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It's Coming together now

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 04:16 AM
I look at it this way, if you don't like it, don't look at it...

- 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI
- The Da Vinci Code
- Harry Potter
- Secular Music (The Devil's Code) look at
- The European Union
- Paranormality (Is it due to more technology, better technology at a lower cost or as prophezied?)

Next year, May 2006. The Da Vinci Code will be release all over the world in about a week. (This is six years prior to 2012.) This is make sense to alot of people, and alot of Christians and Catholics. The Catholic church is asking people to boycott this movie. This move will cast doubt in people's minds. This is all leading towards great apostasy. In 2012, this Pope shall pass away, a new Liberal one will be elected, causing a division in the church. centuries of Bibical based teaching tossed away.

Harry Potter is preparing the next generation for the Mark of the beast, which they will all be adults by 2012+. With Witchcraft and a Mark on his head.

Paranormal. Which I am a strong believer in. Is it due to better and affordable technology, and it's always been around, we are just now getting more of it? or is it due to an increase in spiritual activity?

The EU is a "mini" version of the Coming One World Government. Global domination by a loving man...

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
I look at it this way, if you don't like it, don't look at it...

If you don't want people to chastise you for biggotry.. don't make biggoted statements:

Harry Potter is preparing the next generation for the Mark of the beast, which they will all be adults by 2012+. With Witchcraft and a Mark on his head.

If you fear 'the devil' you are his lapdog.
If you teach people to attack and HATE other beliefs you are servicing him by default. If you see 'the devil'/mark of the beast in other people and faiths.. and a prepared to publicly announce it- maybe you should take a look in the mirror. There has been a alot of evil done under the label of 'christianity'.. unlike Christianity; Harry Potter fans have not burnt anyone at the stake and have bought happiness to alot of kids.. so which is the evil 'religion'?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Ok, maybe I am not reading this right but how does Harry Potter fit in as a "religion"?

Oh well, interesting post and as with any predictions only time will tell what is real and what is not. The Da Vinci Code movie is just like any other movie and it is pretty common for religious groups to try and boycott many types of movies as do other non-religious groups. I doubt one movie is going to change the world.............although I did have high hopes for SpongeBob at one time.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by riley
If you don't want people to chastise you for biggotry.. don't make biggoted statements:

Harry Potter is preparing the next generation for the Mark of the beast, which they will all be adults by 2012+. With Witchcraft and a Mark on his head.

Harry Potter fans have not burnt anyone at the stake and have bought happiness to alot of kids.. so which is the evil 'religion'?

No one has been burnt at the stake or killed over Harry Potter. Where is the Biggotry? Which is the Evil Religion? That religion isn't around yet. That is the Anti-Christ's harlot religon. It's a Storm, and He's storm is coming soon!

[edit on 18-6-2005 by Godzilla1985]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 07:17 PM
Does the fact that both the Da Vinci Code, and Harry Potter series, are works of fiction, enter this equation at all?

Or is it just pure speculation?

And is this ignoring the positive things the HP books are teaching (friendship, overcoming bullies, loyalty, etc etc)?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
No one has been burnt at the stake or killed over Harry Potter.

Yes but they have for being witches.. more specifically because someone decided witches were devil worshipers when they weren't. Since you are saying the same thing I would say you are promting the same kind of persecution.

Where is the Biggotry? Which is the Evil Religion? That religion isn't around yet. That is the Anti-Christ's harlot religon. It's a Storm, and He's storm is coming soon!

Anti-christ is someone who is against tolerence, love and is for discrimination. You obviously fit into this into the 'ant christ' philosophy.. having also calling wicka a 'harlot' religion. The evil religion is the version that promotes hate.. this religion is yours.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by riley

Where is the Biggotry? Which is the Evil Religion? That religion isn't around yet. That is the Anti-Christ's harlot religon. It's a Storm, and He's storm is coming soon!

Anti-christ is someone who is against tolerence, love and is for discrimination. You obviously fit into this into the 'ant christ' philosophy.. having also calling wicka a 'harlot' religion. The evil religion is the version that promotes hate.. this religion is yours.

How can you miss the point of that, I didn't state Wicca as the harlot religion, look at what I wrote: "That religion isn't around yet" meaning, It does not yet exist.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
How can you miss the point of that, I didn't state Wicca as the harlot religion, look at what I wrote: "That religion isn't around yet" meaning, It does not yet exist.

