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from a cop's perspective

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posted on May, 31 2005 @ 04:57 AM
Believe it or not, us cops (most of us anyway) really do get a kick out of being made fun of in the movies and TV. Some of my favorites of all time are the cable around the rear axle in "American Grafitti", pretty much all of "Super Troopers" and most especially "Reno 9-11". I also like "The Shield". A lot of cops I know and work with hate these examples and anything that casts a bad light on our profession. However, I find humor in it because I think everyone needs to laugh at themselves once in a while and no one is perfect. Any cop who thinks they can do no wrong should not be cop, they should be a politician!

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 06:58 AM
My wife's brother is a "cop", and he loves Reno 9-11. Thinks the show is halirious. I believe he even has one of the season's episodes on DVD. Pretty funny stuff.

Super Troopers. Now that was a pretty funny movie. My favorite movie that made fun of the police is Men At Work. The two cops on the bicycles crack me up.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 07:03 AM
Do you guys really get a kick out of kicking that # out of people?

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 09:20 AM
I wish every cop I ran into had that same light-hearted personality, and I'm glad to know there are cops like you out there....

Anyone who takes on the responsibility of such a demanding job NEEDS humor to survive from insanity....

I've witnessed my fair share of rude and corrupt cops - I think I must have some negative polarity that surrounds me and attracts only the assholes...

[edit on 5/31/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
Do you guys really get a kick out of kicking that # out of people?

C'mon Cobra, you and I have sparred before and you know that I am the "good cop" Please don't ruin a fun thread by making me give you some "stick time" (credit: "RENO, 911")................................lighten up, snake boy!

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
I wish every cop I ran into had that same light-hearted personality, and I'm glad to know there are cops like you out there....

If you're ever pulled over in Nebraska, just tell them that you DON'T know me. Knowledge is power, but it also can get you killed! lol! Seriously, the only cops I have ever met who are serious about everything are either jerks, mental patients or dead from a heart attack by fifty!!!!!!!!

There are always people who hate us like "Cobra"............until we rescue their mom from a burning building or their lil' sister from a rapist................

[edit on 5/31/2005 by blueknight]

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 01:35 PM
Reno 911 is funny as hell. I like the gay cop who wears the nut-huggers. That's one of the few shows that I don't like to miss.

I always go out of my way to respect a policeman's authority. What I can't stand is when I do that and they still want to act like a dick. For the most part though I've never had any trouble. In fact I've had more than a few cops let me off for things that could have been construed as more serious.


posted on May, 31 2005 @ 02:01 PM
I have had run ins with cops, usually my fault, and so far never been beaten, so sorry Cobra, don't know what you are going on about.

Only one ever really annoyed me. Riding bike, no curfew so hey, 3am, ran out of Dew, go to Krogers and buy some more. Little pr**k comes up "Did you steal that bike? Have any proof that is your bike? Have a reciept? How do I know you didn't steal that bike?" SO I just retorted everything he said. "Did you steal that car? Have proof you bought that car? Have a reciept?" He left me alone. Next night, about 10pm, going to frineds house, same idiot comes up and asks the same thing, when I reply the same way, he realizes it's me and drives off. Hell, he yelled at me for using the bike path for my bike, cause supposedly that is the "shoulder" or breakdown lane even though it says in big yellow letters "Bike Lane" and farther up "Bikes Only".

But other times, like when I was humping a parked cop car on camera, quite funny. Guy asks us what we are doing, we tell him the truth, he let us go. Or douchebag druggy says I threatened to kill him after I turned him in for drugs at school, had to go down to the juvie building and talk to a guy for about half an hour, it was basically "This is mandatory, we have to do this, we know this little punk, he will dish it out but can't take it. he acts so tough but we had him in court once and he cried like a little baby. So, how do you want me to put this down?" But worse time was when I got pissed at math teacher for marking 10 points off a test due to bad attitude. I said I was gonna burn her house down, she said I didn't know where she lived, so I called her house, and then had to talk to the cops about it. Again, my fault, I apologized, things settled down, and I had to take math in summer school. Hate math.

Anyways, like Reno, hate Shield, love Super Troopers. Why do I hate shield? They had a show just like it, starring Dennis Leary, but he got canceled, and then this show pops up. I blame it for getting Leary canceled.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 02:56 PM
People like you really rock, Lesser. I just do a job like everyone else. I can't apologize for the guys who do it to beat people up or pick up chicks. I've been beaten, shot at, stabbed, and called every name there is. I don't find any glory or heroism in demeaning anyone or thumping on them. I do what I have to do in order to go home with my coconuts intact and that's it. People like you who actually admit that they may have brought it on by doing something wrong are few and far between. I did my share of smokin' the chiba, stealin' stuff and harassing people before I became a cop. I have no problem with people who do stuff like that, JUST DON'T LIE ABOUT IT!!!! Being set up or harassed by the Po-Po is one thing, but resorting to cheap excuses to cover your own ignorant self is just juvenile and lame.....................................................................

[edit on 5/31/2005 by blueknight]

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