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Bilderberg 2005 in Munich, Germany

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posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by masqua
Bilderburgers are private citizens and politicians...there's no question that there is a difference between the two. The distinction being that one is in the service of the population and should be scrutinized by the public, while the other is a businessman and should only draw scrutiny upon evidence of criminal behaviour.

Don't forget, few of the international's most prominent news journalists attends the Bilderberg conferences on an annual basis. Thomas Friedman of the New York Times is one of them.

And yet he has not put down any report or column for the New York Times on every Bilderberg conference he attended.

Make you goes, "Hmm...".

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Bilderberg conference is NWOs economic division from what I understand.
Wonder if the Vatican will be sending a rep?


posted on May, 1 2005 @ 07:22 PM
Is the Bilderburg group associated with the COMMITEE OF 300?

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 04:14 AM

European Bilderberg hunters have found the hiding place of this secretive cabal at a posh resort in this charming little city 40 miles from Munich. Their annual meeting is May 5-8.

Bilderberg is gathering at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt, a five-star conference and business hotel with 188 luxury rooms. It is on a lake and near a golf course, typical Bilderberg requirements. High officials of the U.S. government and possibly a few congressional leaders will participate in three days of secret meetings to plan global policy. Heads of state and other high officials from Europe and Britain will participate, along with world financiers.

David Rockefeller and his valet, Henry Kissinger, are longtime Bilderberg regulars. Donald Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, and associate editor Jimmy Lee Hoagland regularly attend, upon their promise to report nothing.

The New York Times, LA Times and all major networksâ - ABC, CBS and NBC -have participated. All participants are sworn to secrecy. Bilderberg denies its existence, and all the resorts at which they hold their meetings require their employees to lie and deny they are present.

Three times the Dorint told AFP they were fully booked - but that Bilderberg was not there. All but Bilderberg participants and their staffs, wives or, in some cases, someone else's wife, will be required to leave. The hotel staff will be warned to reveal nothing of what they see and hear.

Armed guards will patrol not only the main entrance but the perimeters.

Exposing Bilderberg meetings has provided advance warnings - months ahead of the mainstream media - of U.S. wars, tax increases, and the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain, among other exclusives.

Such secrecy!!! If they really are not there to talk about political and financial goals and problems then I am really sorry else I think all these meetings should stop!

If they have something to say that will directly or indirectly affect other people then it MUST be said in open public discussion not behind closed doors.
This year, after having seen several DVD's of video evidence, I finally realised for certain that 9/11 was set up by US NeoCon gangsters. Jimmy Walter (, Eric Hufschmid (, Dave VonKleist ( and Canadian Daniel Hopsickers's ( are the best I have seen. These North American DVD makers have shone the light on the most disgusting liars in their midst so that the world might see. But will the world look the other way?

In the UK Simon Aronowitz ( has produced a radio loop of riveting 9/11 interviews lasting several hours. We can't rely on the BBC or any mainstream media to show us, the jury, this evidence, so we have to seek it out for ourselves. I particularly recommend Jimmy Walters' FREE DVD available from it explains, amongst other gob-smackers, why the twin towers must have been brought down by pre-set explosives.

The NeoCon's have lit the blue touch-paper to the next World War. As we begin to close in on Dick Cheney's central role in planning and perpetrating 9/11 he and his diabolical partners will be pushed, like cornered animals, to ever greater atrocities. Next time it may well be a Nuclear, Chemical or Biological attack, blamed on whoever they want to blame, such is the slavish compliance of the mainstream press.

The mainstream media's editors bear a great responsibility for perpetrating the lie that is Moslem terrorism. If the US army tell them a bomb attack outside a mosque was a 'suicide bomber' they unthinkingly repeat it to the world. If eyewitnesses on the ground saw a US helicopter fire a missile into the crowd it is still a suicide bomber because access has been denied to 'unembedded journalists' and the free press in Iraq has been shut down at gunpoint.

The mainstream Western editors refuse to represent the overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, they unquestioningly trot out the lies told by the military as if they were fact. They do not come even close to a balance of proof for either side of the idealogical divide in this postmodern war where goodies are baddies and baddies are goodies and innocent men, women and children die by their hundreds of thousands in the ensuing confusion. One side, you see, has all the financial clout to push their line and they listen in on every media channel and hammer owners and editors when the channel steps out of line. In all but the most robust media the best way to lose your job as a journalist is to question that line. Like CNN editor Eason Jordan, sacked in February this year for daring to admit that US troops had deliberately targetted unembedded journalists.

