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Baaaah BAaaah! Your Experiences With The Sheeple ! What can we do?

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posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 08:05 PM
I wanted to bring this up as a topic of discussion here at ATS. I was recently at a small gathering of friends ... i wouldn't call it a party because i went to college, and this wasn't a party. More of a gathering with some drinks...anyway, I usually don't do this ... but i started to bring up some of the current events that are shaping this great country. I was dumbfounded to learn that these normal 25-30 group of people had no clue what was actually going on. They thought that the Michael Jackson Case was the most important thing going on.

I was even further amazed when i asked some simple questions, and these were their responses;

ME: Did you know that Congress is considering a New Bill that would make it crime, if you didn't report someone who was smoking weed. And that the Crime of Not Reporting your friends, neighbors, and own family members, would be a mandatory 2 year sentence in Federal Prison???

Person 1: Thats stupid, how would they even enforce that new law?

ME: Well thats a good question, I have my own theory on how they are going to enforce it. I think that once the Govt. re-considers implementing a National Draft for their war with Iran, that anyone who is verbally opposing the president and or the draft would be lock-ed up for 2 years under the guise of this new law.

Person 2: They aren't going to do a draft, that was a big thing during the election and Bush said there wouldn't be a draft... i don't know where you get your information from.

Person 1: So what, I'll just move to California where i can smoke weed with a persciption from my doctor.

ME: Actually, The Federal Govt. just OverRuled California's medical marajauna policy. It is now illegal for Cancer Patients in California to smoke reefer.

Person 1: They can't do that... Even if that is true, I think that they would have to pass that law in order to make it legal!

thats what she said... and she is in college! Then they started talking about the Michael Jackson Case ... and argueing over his guilt and innocence. They both knew exactly all of the details about the Case, but didn't have a clue what was going on in the world.

Person 2: Maybe it would be good to lock-up all of the druggies. This way there would be a lot less crime in the world. We have too many people in this world... it would be a lot better if there were less.

Me: Actually, you might get your wish soon. They say the Bird Flu will catch on soon, and that it would be the next pandemic killing 1/3 of the worlds population if left uncontrolled.

Person 2: No way. Its not going to kill 1/3 of the population. If it was that bad we would be hearing a lot more about it... Isn't this in Africa?

ME: Actually its in Asia, and there have been cases of Human to Human transmission and a greater than 40% fatality rate if you catch this flu.

Person 1: Didn't they tell us not to get a flu shot this year... It won't be that bad, only old people and little children are at risk. They would have this information all over the news if this was a real threat.

Me: Why do you think it would be on the news? Do you honestly believe that the Higher Ups would tell you this, if they knew it would create a panic. Did you know that the USA reported another case of Mad Cow Disease this week?

Person 1: No.

Me: You see what I mean. When you watch the news they are not telling you the really important things that you need to know. They are trying to lull you into a false sense of security so you will feel good and go spend money. They have an agenda, and wouldn't say anything that would make you stop spending money.

It couldn't believe how out of the loop these people were. Is the American Public Really only concerned about their own Materialistic Things, and unwilling to pay attention to the world around them?

Is this the reason why Capitalism is supposed to work so well, because the people no longer focus on the important things in the world ... they focus on their House, Cars, Movies, TV, Sports, Celebity News ... Its all a distraction! Wake Up!

Please post you own experiences with the SHEEPLE. They are everywhere!

How can we Wake the Sheeple Up?

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 08:15 PM
Sorry, dude. Just because people don't believe your tall tales does not mean their are sleep. I think you have an over active imagintion.

