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oh and i forgor to mention in my intro

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posted on May, 8 2005 @ 02:18 AM
Well if you saw the uncut version , the whole story.

You'll see that everyone in that mosque was massacred a week before by US troops. Old men and young men alike. 7 were shot but still alive, the US soldiers just left them there. But then they came back a week later to that same mosque and finnished them off.

The men who where "pretending to be dead" had already been shot and injured, they had not the energy even to speak. And the criminal soldier claimed who said "he's dead now", said he was acting in self defence because the injured man COULD have had a grenade behind his head. No such grenade was ever found.

perhaps it is you, that should open your eyes to the truth. Perhaps it is you, who is brainwashed by media. Do you research. I told you before, educate yourself before you make comments.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 02:34 AM
i have family in iraq too, but they are Iraqies, not criminal invaders an opportunists like your family.

my views disgust you? GOOD (i said that in my very first post), because you know your doing something right if your enemy hates you.

And just so you can feel as happy as i am, Your very existance disgusts me!

It is you who kills civilians. 1.5 million iraqies dead due to your sanctions, a third of which where under the age of 5. The children born deformed due to your depleted Uranium. The 100 thousand people you killed in iraq since the start of the war, the people you gassed in Fallujah, and bombed from teh air in al basrah. The bombs that you plant, in our churches, in our mosques and in our markets. The ones that you later blame on try to blame on the resistance.

The Iraqi resistance doesn't kill civilians, why would they hurt their own families? Why would they destroy the very thing they are risking their lives to protect?

No matter how much you defame them, the iraqi people know, they are not fools like you.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 03:00 AM
"all your told is lies by your pathetic government"

My pathetic government is the government of Australia, the country in which i am living right now.

Yes i agree that they are pathetic, and that they only tell us lies. But they are the same lies that YOU are told! Only i'm not stupid enough to belive them like you are!

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 03:03 AM
or whatever you call yourself.

That wasn't the only war crime your regime commited, it was just one of the ones caught on camera. Think of how many of your crimes are going un punished.

Not to worry though, the iraqies will teach you a lesson you'll never forget.

That's a promice too

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 04:19 AM
What a dissapointment.

I thought we where going to have some fun.

I thought kregs said this would be a challange,

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:22 AM
I must say SyrianSister, for a teenager, I am impressed by your mental acuity. You certainly seem to have done your homework relative to this subject and have made some very logical arguments.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:27 AM
for your compliment

Yes, on this subject i have been doing lots of homework for the past 2 years.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:48 AM
A reminder to all members that personal attacks and name calling on other members is not permitted.

If people can not treat each other with respect while discussing their opposing views and opinions warnings will be issued with harsher penalties to follow.

[edit on 5/8/2005 by Gools]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 12:10 PM
Hello Syrian Sister, I want to welcome you to ATS. I look forwards to chatting with you. Where about are you from?I read that Syrians can be Arabs, Bedouins, Kurds, Armenians, Circassians and Turks and several other people. Which is the result of being such a strategically located country.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
I'm glad to meet someone like you , perhaps there is hope for this forum yet.

But i was screened because i wrote simply.

"Iraq will defeat the US invaders and occupiers.

Viva la resistancia!"

does that sound shill to you?

"Iraq will defeat the US invaders and occupiers.Viva la resistancia!"

By that quote i take it you are for the minority that are trying to undermine what the coalition is doing? The minority being the so called freedom fighters/terrorists/resistance who have no qualms about killing innocent people.

We are at war with the ''rsistance'' (your quote, not mine) not the Iraqi people. Read the news , its all there.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:30 PM
Thanks for your kind words

I am 75% arab, 20% turkish, and therest a but of kurdish, slavic and european.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:35 PM
The Resistance ARE the iraqi people.

The same as the French resistance against the Nazi's, where the french people. Sure, the Nazi's called them terrorists, but the fact of the matter was, they where patriots who where trying to repell the occupiers.

I watch your news, your biased pro-US news. And every second claim they make is laughable.

The truth can easily be seen, and the resistance could not move so freely inside iraq, if it wasn't for the support of the Iraqi people. I don't need your filthy lieng news to brainwash me, i know the truth, because like i said, i know my own family, and the iraqi people are my family.

The resistance issued a communique saying, "The enemy is on the run". And i can see that it is true, the way you have retreated to your bases.

Not long now, and iraq will be free at last!

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 01:16 AM
I am from the UK, not the US. I do not have any news channels , nor do i claim to have them.

I have heard first hand at what the conditions are like, and also seen pictures taken by the troops who are there. You cannot call those pictures bias, nor can you say the are propaganda drummed up by "my media'.

How do i know all this? Take a look at this thread......

[edit on 03/12/04 by Bikereddie]

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 02:48 AM
yep, and i have spoken to iraqies, ones in the resistance and ones outside of it, and i have spoken to USan soldiers. I have also seen many photoos, videos and read much testimony.

I'm not calling it bias, i'm calling CNN and FOX bias.

Don't put words in my mouth.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 06:56 AM
I never said you was bias. I did say that you could not call the pictures taken by my son bias.
Guess it was a misunderstanding of the terminology eh?

By the way Eddie has 2 D's in it and an extra E..

Not sure i like the sound of "bikerdie"

[edit on 03/12/04 by Bikereddie]

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
or whatever you call yourself.

That wasn't the only war crime your regime commited, it was just one of the ones caught on camera. Think of how many of your crimes are going un punished.

Not to worry though, the iraqies will teach you a lesson you'll never forget.

That's a promice too

Talking of crimes allegedly committed by the coalition, what about the crimes committed by the Iraqi ''freedom fighters'' , you know the ones. The ones who were caught on camera hiding behind masks so they couldn't be identified. It was all filmed, maybe you saw some of them? I'm talking about all the hostages who had their heads hacked off.

What about Margret Hussein who lived and worked in Iraq helping Iraqi's? She was killed by these people who you proclaim to be fighting the invasive army. What did she do that was so wrong?
What did any of the hostages that were murdered do that was so wrong? Nothing. Their only crime was to come from another country to help Iraqi people rebuild there way of life.

There have been more crimes committed by the "freedom fighters' than the coalition soldiers. Maybe you just forgot that? I hope i helped you remember the barbaric way in which these people died.....................

I think im going to start a new thread for you and others to discuss this better. Introductions are not the place to do it me thinks.

Heres the new thread.

[edit on 03/12/04 by Bikereddie]

[edit on 03/12/04 by Bikereddie]

[edit on 03/12/04 by Bikereddie]

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:46 AM
Though i am sure he took pictures of some thing, while he didn't take pictures of other things.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:47 AM
Though i am sure he took pictures of some thing, while he didn't take pictures of other things.

As for what you said, the about the iraqi resistance, unlike you, they don't commit war crimes.

Hassan was a great women, she supported the iraqi resistance, and the iraqi resistance liked her. There is no way the iraqi resistance was behind her death.

More than likely, it was MOSSAD/CIA false flag op, trying to defame the resistance.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:52 AM

You have got be kidding about about who killed Margret Hassan.

The link below is to continue this in the right place. Lets carry it on there eh?

[edit on 03/12/04 by Bikereddie]

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:54 AM
Innocence lost
November 18, 2004

By Robert Fisk

And when it percolated through to Fallujah and Ramadi that the mere act of kidnapping Margaret Hassan was close to heresy, the combined resistance groups of Fallujah - and the message genuinely came from them - demanded her release.

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