A reminder:

Harry Potter is preparing the next generation for the Mark of the beast, which they will all be adults by 2012+. With Witchcraft and a Mark on his head.

I've seen what you wrote.. and It's bleeding obvious what point you were trying to make.. witchcraft [wicka] has been around for a millenia.. trying to back track on your own biggotry by saying 'but that religion isn't around yet' is kind of ridiculous considering you've already mentioned the 'harlot religion' it [and the mark of the beast] as being witchcraft.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:45 PM
For what it's worth, Wicca hasn't been around for millenia.

Wicca was the child of Gerald Gardner, who "took" a lot of information from a few sources (OTO was a huge influence), added what he called "ancient pagan rites" and mixed it all together, calling it "Wicca".

Whilst there's enough evidence to confirm that some kind of pagan-ish herbalism-based practices have existed consistently for centuries throughout most of Europe, there's no evidence that Wicca - either as Gardner's ideal, or as any form of organised religion - existed before the 20th century.

(and this is from a gal who spent over 10 years as a practising, coven-initiated Wiccan. Me

Now having said that - this doesn't negate the religion, or it's practices, nor does it invalidate any belief therein. To each their own. It should be clarified though that Gardner's Wicca never makes mention of the Devil, Lucifer, the anti-Christ or indeed, anything remotely anti-Church or anti-Christian, outside of a purely "Christians believe in Satan; Wiccans do not" context.

(Yes, I'm generously paraphrasing)

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by riley
I've seen what you wrote.. and It's bleeding obvious what point you were trying to make.. witchcraft [wicka] has been around for a millenia.. trying to back track on your own biggotry by saying 'but that religion isn't around yet' is kind of ridiculous considering you've already mentioned the 'harlot religion' it [and the mark of the beast] as being witchcraft.

This is G-d Damn ridulous!

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:45 PM
Some may find this and interesting read.

its long and alot of it has gone over my head,i dont know how much of it can be proven as fact.But i believe along these type of lines,i have`nt read it all tho,so far its interesting.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower
For what it's worth, Wicca hasn't been around for millenia.

I realise this.. but saying 'paganism' isn't exactly specific either.. the reason I say 'wicca' is because it is the one that is recognised by most as being the modern version of 'witchcraft'.. and the one practiced by most 'witches' as they do not have access to the knowledge in it's original context [CO Catholic church].. however corrupted this knowledge has become though it is still based on very old belief systems. What qualifies as 'witchcraft' specifically would be difficult to establish.. druids had soothsayers.. there have always been taroh card and rune readers, voodoo, things like reiki.. and there is alot of mythology surrounding sorcery which may suggests it has a cultural basis. Many of the saints are also 'inspired' by gods/godesses that were once used in incantations.. and the image of Jesus is apparently taken from 'zeus' imagry.

[edit on 20-6-2005 by riley]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985

Originally posted by riley
I've seen what you wrote.. and It's bleeding obvious what point you were trying to make.. witchcraft [wicka] has been around for a millenia.. trying to back track on your own biggotry by saying 'but that religion isn't around yet' is kind of ridiculous considering you've already mentioned the 'harlot religion' it [and the mark of the beast] as being witchcraft.

This is G-d Damn ridulous!

Were you or were you not suggesting that Harry Potter fans will later become witches and worship/follow the devil?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by riley
Were you or were you not suggesting that Harry Potter fans will later become witches and worship/follow the devil?

A Suggestion, that is your interpretation. Anyways. The Harlot religion is not Wicca. The Harlot religion isn't around yet. And as for Witchcraft and Tribal religions are not the same. Wicca and it's ethnic sects, such as Celtic, Italian, Norse, Northern European etc.

The Head of the Harlot religion is going to be the Anti-Christ.

How does "Witchcraft" play into it? Kids see Harry Potter using this power and seeing other fictional charactors using this power that they can't do with Christianity, Islam, Budhism, etc. When they learn they can't do that, they'll see the Anti-Christ and/or False Prophet that can perform those signs.

So, yes Harry Potter fans will later worship/follow the devil.

Anyways, If you're offended by this "Biggoted" view, please post your concerns and I will be sure to ignore them.

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 12:00 AM

The Catholic church is asking people to boycott this movie. This move will cast doubt in people's minds. This is all leading towards great apostasy. In 2012, this Pope shall pass away, a new Liberal one will be elected, causing a division in the church. centuries of Bibical based teaching tossed away.

