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Is marijuana really bad?

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:51 PM
As much as I'm against doing illegal drugs and smoking ANYTHING, I have to ask--is there anything bad about marijuana? I keep hearing how hemp is supposed to be illegal, yet it has tons of uses.

I just wonder if maybe the so-called "war on drugs" is just an excuse to lock people up. It seems that lots of times, people in possession of drugs get more time than rapists!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:54 PM
it has much more tar than tobacco, and all i can say is my 3 happy successful friends drink, but don't smoke, and my 2 miserable, broke, single friends smoke. I don't need a degree to tell me pot is bad, mkay !

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:00 PM
And what about all the people, many of them women, who are doing time because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Their boyfriends/spouses were selling drugs and they often end up in jail while the seller turns state's evidence and walk

Then there is the theort that the CIA is behind the drug business in this country.
Which doesn't exactly explain why low level folks are getting busted, but does allow that the supply of drugs gets into this country.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
all i can say is my 3 happy successful friends drink, but don't smoke, and my 2 miserable, broke, single friends smoke. I don't need a degree to tell me pot is bad, mkay !
Using this sort of logic, you don't deserve a degree nor should you think of even trying to obtain one. I can name just as many people who have had their lives ruined by alcohol while also being able to name just as many people who use marijuana responsibly. Responsibility, I might add, is the key word in regards the use of any substance. Whether it is marijuana, alcohol, food, coffee, prescription drug or aspirin, responsibility is essential. Responsible use of marijuana is proven to be safe -- no reported deaths have been attributed to the use of marijuana in it's 4,000 year history!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:01 PM
some will say yes, some will say no.

Use the search feature above, type in "marijuana" and read the multitude of threads and form your own opinion on the topic. Don't listen to just one side of the issue, do a google search, research and inform yourself.

marijuana is mainly illegal because of two reason: Dupont and Prescription drugs.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:02 PM

Inhaling the smoke of ANY burning substance is not good for you. Relatively speaking, marijuana does not have as many medical, or social side effects as say alcohol or cigs.

Yes hemp is one of natures most strongest fibers.

As for the above post in reguards to "success" or whatever. I graduated college just fine whilst smoking, and I am working on another degree. There are plenty of "successful" (which you seem to guage by monetary, and material gain) people who do ingest Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, by a number of means, and are fine.

Here in California all one needs is a prescription. One if proscribed can indulge in a wide variety of ways to ingest THC. Some of those being , candy & baked goods, synthetic pills, transdermal patches, etc etc.

Overuse of anything is bad, but legislation in reguards to a plant is just silly
[edited for extra point]

[edit on 16-5-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:04 PM
Depends on the person. It affects people differently.

I have no problem with it.

benevolent, I agree. Good post.

Using this sort of logic, you don't deserve a degree nor should you think of even trying to obtain one. I can name just as many people who have had their lives ruined by alcohol while also being able to name just as many people who use marijuana responsibly. Responsibility, I might add, is the key word in regards the use of any substance.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Inhaling the smoke of ANY burning substance is not good for you.

That's exactly why they should develop a patch

I mean come on, the medical use is slowly accepted in a few places, wouldn't it make sense to use patches instead of inhaling the harmful fumes?

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:06 PM
aynthign in excuess IS BAD FOR YOUY!

if oyui are to abuse antying too mcuh it will afeect your life and your job

hey did you know you can inahle alcohol???
thvye' got vaprisoers for it man!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:06 PM
I've never done much research on it, and I've never used it myself, but everything that I've heard puts marijuana on the low end of the threat level as far as physical harm goes. From what I know, you can't overdose, your heart won't explode, and there is no physical addiction to it that I've heard of. It has a stronger chance of causing cancer than cigarettes, and definitely impairs judgement similarly to alcohol. But I've never heard of any auto accidents caused by "stoned" driving (not saying it hasn't happened, just not to my knowledge) and I think the main reason why a lot of stoners don't exactly succeed in life is because it's hard to get a decent job if your UA shows you've had a joint. If tobacco and alcohol were illegal and grounds for employment termination and refusal to hire, drinkers and "regular" smokers would have similar status limitations. My opinion, at least...

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin

Inhaling the smoke of ANY burning substance is not good for you. Relatively speaking, marijuana does not have as many medical, or social side effects as say alcohol or cigs.


Look at studies of priests and churchgoers to churches that use incense heavily. It has detrimental effects.

As to the behavioural effects of marijuana, as I said previously, it depends on the person. it affects different people in different ways. You can't blame your friends failures on their use of pot. That's stupid. Their reliance on pot is perhaps a signal or their failures anyway.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Aelita

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Inhaling the smoke of ANY burning substance is not good for you.

That's exactly why they should develop a patch

They have......shhhh!!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic

hey did you know you can inahle alcohol???
thvye' got vaprisoers for it man!

just like the vaporizers for weed. no smoke, but stilla high.

Those alcohol vaporizers would be crazy.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:14 PM
Pot is harmless if it is done recreationally as in once a week. If you start doing it every day then you will eventually start experiencing short term memory loss. It is much safer then alcohol and cigarettes as it has no toxic properties and nothing is added to the plant after it is harvested.