Which side of this line of belief, pro or anti war on terror, is not just dividing the employed from the unemployed, it is dividing the world. Plunging us, quite possibly, into a global civil war between the independent minded and mostly impoverished sceptics, and those tied in to capitalism who uncritically toe the official line, not wishing to believe that the rich and powerful could hold the rest of humanity in such contempt. Their belief in the war on terror conveniently alienating them from society's victims. By launching his War on Terror George W. and his NeoCon family could well have launched humanity on an irevoccable, earth-shattering slide to Armageddon. The ultimate battle which really will end all wars, fortold by, amongst others, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jesus Christ and the apostle John. -

I know, I know, more 911 stuff but its where it all started, the beginning of the end, the end of what I do not know but it is sign of something.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 07:21 AM
One thing about the bilderbergs though you seem to be forgetting is that it is essentially a gathering of unelected european powerbrokers. That's not to say it exclusively EU but primaraly so. So the issues you suggested like the US economy failing would be discussed from a Europen perspective ie increase in the Euro value etc.

I look at it like the EU wing of the trilateral commission wich is EU,US, Japan.

Suggesting that the US and Japan have similar gatherings of unelected powermongers just we dont hear about them.

[edit on 2/5/2005 by Corinthas]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by sebatwerk

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
I have always been interested by the Bilderberg subject as not one mention goes into mass media. Not to mention the hundreds of world leaders attening a once a year event to discuss matters behind closed doors away from the scrutiny of the world press and the people that want to know WTF is going on.

Actually, you do know what goes on once the decisions are put up for a vote or get made. What's so wrong about how they discuss these things, if it all comes around to the public eventually?

People have said to me why worry??? Its not going to affect you is it. well maybe, maybe not but still I have a right to know what is being said by political, financial, economical etc. etc. leaders that have influential power over the people of earth and we just let it happen, actually we are not told about it so we won't ask questions, if they really would be having the good for people wouldn't they say what there up to?????

The reason these meetings are held in private is to promote an open forum, without members having to worry about public and media scrutiny of their comments. If you guys were there criticizing everything said, that would not be very conducive to an open exchange of ideas, would it?

And NO, you do NOT have the right to demand to know what goes on behind closed doors of a private organization that public people attend ON THEIR OWN TIME. You don't want the government intruding in YOUR business and YOUR privacy, so don't be a hypocrite and demand the same of them!

[edit on 25-4-2005 by sebatwerk]

Actually, you do know what goes on once the decisions are put up for a vote or get made. What's so wrong about how they discuss these things, if it all comes around to the public eventually?

As a matter of fact, it does NOT come around to the public eventually, at least not from their own control. Can you provide me with a complete list of all the proposals and decisions that were taken at Bilderberg 2004? No you can't. Nobody who was not related to this meeting can. All we can get is the scarce, ambiguous info revealed from some insiders, or perhaps just hotel staff, about what was discussed and who was there, but these infos are not even available for every year that the Bilderberg took place.

The only way the public gets to know what was decided is by going through the social and economical changes that are ruled during these meetings, and THAT is the problem. That decisions and/or positions on global policy, which are affecting the entire planet, are being taken into a secret, totally illegitimate assembly of approximately 120 members. What's is the problem? A global OLIGARCHY is the problem.

The reason these meetings are held in private is to promote an open forum, without members having to worry about public and media scrutiny of their comments.

Interesting... So you actually know the precise reasons why they keep their meetings secret, by not revealing anything to the public on what's going on inside and by urging hotel staff to not disclose anything that they seen or heard? Where did you take this information from, Sebatwerk? From Bilderbergers officials reactions to critics and conspiracy theorist? Or perhaps you have a copy of the clauses in their official by-laws that says how and why the contents of their meetings must be kept secret from the public eye? Come on... don't be shy, show us your precious proofs!

[edit on 5/5/05 by Echtelion]

[edit on 5/5/05 by Echtelion]

[edit on 5/5/05 by Echtelion]

[edit on 5/5/05 by Echtelion]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
As a matter of fact, it does NOT come around to the public eventually, at least not from their own control. Can you provide me with a complete list of all the proposals and decisions that were taken at Bilderberg 2004? No you can't. Nobody who was not related to this meeting can. All we can get is the scarce, ambiguous info revealed from some insiders, or perhaps just hotel staff, about what was discussed and who was there, but these infos are not even available for every year that the Bilderberg took place.