Why would the church be slamming the davinci code, but then all of a sudden 'liberalize'?

Also, the davinci code, its every bit a 'slam' on christianity itself as it is of catholicism. Inded, the basic ideas of the book only 'make the catholics look bad' because people tend to think that the catholic church was around from the begining. Infact, the book isn't really so 'damning' of the RCC as people make it out ot be.

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Why would the church be slamming the davinci code, but then all of a sudden 'liberalize'?

I will try to answer your question the best I can. The Church is slamming the Da Vinci code for being sac-religious and is contrary to The Bible, and saying basically Jesus was a just a man with wild ideas, when he was God in the flesh. Although, the masses may not grasp the concept; The Da Vinci code is fiction, just like Harry Potter.

When the Anti-Christians/Anti-Catholics will use this in their arguments, probably on this board and others and use against street preachers. This is draw those weak in the faith away from the religion, casting doubt. The church has always been plagued by apostasy.

The Next Pope will be the most secular Pope ever elected. This will cause a huge division in the Catholic Church. Protestant Christianity is going through it right now. The Liberalization of churches! Liberalization of churches is when churches go against what was wrote in the bible. Such as allowing openly and practicing homosexual clergy, supporting Planned Parenthood's cause, the resurrection of Jesus is only a Legend, and Jesus can't save anyone.

The Church has been heading that way for years.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 05:51 PM
Yes, I know Dan Brown's novel is a work of fiction. Very well researched and very well wrote work of fiction. So is Harry Potter. I know that magic wands can't turn someone into a toad and people can't fly on broom sticks.

What this is, is all a matter of faith, a lack of faith and a search for faith.

If people believe (Which I have been meeting them left and right) that the Da Vinci code's "Truth" holds up they are going to adopt that as a new gospel. Jesus did not come to earth to raise a family and be with women, he came to Earth to save all mankind. He doesn't have offspring or desendents in France.

I have met some college-educated people that believe "The Da Vinci Code" is true. They've read some other books and believe it all holds-up.

Alot of this is based on "The Gospel of Thomas", I read it, and it did not hold-up to the Character of Jesus in Mark, Matthew, Luke or John. I read it after seeing "Stigmata" which that movie was really revolved around the authentication of "The Gospel of Thomas".

The Persecution of Christianity in North America and Europe will grow and grow.

The latest news is the Catholic churches having to sell off many of their churches to pay for (or pay off) the Sexual Abuse settlements.

Less churches to go to less active members! The Apostasy in unfolding before you eyes!

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 10:51 PM
This is a Christian point of view.......

Gay Marriages... Canada legalized gay marriages on a National level, I believe it was legal on a Provence level (Any Canadians here? please correct me if I am wrong).

Spain legalized gay marriages. "The 350-seat Congress of Deputies, by a vote of 187-147 with four abstentions, approved the measure to give homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexual ones, including the right to adopt children." - Reuters

The Netherlands and Belgium are the only other two countries that recognize gay marriage nationwide. The Netherlands lets gays adopt children. Belgium is considering the adoption issue.

Canada's House of Commons passed legislation that would legalize gay marriage by the end of July as long as the Senate also passes the bill, which it is expected to do.

In the United States, Massachusetts is the only state to recognize gay marriage. Vermont and Connecticut have approved same-sex civil unions.

What does all this Mean?

The Anti-Christ won't care for the company of women, not that he is Gay, he just isn't interested. What this does mean is, towards the end, More and more Gay liberties! This shouldn't be shocking, this is just as it is written. Since The Anti-Christ is going to be a Liberal that speaks out against the Christianity and his believers, While Gays and Lesbians are fighting hard to get their legal rights, The Anti-Christ is going to allow it as a form of mockery and contempt towards Christians.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:44 AM
Let me first let you know that I am a person of faith but I have to say that your assumption is a bit off base here.
- 2012
There is nothing in the bible (in any version of the bible) that shows 2012 as the year of the Apocalypse Do you have anything to back this up or is this your personal belief?

- Pope Benedict XVI
I suppose that you are refering to the prohesies of Malachy here. Note this is not in the Bible. Other than Malachy, do you have something to indicate the assumption that Pope Benedict XVI is somehow tied to the End of Times [EOT]?

