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What is there when theres nothing?

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posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:24 PM
Scientists say that universes are always expanding which means that the universes have to be expanding into a place where there is nothing. What is it like where there is it cant be white or black, because those would constitute as something. Would it be a vaccuum more powerful than space where there is stuff. This question has been plaguing me for a long time so could someone shed some light on it?

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:31 PM
obviously something. It's difficult to think of an infinite universe, because the earth is a finite entity. The idea of a light year is incomprehendable, let alone an infinite universe.

It's just one of those questions that one leaves to the imagination to find a sense of closure.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:38 PM
When the eye receives no light it perceives things as black.

I think, as you say, that there would just be an absolute vacuum.
If it helps, imagine that very very far away there is another universe just like ours. Doing this helps add a bit of perspective!

Pesonally though I do think that concepts such as infinity and so on can only be felt, not intellectually experienced. Emotional experiences seem to be very efficient syntheses of very complicated stimuli! Let yourself experience what your mind is telling this "nothing" is, don't be afraid! Just try for a teeny weeny second!

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:41 PM
What is there where there is nothing?

Why, the potential for something of course.

Nothing is always pregnant with something.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:47 PM
There cannot be nothing, because once something has been done, it cannot be undone.

In the fourth dimencion all time is one, and so time will never run out or anything in that sence.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:48 PM
Very nice WyrdeOne, I think you're looking for the philosophy forum.

You can call it a vacuum because there's nothing there, but it's misleading. A vacuum as we know it will have something in it (gravitons, etc.)

"Outside" of space there is nothing. Not even space for nothing to exist in, not a vacuum, not light, not black, nothing. It doesn't exist. It's not there.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:52 PM
exactly but if theres no space it just cant end, especially if it is expanding into something that isnt occupied by anything. there has to be expanding, which means it has to exist

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 09:09 PM
space is bend, take the thought of shape out of ur mind for a second and imagine this

u leave on a space ship from the very center of the north pole. u go on a coarse at a straight path. no gravitational pulls direct u astray from this straight path at all. it goes straight all the way. now for a moment pretend the earth doesnt move at all it stays exactly in the same coordinates or spot. it u traveled this path u would end up eventually at the south pole. space would be bent. now dont go jumping into different shapes because it has no boundries. it would be the finite universe with no boundries. because space would be bend this could occur.

think of the world map. once u travel around the world ur at the same spot. but see the thing is we live in a 3 coordinate plane not 2. in other worlds we dont live in x,y. we live in x,y,z. so its finite in space but in a way u can never hit the end.

this is sumthing i have trouble explaining but i hope that made it more clear on my view

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:06 PM
Why did you have to post this thread!, now you've kept me from going to sleep.
Too confusing to answer.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
space is bend, take the thought of shape out of ur mind for a second and imagine this

u leave on a space ship from the very center of the north pole. u go on a coarse at a straight path. no gravitational pulls direct u astray from this straight path at all. it goes straight all the way. now for a moment pretend the earth doesnt move at all it stays exactly in the same coordinates or spot. it u traveled this path u would end up eventually at the south pole. space would be bent. now dont go jumping into different shapes because it has no boundries. it would be the finite universe with no boundries. because space would be bend this could occur.

think of the world map. once u travel around the world ur at the same spot. but see the thing is we live in a 3 coordinate plane not 2. in other worlds we dont live in x,y. we live in x,y,z. so its finite in space but in a way u can never hit the end.

this is sumthing i have trouble explaining but i hope that made it more clear on my view

In other words Space isn't flat, its a spherical shape just like everything else in space. Planets, moons, earth, asteroids, comets, stars, etc all spherical, like space.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:34 PM
This is why there is something more. There is something outside of our known universe. Everything has boundaries and borders of some kind... Think about it almost like your inflating a ball. Its expanding in to the space around it, this space is just something else, something new. But the ball can only inflate, and expand so much, it has restrictions to it. If it gets too inflated, it pops. Maybe all the energy from this exploded universe is put forth in to creating a new one, Its recycled. Just some thoughts. I love this topic though. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:37 PM
Frankly, we can't fathom that. We can't fathom anything other than our current three spatial dimensions, and outside of space-time, our three dimensions don't exist.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:53 PM
well i once remember hearing a sphere is the simplest form of showing energy. orbs and all. everything, a bubble as well. but like i sed the universe has no shape. its not a sphere because then sumthing would have to be outside it. no bountries whatsoever

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 12:17 AM
maybe everything outside of the universe is simply incomprehensible, therefore, not even considered nothing. then the universe would be the all, and the everything.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 12:44 AM
yes i know all of this but like space has to be expanding into something. There has to be empty space. In this empty space there has to be nothing. But what is it like. there is no light or anything.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 01:04 AM
^u didnt read anything i wrote did u?

i said space isnt expanding, in a 3-d world when it is bent isnt expanding. it cant, theres nowhere to expand to. if it expanded at all then it would be hitting itself. whichever way it tried to expand it would just hit itself. now u cant say well why cant we see ourselfs...because simply the universe is so big for use to see an image of earth it would have to be sumwhere beyond 18.5 billion light years old. now we been around like what maybe 5 maxium. in that case we cant see anything farther because simply the light hasnt reached our own planet yet

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 01:44 AM
if i understand what you are saying the universe cant expand like that, it has to expand to somewhere else, or it wouldnt be expanding.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 12:22 PM
space isnt expanding, all matter is moving away from a center point, trig and stuff solves for that. but space is not, it is a set amount. matter is expanding, i have no doubt that matter is moving away from a center point (big bang) but space is not expnading. of coarse it cant expand like that, there nothing for it to expand into so it simply isnt expanding or contracting, there is always that given amount of space, with no bountries

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Space is expanding. Just because outside of it doesn't exist doesn't mean it can't get bigger. In fact, makes it even easier to get bigger.

Don't forget that space also means the actual space we live in, so some weird stuff happens. (Perceived FTL travel, not being ripped, etc.)

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 08:01 PM
u can prove that all matter can be expanding, but how do u prove of sumthing that has no mass, or matter to it and cannot be messured to be expending. how can u even prove that it has walls to it or boundries? say u could travel at the speed of light, if u traveled to the end then u hit a wall? then outside it would have to be sumthing....even if its only space. that just means u have a barrier between the two. u cant expand into what does not exist, if its there even if it is no matter or mass or even energy its still space. which then means it has no ending. it would then be infinite. finite simply isnt possible unless its bent like i sed.

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