Demonstrators Counter Sheehan

Or this voice:

A bagpiper played "Amazing Grace" as city and religious leaders paid tribute in Cleveland today to the 16 Ohio Marines killed in Iraq in the past week.

Hundreds of people turned out for the downtown vigil over the lunch hour.

Jim Boskovitch is the father of Corporal Jeff Boskovitch, one of five Marine snipers killed on Monday [8 August]. He says his family came to the vigil to support the troops still in Iraq.

Hundreds Attend Memorial For Fallen Marines

Or this voice:

Motorcycles roared their engines Saturday to herald the funeral procession of Marine Sgt. Justin Hoffman, one of 14 Marines killed last week in the deadliest roadside bombing since U.S. troops invaded Iraq.
"'Freedom is not free' is a phrase we hear every day, but few of us understand what it means," Robert Hoffman said Saturday at his son's funeral in Powell, another Columbus suburb. "Justin and the Lima Company understood. They gave up their lives for it."

Ohio Mourns 3 More Victims of Iraq Attack

More can be provided, be assured.
Their voices are not being heard but Cindy Sheehan's voice is, interesting, no?

Don't let the Michael Moore, CodePink, and boogymen get you, k? Opps, apparently this warning has come to late.....


[edit on 15-8-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 02:12 PM

"Why do the right wing media so assiduously scrutinize the words of a grief filled mother and ignore the words of a lying president?" - Cindy Sheehan

How true.

To all the right wingers on this board who support Bush and his escapade in Iraq, dont you think its reasonable that she just gets another meeting with the president, Bush has a chat with her and then that's the end of it??? Is that so unreasonable?



I'm With You on this one Doctor of Funk!

With this AVOIDING Bush is just making this an even bigger situation then it was when it started. If he would talk to her in the start, none of us would have this discussion. But he is avoding her, because he don't want to FACE a Mother, whos Son died in Iraq, and she does not agree with this War. He does NOT want to face the Truth - but sooner or later the Truth will come to mister President. And he better be ready that day...

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