Do you KNOW how laws are made? I suggest you go rent some back-episodes of Schoolhouse Rock if not. Discussion of different laws and policies is one thing, but a law pr policy cannot be enacted by government without public knowledge. So, like I said before, why does it matter how legislators come to these decisions?

The only way the public gets to know what was decided is by going through the social and economical changes that are ruled during these meetings, and THAT is the problem. That decisions and/or positions on global policy, which are concerning the entire planet, are being taken into a secret, totally illegitimate assembly of approximately 120 members. What's is the problem? A global OLIGARCHY is the problem.

You are making ASSUMPTIONS that decisions are being made at these conferences!!! Admit it! You have NO reason to believe that anyone is making any decisions at these conferences, so I suggest you stop being so damn paranoid and stop speculating.

The reason these meetings are held in private is to promote an open forum, without members having to worry about public and media scrutiny of their comments.

Interesting... So you actually know the precise reasons why they keep their meetings secret, by not revealing anything to the public on what's going on inside and by urging hotel staff to not disclose anything that they seen or heard? Where did you take this information from, Sebatwerk? From Bilderbergers officials reactions to critics and conspiracy theorist? Or perhaps you have a copy of the clauses in their official by-laws that says how and why the contents of their meetings must be kept secret from the public eye? Come on... don't be shy, show us your precious proofs!


Here's a sample:

The original intention of the Bilderberg group was to further understanding between Western Europe and North America through informal meetings between powerful individuals. Each year, a "steering committee" devises a selected invitation list with a maximum of 100 names. The location of their annual meeting is not secret, and the agenda and list of participants are openly available to the public, but the topics of the meetings are kept secret. The official stance of the Bilderberg Group is that their secrecy prevents these individuals' discussions from media manipulation. However, social class-related exclusivity is generally considered to be the primary motive.

Seriously dude, you're way too paranoid for your own good! Bilderbergers have NEVER given you a reason to speculate about ANY of this, except that they try to keep their meetings private. THOUSANDS of organizations keep their meetings private! Why don't you go after them?

The White House cabinet and senior administration members, which makes hundreds of decisions that affect your life, all meet in private! So does the federal reserve! But here you are, scared to death of a think-tank that is getting together to share ideas and discuss world issues. Amazing!

[edit on 5-5-2005 by sebatwerk]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 04:14 PM

The White House cabinet and senior administration members, which makes hundreds of decisions that affect your life, all meet in private! So does the federal reserve! But here you are, scared to death of a think-tank that is getting together to share ideas and discuss world issues. Amazing!

Some how I don't think we're all "scared to death" about these people but it is the most interesting of subjects. As for the Fed. reserve, The world bank, the bank of england etc. etc. now these are worth worrying about I know these "companies" have a very powerful position as they and only they can control the currency they can choose wether a country(s) economy goes into recession or booms. This will DIRECTLY affect the people.

So in reality these bilderbergers among others actually only have a limit of power due to the banks. Funny thing is though some of these bankers and pharmacutecal company leaders actually attend these "secret" meetings now that scares me.

Though I am not paranoid as paranoia + more dis-information = Fear. Fear is one of most powerful emotions in ANY animal as long as you keep a animal in fear you will have control of this animal also too much fear can manifest itself into illness and depression.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 04:23 PM
well theyre cutting up the pie and they dont want you to know they havent saved a piece for you

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:08 PM

Seriously dude, you're way too paranoid for your own good! Bilderbergers have NEVER given you a reason to speculate about ANY of this, except that they try to keep their meetings private. THOUSANDS of organizations keep their meetings private! Why don't you go after them?

The White House cabinet and senior administration members, which makes hundreds of decisions that affect your life, all meet in private! So does the federal reserve! But here you are, scared to death of a think-tank that is getting together to share ideas and discuss world issues. Amazing!

All these officials in the White House and admisnitration members take decision through institutional bodies that comply with the US constitution and have been approved by democratically-elected politicians. The way decisions that are taken in the White House are based on principles of democratic representativity and accountability towards citizens and the constitution. Even if that,s not how the actaul administration is behaving, there is a Bill of Rights in the US that was made to serve backup for US citizens against abuses of power and repression of civil liberites such as what the Bush administration is doing since a few years. And where does these principles fit into the Bilderbergers? Can you show me any by-laws of the Bilderberger, or their chart, which was approved by a representative body that is ACCOUNTABLE to the population of the western world???

