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CIA's Internet War

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posted on May, 26 2005 @ 05:46 PM
Hmmmmm I wonder what these turds are really up to here... I wonder if this is anything like the exercises they were conducting on 9-11...
CIA's Internet War Exercise Wraps Up Today
Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:31 AM EDT
The Associated Press
The CIA is conducting a secretive war game, dubbed "Silent Horizon," this week to practice defending against an electronic assault on the same scale as the Sept. 11 terrorism attacks.

The three-day exercise, ending Thursday, was meant to test the ability of government and industry to respond to escalating Internet disruptions over many months, according to participants. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the CIA asked them not to disclose details of the sensitive exercise taking place in Charlottesville, Va., about two hours southwest of Washington.

The simulated attacks were carried out five years in the future by a fictional alliance of anti-American organizations, including anti-globalization hackers. The most serious damage was expected to be inflicted in the war game's closing hours.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:13 PM
Wouldn't you rather the government be prepared for information warfare than not? This isn't anything more than it appears to be, the majority of U.S. Federal Agencies conduct exercises similar to this quite frequently, from CIA to ICE.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Baphomet79
Wouldn't you rather the government be prepared for information warfare than not? This isn't anything more than it appears to be, the majority of U.S. Federal Agencies conduct exercises similar to this quite frequently, from CIA to ICE.

if they are only interested in protecting 'america', why are they specifically targetting 'anti-globalist hackers'?

i'll tell you why. because the secret police ALL work for the globalists.

this message will self-destruct in five seconds.

p.s. the government isn't 'preparing' for information warfare, friend. the war is FULL-ON and has been for centuries.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:27 PM
well of course "information warfare" has raged since time immemorial, but I'm saying when it spills over into a joint attack with physical aspects; that's what they're training for. Censorship exists absolutely, but I personally don't believe training exercises such as this, exist for that purpose.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 05:12 PM

if they are only interested in protecting 'america', why are they specifically targetting 'anti-globalist hackers'?

i'll tell you why. because the secret police ALL work for the globalists.

this message will self-destruct in five seconds.

p.s. the government isn't 'preparing' for information warfare, friend. the war is FULL-ON and has been for centuries.

There isn`t any comments in the info stating they are targetting Anti Globalist Hackers.
Ofcourse the Secret Police work for the Globalists (In your world).They also protect you from the nasty people who want to come and rape/murder/torture you and your family/friends.
The message hasn`t self destructed yet.Along with the rest of these comments this only happens in the minds of people who have been brain washed by the wrong people who have made them believe there the good guys.How silly is that the people most bent on freedom are the ones who have been controlled and they believe there doin it for freedom.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by weirdo

The message hasn`t self destructed yet.

hmmmm? i guess i'll have to have "Q" fired. stupid, dud spy-tech.

Originally posted by weirdoAlong with the rest of these comments this only happens in the minds of people who have been brain washed by the wrong people who have made them believe there the good guys.How silly is that the people most bent on freedom are the ones who have been controlled and they believe there doin it for freedom.

ummmm. huh?

i really don't understand what you're saying, here. who are the ones most bent on freedom? doing what for freedom?

p.s. the united states government is guilty of war crimes, like, rape, torture and murder. the only ones being 'protected' are the ultra-rich. 'they' are legislating even MORE totalitarian powers for themselves. the biggest threat to humanity is the bush crew. that is my opinion. i formed it through research and critical analysis. i am willing to discuss it. you will not 'change my mind' about this. try.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by weirdo

There isn`t any comments in the info stating they are targetting Anti Globalist Hackers.

third paragraph.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:39 AM

The simulated attacks were carried out five years in the future by a fictional alliance of anti-American organizations, including anti-globalization hackers. The most serious damage was expected to be inflicted in the war game's closing hours.

The above doesn`t mention they are targeting Anti-Globalization hackers merely using Anti American organizations one of them being Anti Globalization hackers as a possible scenario but not solely.
If you are so against powerful govts there are plenty of countries in the former Soviet Union void of power were you can live free without fear of power hungry politicians although your life expectence would be dramatically reduced.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 09:35 AM
let's pretend that the CIA never conducted this exercise

let's pretend that in the future something like this really does happen, and that hackers take over major parts of the internet, disrupting american business and commerce and causing overall confusion and online destruction.

it'll be you same liberal freaks saying that the CIA shouldn't have played this game to prepare such a thing, wanting to know why the CIA wasn't prepared for such an event, as there had been such and such a warning ten years ago that it was possible that it might happen, etc etc.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 02:49 PM
'liberal freaks' = people who don't want one family own the world and everything in it, including you 'conservative freaks'.
believe it or not, there is a reality outside bipartisan politics.
anti-globalist is a new term which will be demonised in mainstream media, just like 'conspiracy theorist' has been said on television a million percent(i'm exaggerating) more than pre-911 in order to quell dissent or curiosity. who wants to be lumped in with the lunatic fringe?
the thing is, the fringe is now a majority of the population, if we consider JFK. most people think there was a cover-up. the media will not let on that they are HEAVILY pushing the agendas of a tiny, uberpowerful group, and ignoring the potentially HUGE market in conspiracy 'theory'.
can you imagine how popular a 'coast to coast' meets, 'sixty minutes', or better, 'the fifth estate'-type television show would be?
the CIA controls your mind. they are the secret police of an evil empire. they are not interested in protecting you, except as a cover to gain ridiculous 'police powers' to use AGAINST you.

[edit on 30-5-2005 by billybob]


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