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Soul of Satanist Trapped in Toaster, Finds Good Home in the Afterlife

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posted on Apr, 3 2024 @ 11:42 PM

Was the condemed soul of a Satanist trapped in a toaster?

How would you react if you were forced to continue to make bread for all eternity?

Would YOU become a sentient Satanic toaster?

Inquiring minds want to know.

We always hear about Jesus on toast.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

So Satan is toast! I haven't learned anything here.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Astrocometus

No, no, no.

The toast is just toast.

It's might be Satanic Toast, but like she said, it's been burnt by Hellfire and apparently she LOVES it!

The soul of the poor Satanist might resent being forced to slave away as a toaster for a Nice Jewish Lady but at least he makes good toast and has a flair for the dramatic!

As far as Jesus goes, haven't seen the guy personally.

Wouldn't know what to look for these days.

LAst time I saw a guy who fit the profile he was waiting patiently in line at my old neighborhood gas station, dirty and worn from the road but not smelly and he had like five giant energy drinks in his hands and waiting to pay before continuing his journey.

He didn't loiter, he didn't litter and I don't know if all 5 drink were for him or if he was taking them to share with others.

Knowing Jesus, if it WAS him, he was probably taking them back to pass around the community park and continue his Ministry off the beaten path so folks can enjoy their day without worrying about "some gooody two shoes damn smelly hippie" loitering in a No Sitting Zone.

Speaking of which, Daves not here either.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but he's still overseas.

Sorry, I gotta take a break and study some music theory.

Nice ta meetcha.

Thanks for dropping by!

I look forward to further communications if you feel so inclined.

edit on 4/4/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 05:44 AM
: Amytiville Toaster : Foamy The Squirrel

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: Astrocometus

No, no, no.

The toast is just toast.

It's might be Satanic Toast, but like she said, it's been burnt by Hellfire and apparently she LOVES it!

The soul of the poor Satanist might resent being forced to slave away as a toaster for a Nice Jewish Lady but at least he makes good toast and has a flair for the dramatic!

As far as Jesus goes, haven't seen the guy personally.

Wouldn't know what to look for these days.

LAst time I saw a guy who fit the profile he was waiting patiently in line at my old neighborhood gas station, dirty and worn from the road but not smelly and he had like five giant energy drinks in his hands and waiting to pay before continuing his journey.

He didn't loiter, he didn't litter and I don't know if all 5 drink were for him or if he was taking them to share with others.

Knowing Jesus, if it WAS him, he was probably taking them back to pass around the community park and continue his Ministry off the beaten path so folks can enjoy their day without worrying about "some gooody two shoes damn smelly hippie" loitering in a No Sitting Zone.

Speaking of which, Daves not here either.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but he's still overseas.

Sorry, I gotta take a break and study some music theory.

Nice ta meetcha.

Thanks for dropping by!

I look forward to further communications if you feel so inclined.

Hey nice for me as well

Not quite off topic but a little bit to either side. Did you UPGRADE
to a satanic cat? Or in this case would that be a DOWNGRADE? I'm so
confused I don't know which way is up? Either way nice break from the
boring norm you have going here.

On topic

Your thread gave me a brainstorm for cereal.


I'm working on the jingle now.

We're gonna be conglamorates!.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Astrocometus


Satanic cat!

We named our rescue kitty Seiko "Zombie Death Cat" because her farts from the rescue shelter smelled RANK!

She's smelling better now and we keep her box neat and tidy but she can really lay some foul land mines, lol.

I don't think I'm a Satanist, unless you mean the Secular Sects.

I would liken that side of my self more to Luciferianism, but I'm more of a Gnostic Catholic.

Lucifer is an Angel doing his part in Creation, and I don't fault the guy for watching over this material world.

I enjoy aspects of it very much.

The negative spiritual aspects I sometimes encounter are from the Wicked Powers in High Places.

My battle is not with Flesh and Blood, as the saying goes.

I do beleive in a Satanic Advesary though, but I have no beef with anyone, even though I love a good BBQ.

How about you?

What path do you walk?

Left, Right or Center?

Alignment chart rules or whatever.

No judgment here.

I go from Lawful Good to True Neutral to Chaotic "Evil".

That's my triad as of this posting.

This is just for storytelling purposes, I don't TRY to do "evil" but I'm frequenly misunderstood, like many of us.

edit on 4/4/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I'll tell what I know, as a human being, I have my moments.

That's about it.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Astrocometus

Yeah, I understand.

I think we all have moments.

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 05:16 AM
I am a bit timid at times with the full spectrum going on.

As for objects being imbued with some kind of spiritual identify, not unheard off. Best practice is to not destroy these objects as this process can release such trapped entities. A deep hole somewhere dark and quite looks like the best place for such things. In time they will corrode, by then it is usually something Gaia or whoever has to deal with along with others.

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: kwaka

My coffee pot gets stressed sometimes when things are out of balance and gets really steamed.

In order to help Him cool, we stay cool.


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