I do agree that the Jackson case is very unimportant. But hey, people are following it all over the over. Its a freak show.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 08:18 PM
There are many sheeple who visit this website who think they are above sheeple because they visit a website called Above Top Secret, and many sheeple who think they are above the sheeple who think they are above sheeple because they visit a website called Above Top Secret because they believe they are part of a select flock, and many people who think they are above the sheeple who think they are above the sheeple who think they are above sheeple because they visit a website called Above Top Secret because they believe they are part of a select flock because they believe they are shepherds when they are sheeple.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
There are many sheeple who visit this website who think they are above sheeple because they visit a website called Above Top Secret, and many sheeple who think they are above the sheeple who think they are above sheeple because they visit a website called Above Top Secret because they believe they are part of a select flock, and many people who think they are above the sheeple who think they are above the sheeple who think they are above sheeple because they visit a website called Above Top Secret because they believe they are part of a select flock because they believe they are shepherds when they are sheeple.

How many sheep? Solve for x.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 08:51 PM
Masked Avatar... I think I clearly understood that post...

Should I be scared? Does that make me a Sheep, or Sheeple, or a Sheeple in a flock with a shepard on ATS that sleeps on sheeps in a tall steeple?

Eh... either way... I think I clearly understood that post, and it worries me.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 08:54 PM

How can we Wake the Sheeple Up?

Become a wolfle.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by microcosm
I think I clearly understood that post, and it worries me.

Logic is clearly on your side.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 09:08 PM
You have to understand the average person does not care about things like that, what your doing is a great way to alienate yourself and lose respect.

What you said isn't all true, and you also can't think that your completly right either.

Don't you guys have better things to talk about in College than some minor and obscure drug laws and Micheal Jackson details?

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 09:31 PM
I've always believed that sheeple are merely people who don't think for themselves, i.e., they follow a particular sheep-herder with the rest of their respective flock.

Certainly people who care more about Michael Jackson or the latest TV actress than what is going on are sheeple, in that they just follow what the media follows.

On the other hand, most of the conspiracists are sheeple, too; believing in weird stories and exotic assertions because the media people they follow (like Jeff Rense and whomever the midnight talk-show guys have on their programs).

The difference is that the conspiracist sheeple want to be part of something special -- some elite inner knowledge that only they and the rest of the "elect" have, while the mainstream sheeple don't care about "belonging" one way or another because they, being the overwhelming majority of butt-sitters and idiotbox-watchers, really do belong to a big flock.

But while the conspiracists (rightly) bewail the mainstream's obsession with mainstream sillinesss such as Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton -- and the mainstream (rightly) bewail the conspiracists' obsession with conpiracist silliness such as the NWO and "chem-trails"...

...neither of these complementary sets of sheeple are really trying to think things through; instead, they're using silly logic and a complete lack of a sense of priority to follow their respective sheep-herders!

[edit on 13-6-2005 by Off_The_Street]

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 09:48 PM
I always thought 'sheeple' were some cross-bred offspring of people and sheep.

Given I am from New Zealand, supposedly the land were Farmers are frisky and the sheep are nervous...its probably not surprising I had that misunderstanding.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 09:53 PM
Ahhh... very topical... New Zealand... land of 74.2 million sheep, where 4.2 million think that they're people.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 10:00 PM
I cant believe what you all are saying, The bird flu and the patriot act1&2 are hardly topics of consperiacy, Its REAL NEWS!!!! If you dont think so, just read the patriot acts 1&2 completly, Oh wait, you people probably havent. I mean, really,who can take a few days to wrap thre mind around somthing like that in this country when you have the jackson trial to think about,haha. listen to scientific reports of how serious the bird flu is becoming, Im talking about the mutations taking place in this flu strain itself, and oh, jezz, but i suppose its not going to spread around the world and become a pandemic a? LOL. Dont listen to these people Where2Hide2006, they are not awake enough to realise what is going on.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone

I do agree that the Jackson case is very unimportant. But hey, people are following it all over the over. Its a freak show.

Thats because the Media talks about it 24/7. Don't people realize that when Celebs get arrested and put on trial that it is all a show, so that the people don't pick up on the other things that the Govt. is trying to hide. ie: The true state of the economy, peak oil, failure in Iraq, War with Iran, Where's Osama, China's military buildup, Patriot Act 2, Sensenbrunner Hr1528, ect., ect. ect. Average People know nothing about these things ... but they know everything about the Michael Jackson Case ... because THAT is what the Media Reports.