Yes, I do recognize that crucial decisions about global policy might not be taken during the Bilderberg meetings (why would they have to do so anyways... they have the G8 and the World Economical Forum for that!), while there are strong reasons to believe that crucial positions are beign debated, deliberated and taken there.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 09:00 PM
Here´s a LIST OF PARTICIPANTS for the Rottach-Egern, Germany, 5-8 May 2005, Bilderberger meeting.
Just so you know, this is not a complete list of all who attended that meeting. I recognize a few names on that list...

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 09:15 PM
Thanks for the list over a million views since 05/05/2005, it seems there is a bit of interest in who goes, at least.
Sure wish I was a fly on the wall of that gathering of heavyweights.

No doubt we'll never catch a whisper.

I wonder what Perle had to say?

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by sebatwerk
Oh please, got anymore bad assumptions and heresay to repeat? You have NO idea what's going on at these conferences, so save the accusations for someone who's ignorant enough to believe you. Until you are there or see transcripts, you have no clue if they ARE deciding the fates of millions, or if they're simply exchanging ideas and problem-solving.

we DO get to see the actions and philosophies and effects of these people throughout the year, though.
maybe, anyway. a lot of evidence says they are. at the very least, the balance of power in human society is WAY out of whack. too few control too many. the boat will eventually tip and only fate will determine who sinks and who swims.
and you can save YOUR speculations and opinions for someone uniformed enough and impressionable enough to believe you. uber-powerful people having secret meetings is obviously nefarious. these people think they literally OWN us. why wouldn't they? we do what they program us to do. they behave like they own us, and we buckle under. it's a great system.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 10:46 PM
You guys better check out this article about Bilderberg targeting patriots!

Apparently the Christian Patriot movement is a huge thorn in their side, and they want to deal with us.
Their problem is, if they use our military, they'd be very reluctant to fire on us. So they're talking about UN troops!

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
Apparently the Christian Patriot movement is a huge thorn in their side, and they want to deal with us.
Their problem is, if they use our military, they'd be very reluctant to fire on us. So they're talking about UN troops!

To quote a certain President: "Bring it on!"

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by the_oleneo

Originally posted by Amethyst
Apparently the Christian Patriot movement is a huge thorn in their side, and they want to deal with us.
Their problem is, if they use our military, they'd be very reluctant to fire on us. So they're talking about UN troops!

To quote a certain President: "Bring it on!"

I was going to add that too!

But I've been hearing from other sites/sources that one of these days the UN will be sent in here. One particular site is American Holocaust. Supposedly, while our boys (and girls) are off fighting Bush's Crusades, there will be foreign troops here--and some think they're already here, from Germany, Russia, wherever--and they'd have NO problem messing with us!

It's some pretty scary stuff. As much as I'd love to have my head in the sand and try to ignore it, it's not going to go away.

I'll tell you what, I'll enjoy my life now while I can. Live for today, but plan for tomorrow.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
You guys better check out this article about Bilderberg targeting patriots!

Apparently the Christian Patriot movement is a huge thorn in their side, and they want to deal with us.
Their problem is, if they use our military, they'd be very reluctant to fire on us. So they're talking about UN troops!

I was just about to post that very same article. If it's true, then those who appose the New World Order and Bush are in serious trouble. Otherwise a revolution of immense proportion will take place.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by billybob
maybe, anyway. a lot of evidence says they are.

What evidence? I've never heard of such "evidence". Can you show us this "evidence"?

at the very least, the balance of power in human society is WAY out of whack. too few control too many. the boat will eventually tip and only fate will determine who sinks and who swims.

This has ALWAYS been the case! Give me an example of ONE TIME IN HISTORY when too few did not control too many!

uber-powerful people having secret meetings is obviously nefarious. these people think they literally OWN us.

Sigh... is that all you do? Just assume and speculate? Obviously nefarious? No, it's not OBVIOUS. Only to you, who cannot see things in an objective manner, using logic and rationale to assess the situation. Your two above statements are NOTHING but assumptions based on fear and ignorance.

[edit on 29-5-2005 by sebatwerk]

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:22 PM
This has ALWAYS been the case! Give me an example of ONE TIME IN HISTORY when too few did not control too many!

Well...I can think of the french Revolution as one time in recent history where the many controlled the few.

There are other times when the populations rose against their masters, but often they are led by a replacement ruling class.