- The Da Vinci Code
This is a work of fiction, as for Rome telling people not to view the movie is a case of the ostrich sticking it's head in the sand. Since the movie as well as the book are fictional, the church should instead be ready to answer respond to questions which the movie may raise.

- Harry Potter
What is wrong with Harry Potter? The "magical language" that is used in the books and movies are pig latin no magical conocatation. Harry Potter is a book that has increased the number of children interested in reading far more than any other book / series in history. There have always been books and series that have had magic attributed to them but there has been no rise in the number of people interested in magic in the way that you are refering to it. If anything, there are biblical references to the use of Magic, remember Moses in the courts of the pharoh?
- Secular Music (The Devil's Code) look at
The site that you give only is attempting to sensationalize what has been around for many many decades. Are you trying to say that music today is some how connected with the Anti-Christ? Is this not the same excuse that was given to americans back in the 50's upon the birth of rock n' roll? Those arguments have proven false. Secular music does not have to follow the guidelines that have been laid down by any religion. Music is a reflection of our society as well as the artist's outlook on life. If you do not want to hear it, do not listen. That is your right.

- The European Union
I suppose that you are equating this to be one of the signs REDEVELOPMENT OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE ? Correct? Do you have something to back this supposition up? It has been mentioned a number of times but then you also have to include the reconstruction of the Temple of David which does not look to be done in anytime soon. If we keep in your timeline here, the demolition and construction would have to start by the end of this year. Note, the destruction of the Ismalic Mosque will of course start a religious jihad that no one would want.

- Paranormality (Is it due to more technology, better technology at a lower cost or as prophezied?)
Who's to say that these abilities were not already present in humans and that they are only now coming back into the forefront?

This is all leading towards great apostasy.
And how is that? If the church as well as it's leaders return to teaching the bible and Christ's word then the power of God would annex any power that a mere work of fiction could ever have.

Harry Potter is preparing the next generation for the Mark of the beast, which they will all be adults by 2012+. With Witchcraft and a Mark on his head.

Again I have to ask that you provide something to support this assumption or state that this is your personal belief. As I stated above, there have been books throughout history that has magic connections including stories in the bible itself. How will Harry Potter lead our children to the Mark of the Beast by 2012? This argument was also given to a wonderful work of fiction (that will soon be hitting the mocvie theaters). Many hardline extremists all clamoured that this work would lead our children to believing in Magic. The book's name. The Chronicles of Narnia. Note, Mary Poppins as well as Ja Ja Binks of Star Wars.
I am guessing that you are referencing the biblical definition of Witchcraft and not Wicca or the INTEPETATIONS that men of the church assigned to other groups such as the Druids as well as many other religions. At least I am hoping that is the case. Witchcraft as in the bible are those who worship Satan wheras Wicca is totally different. here is a link on Wicca.
As riley states, if you promote fear and hatred towards anyone of another belief, you are doing Satan's work for him by engendering division and distrust. God and Jesus, promote Peace, Tolerance and Love. Not hatred.
Those emotions are of the realm of man not God.
The Persecution of Christianity in North America and Europe will grow and grow.
Some of the reason of this persecution is that there are a number of groups here in the US as well as around the world who have taken to only teaching the bible to reflect their own agendas. Such things as teaching only creationism in schools and even not teaching science! Another major issue is the Church's admitted failing of transfering preists (as well as hiding the facts) after the preist has been accused of RAPE! This practice of shuffling such offenders around is now widely known. The church has failed to protect it's flock. It has failed to protect it's most precious members the children. Yes the number of such offending preists are small but the numbers of people who's lives they have destroyed for their earthly pleasure has yet been totally assessed. The church has proven it's own teachings as wrong in this case and it cannot defend it's behaviour. The church is supposed to the the shepard to it's flock. The shepard is supposed to protect it's flock, not lead them to the slaughterhouse.

You state the Christian point of view towards homosexuality and are citing the acceptance of homosexuality by society as being a sign of EOT. Please note, the bible actually lists a couple of possible homosexual relationships, all of which the bible does not condem
Ruth and Naomi
David and Jonathan
Daniel and Ashpenaz
With the latest medical findings that homosexuality may actually be more of a genetic issue rather than a personal need, then by default, you are saying that God is creating people that will "sin" because of the way that God created them. How would you explain this? Why would God purposefully create sinners?

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