Here are some facts about marijuana...

1) It is not addictive as most people think. There is a mental addiction that comes with it just like any other legal drug (Alcohol, Caffine, Cigs)

2) There has been no recorded death involving the use of marijuana alone, and no one has ever Overdosed on Marijuana.

3) The Hemp leaf is very beneficial as it can be used for making clothes, rope, food, oil, fuel, paint, coal, plastic, housing... etc etc.

4) THC which stands for delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol is the chemical in pot which gives a person their high and the funny thing is THC is naturally produced in the brain anyways. The brain has natural THC receptors.

So all in all the over-hyped war on pot in the USA is just a bunch of crap. Because in all truth drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes is much much worse then smoking once joint once or twice a week.

Smoking kills hundreds of thousands of lives a year. Alcohol kills thousands with drunk driving. Yet why is it that an illegal drug kills 0?????

Someone please answer this one for me.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:24 PM
I did answer you Cryp...look above:

Dupont and Prescription Drugs: 2 main reasons why marijuana isn't legal.

there are other threads here already which go into more detail about William Randolph Hearst, Dupont, etc

[edit on 5-16-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:24 PM
Like all things, used excessively, it can be bad for your health.
Personally I don't see it as anywhere near as bad for you as alchohol, having had lots of experiance with both.

As far as the pothead == lazy stereotype, I think it's bogus.

I had a high-pressure, highly technical job where I worked 12-14 hours a day during the period of my heaviest use. (No, I didn't smoke while I was on the clock, that's unprofessional.)

I think people have cause and effect reversed: If you're unemployed, single, & sitting around the house all day, smoking pot makes doing nothing seem far more interesting than it actually is

Thus, people who have nothing else to do seem to end up smoking lots of pot.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Not as bad or addictive as alcohol or nicotine, yet, like alcohol, abuse really depends on the individual. Some people get hooked on the mental shift that pot is notorious for. It hits you faster than taking 3 rapid shots in succession of 151, even. A person can become addicted to that, and for the most part people are pretty lethargic on pot. So if you're one of the folks who can get sucked into it, you're not going to be motivated to get out (speaking from personal experience here) without someone else helping to expose you to the truth of addiction (mental, not chemical in the case of pot).

As to the tar levels being higher than cigarettes, that may be true, but you smoke a lot less pot than you do cigs.

Pot is, however, a gateway drug, and the cause for this I place on the government. Growing up, I was taught all kinds of things about illegal drugs that I have since found to be completely false. However, the focus of our "health" classes was pot. They demonized that drug to the point where I thought my fingernails would fly off and kill my sister if I ever smoked it.

Then, one day, having just a baggy of tobacco collected from butts (I was under 18 at the time) I went to a friend's house. He asked for a smoke, and I told him about the baggy of tobacco. He grabbed his foiler boiler (a pipe fashioned from alluminum foil) and we smoked the tobacco outta there. There was, unbeknownst to me at the time, a bit of pot at the bottom of the bowl, however. After smoking that and discovering why I thought the Jell-O we were eating was the greatest thing ever made and A Current Affair was the funniest program ever developed, that I started smoking pot. That was also when I stopped trusting that which the government told me, because everything that was supposed to happen when I smoked pot turned out to not be true.

Personally, I'm a researcher, so after finding out about that I started doing research on other illegal drugs to find out the real story, instead of the one I was taught in school. I discovered a lot of fallacy in what the school had told me about drugs, but I never went outside of pot as far as illegal drugs goes. Now, I'm off all of em. However, I very easily could have gone onto other things if I knew where to find them at the time. Why? Because I exposed through personal experience the lie of that horrible, horrible drug pot, and therefore distrusted my government and didn't believe anything negative I read about other drugs, except through personal accounts which seemed valid.

The government has created a very dangerous and slippery slope for any teens who try pot. The goal is to prevent them from doing so, but if they do, they lose all trust for the government since they so blatently lied about this one thing.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
I did answer you Cryp...look above:

Dupont and Prescription Drugs: 2 main reasons why marijuana isn't legal.

there are other threads here already which go into more detail about William Randolph Hearst, Dupont, etc

[edit on 5-16-2005 by worldwatcher]

I agree with you... it isn't about the personal usage of marijana it is about the economy. It all boils down to making money in the end. Very sad


posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:29 PM
that's precisely it, xmotex. if i had anything better to be doing, i'd put down the bong... but i don't, and i don't deal well with boredom, so THC it is.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:06 PM
I had a boyfriend once who was a pot-head. It was such a problem, that eventually his parents sent him away to a rehab hospital/detox center.

His counseler called me to tell me that my boyfriend had the mental capacity of a 13 or 14 yr old, (at the time he was 18). He (the counseler), explained that smoking pot, makes people not "grow up", basically they don't develop mentally.

Well, needless to say, eventually I had to dump him, as he wouldn't stop smoking the stuff.

So, I know from experience, that pot is not a good thing.

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