Perhaps the point being made is that there always comes a time, usually when the ruling classes banish care for their minions, turning their faces from misery and injustice, that suddenly the frustrated populace decides it's time for a 'house-cleaning'.

The apparent secrecy over the content of the minutes of the Bilderberger rendesvous only angers an already alienated underclass. You don't have to look far to see these dissatisfied hordes...they are present here on ATS
by the hundreds.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:53 PM

BILDERBERG MEETINGS Rottach-Egern, Germany 5-8 May 2005 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Honorary Chairman

B, Davignon, Etienne, Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel Honorary Secretary General

GB, Taylor, J. Martin, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs International

NL, Aartsen, Jozias J. van, Parliamentary Leader, Liberal Party (VVD)

PNA, Abu-Amr, Ziad, Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council; President of the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations; Professor of Political Science, Birzeit University

D, Ackermann, Josef, Chairman, Group Executive Committee. Deutsche Bank AG

INT, Almunia Amann, Joaquin, Commissioner, European Commission

GR, Alogoskoufis, George, Minister of Economy and Finance

TR, Babacan, Ali, Minister of Economic Affairs

P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister

INT, Barroso. José M. Durão, President, European Commission

S, Belfrage, Erik, Senior Vice President, SEB

I, Bernabè, Franco, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe

F, Beytout, Nicolas, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro

A, Bronner, Oscar, Publisher and Editor, Der Standard

GB, Browne, John, Group Chief Executive, BP plc

D, Burda, Hubert, Chairman of the Board of Management, Hubert Burda Media

IRL, Byrne, David, WHO Special Envoy on Global Cornmunicable Diseases; Former Commissioner, European Commission

F, Camus, Philippe, CEO, EADS

F, Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Board, AXA

E, Cebrián. Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA

USA, Collins, Timothy C., Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC

F, Collomb, Bertrand, Chairman, Lafarge

CH, Couchepin, Pascal, Head, Department of Home Affairs

GR, David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

F, Delpech, Thérèse, Director for Strategic Affairs, Atomic Energy Commission

GR, Diamantopoulou, Anna, Member of Parliament

NL, Docters van Leeuwen, Arthur W.H., Chairman of the Executive Board, Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets

USA, Donilon, Thomas E., Partner, O’Melveny & Myers

D, Döpfner, Mathias, CEO, Axel Springer AG

DK, Eldrup, Anders, President, DONG A/S

I, Elkann, John, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.

USA, Feldstein, Martin S, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research

USA, Ford, Jr., William C., Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company

USA, Geithner, Timothy F., President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

TR, Gencer, Imregul, Member of the Board, Global Investment Holding

ISR, Gilady, Eival, Strategic Advisor to Prime Minister Sharon

IRL, Gleeson, Dermot, Chairman, AIB Group

USA, Graham, Donald E., Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company

N, Grydeland, Bjørn T., Ambassador to the EU

P, Guterres, António, Former Prime Minister; President, Socialist International

USA, Haass, Richard N., President, Council on Foreign Relations

NL, Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University

B, Hansen, Jean-Pierre, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A.

A, Haselsteiner, Hans Peter, CEO, Bauholding Strabag SE (Societas Europea)

DK, Hedegaard, Connie, Minister for the Environment

USA, Holbrooke, Richard C., Vice Chairman, Perseus

INT, Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO

USA, Hubbard, Allan B., Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council

B, Huyghebaert, Jan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group

USA, Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus LLC

INT, Jones, James L., Supreme Allied Commander Euope, SHAPE

USA, Jordan, Jr.,Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

USA, Keane, John M., President, GSI, LLC; General, US Army, Retired

GB, Kerr, John, Director, Shell, Rio Tinto, Scottish Americal Investment Trust

USA, Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.

D, Kleinfeld, Klaus, President and CEO, Siemens AG

TR, Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.

