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Fascist 5th Column in US Gov't?

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posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 04:54 PM
A lot of Fascists with 'value' to the US Government were brought back from Germany after WWII and put to work on various government programs of scientific and military significance.

Here's a link that describes a little of this activity:

Is it possible that some of these fascists have developed their own fascist factions within our government whose power waxes and wanes depending on who's in office?

Perhaps it's paranoia over the Supreme Court's recent decision that's made me think so much about the possibility of fascists in our government. But, considering our past, it's not such a far fetched idea.

It's well known that government intelligence agencies operate under rules of expediency rather than strict moral or legal considerations. Making the wrong kind of expedient decisions could have serious negative repercussions for our government when individuals of questionable backgrounds are incorporated into our governmental infrastructure. It's certain that these elements would have no compunction about acting against Constitutional values.

Could these fascist elements be behind recent hard line actions? Are there other questionable elements that have been similarly incorporated into our government structures besides the fascists?

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 05:11 PM
a resounding "YES" to all your questions. you're on the trail. check out lyndon larouche's stuff at for names and phone numbers of these satanist fascists. this particular meme pool goes beyond the recent rise of fascism is america. this crew has been at it since the late 1800s AT LEAST!

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 05:30 PM

a resounding "YES" to all your questions. you're on the trail. check out lyndon larouche's stuff at for names and phone numbers of these satanist fascists. this particular meme pool goes beyond the recent rise of fascism is america. this crew has been at it since the late 1800s AT LEAST!

I looked at the web site, but I was unable to determine what exactly it was I was supposed to be looking at ...

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 07:48 AM
i was just like the guy above i read it... didnt know what to look at...waht u think that those germans are like... sending info back to germany??

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 09:25 AM
I personally think 9/11 and for sure the Anthrax Attacks were planned, financed and facilitated by this 'Fascist 5th Column', as you call it. There has always been a far right faction in the US, and it was augmented considerably by the thousands of German and Nazi scientists and specialists recruited following WWII to help the US develop into the superpower that it is today. Many sacrifices were made in the name of expediency, exacerbated by the mostly fabricated Soviet Communist threat. The question that remains is, will this faction complete its takeover of the US political process, or can it be stopped before it is too late?

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 10:23 AM
The New Jersey State Troopers was founded by Norman Swarzkopfs father, and consisted of many Nazi's. At the outbreak of world war II there were over 6,000 card carrying members of the Nazi party in New Jersey, where did they go? Into Government jobs of course.

It took over 50 years to bust the NJ state troopers for racial profiling, even though reports of their zeig hieling each other came out in the public as early the 70's. The NJ state trooper uniform was even modeled after the SS.

Are there fascists in our government? You bet.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by AWingAndASigh

a resounding "YES" to all your questions. you're on the trail. check out lyndon larouche's stuff at for names and phone numbers of these satanist fascists. this particular meme pool goes beyond the recent rise of fascism is america. this crew has been at it since the late 1800s AT LEAST!

I looked at the web site, but I was unable to determine what exactly it was I was supposed to be looking at ...

here's a link, to a bunch of educating articles, full of names and dates.

and here, is an article specifically dealing with The Congress for Cultural Freedom: Making — The Postwar World Safe for Fascist 'Kulturkampf'

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