Now that the Michael Jackson Case is over ... what Celebrity trial will the news cover next?

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by lucidvisions
Dont listen to these people Where2Hide2006, they are not awake enough to realise what is going on.

Some are, some aren't.

It can be remarkable to see the number of people who post regularly on a website ranked highly for search engine relevance to "government conspiracies" whose sole purpose is to valiantly defend the cover-ups and propaganda of the government of the day and their political flavor of the month. It's just a diversionary game for most.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by lucidvisions
I cant believe what you all are saying...haha. listen to scientific reports of how serious the bird flu is becoming, Im talking about the mutations taking place in this flu strain itself, and oh, jezz, but i suppose its not going to spread around the world and become a pandemic a? LOL. Dont listen to these people Where2Hide2006, they are not awake enough to realise what is going on.

Maybe some of us think that the fear you exhibit is exactly the reaction sheeple are designed to have. I guess you'll be first in line when the shepherds start calling the flock to be vaccinated.

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble,
T'was Orwell who spoke of the speak that is double.
Government bugs and government goo,
Coming to a vaccination clinic...near you.

(*gratuitous cackling*)

Shleeping sheeple...mmmB-A-A-A-A-A-H humbug.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 11:23 PM
If people actively search out answers as oppossed to just swallowing whatever paublum the mainstream media spoons them, they are still sheeple?

What level of sheepiness do you consider you redide yourself, as a matter of interest?

I know some take the whole rollercoaster ride too seriously and the conspiracy hounds can be as stubborn and vociferous in their selected layer of BS as the MJ trial watchers.

The only thing we can do to wake the sheeple, including ourselves, to a higher level of conciousness is through questions and discussions, such as this.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy

What level of sheepiness do you consider you redide yourself, as a matter of interest?

I dink I redide in de Merino level, but I dink de derm id sheepleness. (Dorry I hab de floob ad de mobedt.)

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy

What level of sheepiness do you consider you redide yourself, as a matter of interest?

I dink I redide in de Merino level, but I dink de derm id sheepleness. (Dorry I hab de floob ad de mobedt.)

Sorry, I have a cold as well. My finger currently redides on the d key instead of the s key where it should reside......typos...pah! Curse my meaty fingers!

Elaborate on the Merino level, if you would be so kind.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:52 AM
Well said Off The Street! Well said! This is something I've reiterated many times! I've always said: Sometimes refusing to consider anything inside of the box can become a box of its own.

And yeah, you can't say that just because somebody doesn't believe in things you believe in, they're sheeple. It's kind of like people who say all Bush supporters are sheeple. "Yeah, I respect everyone's opinions for what they are! Everyone's entitled to their own opinion! Oh, you believe Bush is doing the right thing? I guess I'm selective when I talk about respecting other people's opinions."

[edit on 14-6-2005 by Herman]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 08:50 AM
I think I get it now.

Everyone who doesn't follow your conspiricies, everyone who doesn't live in constant paranoia = Sheeple

Well thats a good question, I have my own theory on how they are going to enforce it. I think that once the Govt. re-considers implementing a National Draft for their war with Iran, that anyone who is verbally opposing the president and or the draft would be lock-ed up for 2 years under the guise of this new law.

baseless paranoia.

Actually, The Federal Govt. just OverRuled California's medical marajauna policy. It is now illegal for Cancer Patients in California to smoke reefer.

Your own conspiricy. Read the ruling again, this in incorrect.

Actually, you might get your wish soon. They say the Bird Flu will catch on soon, and that it would be the next pandemic killing 1/3 of the worlds population if left uncontrolled.

baseless paranoia

Why do you think it would be on the news? Do you honestly believe that the Higher Ups would tell you this, if they knew it would create a panic. Did you know that the USA reported another case of Mad Cow Disease this week?

How did you find out? From a news source right?

You have got to be careful W2H. You can't go around believing everything you read. Do a little research first to make sure what you're reading is correct.
Otherwise, you'll be the "sheeple", blindly following any and every conspiricy that pops up, despite the fact that it's wrong.

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