D, Kopper, Hilmar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, DaimlerChrysler AG

F, Kouchner, Bernard, Director, "Santé et développement", CNAM

USA, Kravis, Henry R., Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA, Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

INT, Kroes, Neelie, Commissioner, European Commission

CH, Kudelski, André, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Kudelski Group

F, Lamy, Pascal, President, Notre Europe; Former Commissioner, European Commission

USA, Ledeen, Michael A., American Enterprise Institute

FIN, Liikanen, Erkki, Govemor and Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland

N, Lundestad, Geir, Director, Norwegian Nobel Institute; Secretary, Norwegian Nobel Committee

USA, Luti, William J., Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

DK, Lykketoft, Mogens, Chairman, Social Democratic Party

CDN, Manji, Irshad, Author/Founder of "Project Ijtihad”

USA, Mathews, Jessica T., President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

CDN, Mau, Bruce, Bruce Mau Design

CDN, McKenna, Frank, Ambasssador to the US

USA, Medish, Mark C., Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

USA, Mehlman, Kenneth B., Chairman, Republican National Committee

D, Merkel, Angela, Chairman, CDU; Chairman CDU/CSU-Fraction

SVK, Miklos, Ivan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

F, Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)

INT, Monti, Mario, President, Bocconi University; Former Commissioner for Competition, European Commission

CDN, Munroe-Blum, Heather, Principal and Vice Chancellor, McGill University

N, Myklebust, Egil, Chairman of the Board of Directors, SAS

D, Nass, Matthias, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

RUS, Nemirovskaya, Elena, Founder and Director, Moscow School of Political Studies

NL, Netherlands, H.M. tihe Queen of The

PL, Olechowski, Andrzej, Leader Civic Platform

FIN, Ollila, Jorma, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

INT, Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

E, Palacio, Loyola de, President, Council on Foreign Relations, Partido Popular

GR, Papandreou, George A., President, Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK)

USA, Pearl, Frank H., Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC

USA, Pearlstine, Norman, Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc.

FIN, Pentikäinen, Mikael, President, Sanoma Corporation

USA, Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

D, Pflüger, Friedbert, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion

B, Philippe, H.R.H. Prince

CDN, Prichard, J. Robert S., President. Torstar Media Group and CEO, Torstar Corporation

IN'T, Rato y Figaredo, Rodrigo de, Managing Director, IMF

CDN, Reisman, Heather, President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

USA, Rockefeller, David, Member, JP Morgan International Council

USA, Rodin, Judith, President, The Rockefeller Foundation

E, Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander

USA, Ross, Dennis B., Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

F, Roy, Olivier, Senior Researcher, CNRS

P, Sarmento, Nuno Morais, Former Minister of State and of Presidency; Member of Parliament

I, Scaroni, Paolo, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.

D, Schily, Otto, Minister of the Interior

A, Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

D, Schrempp , Jürgen E., Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG

D, Schulz, Ekkehard D., Chairman of the Executive Board, ThyssenKrupp AG

E, Sebastián Gascón, Miguel, Chief Economic Adviser to Prime Minister

ISR, Sharansky, Natan, Former Minister for Jerusalem & Diaspora Affairs

I, Siniscalco, Domenico, Minister for Economy and Finance

GB, Skidelsky, Robert, Professor of Political Economy, Warwick University

E, Spain, H.M. the Queen of

IRL, Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP p.l.c.

PL, Szwajcowski, Jacek, CEO, Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna

FIN, Tiilikainen, Teija H., Director, University of Helsinki, Network for European Studies

NL, Tilmant, Michel, Chairman, ING N.V.

INT, Trichet, Jean-Claude, Governor, European Central Bank

TR, Ülsever, Cüneyt, Columnist, Hürriyet

CH, Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL, Veer, Jeroen van der, Chairman Committee of.Managing Directors, Royal Dutch Shell Group

USA, Vinocur, John, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune

S, Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman of the Board, Investor AB; Vice-Chairman, SEB

USA, Warner, Mark R., Governor of Virginia

GB, Weinberg, Peter, CEO, Goldman Sachs International

D, Wissmann, Matthias, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion

GB, Wolf, Martin H., Asscociate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

INT/USA, Wolfensohn, James D., President, The World Bank

USA, Wolfowitz, Paul, President designate, The World Bank

USA, Zakaria, Fareed, Editor, Newsweek International

D, Zumwinkel, Klaus, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG

some pics:


those persons are important:

D, Merkel, Angela, Chairman, CDU; Chairman CDU/CSU-Fraction

D, Pflüger, Friedbert, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion

D, Wissmann, Matthias, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion

Some days after end of the Bilderberger, in the evening of NRW-state elections, social democratic chancellor said, that he will leave his office, and requests new elections end of this year (earlier than they would be normally, one year later happen), Clinton and Blair were short time before of they got their jobs as state leaders invited to Bilderberger meetings (and came also to them), Dr. Angela Merkel, also now candidates as chancellor shortly after she was there, I think this is interesting, as there were also two other of her party members invited, I think the'll play a role in our future government, .. time will show, whats your opinion?

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