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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on May, 22 2024 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
It isn't personally about rel but claims like this:

The biggest barrier to understanding and verifying the model better and faster is numbers of people using the tools I've created to look at the data.

Now I know it's not for everyone but I'd guesstimate there's probably only a handful who download the spreadsheet and use it, from time to time, to look at the posts they're interested in.

If that were 50 people I'd wager we find a lot more patterns, quicker, and we'd get more information.

So it would seem that the claim that he had figured out how to decode the drops and Trump's tweets and that it would lead to more information that Q wanted to get across was made. But in the end they are really just guesses that he started to formulate into questions when I pointed out the failure rate.

So rel either didn't figure out how to decode or there were never coded messages because Q wasn't who they said they were.

Some might say "but we uncovered so much info", that happens all the time on ATS and had been happening for years before Q.

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 07:40 PM
We NEED More of this........IMO

Black Trump Supporter DEBATE Liberal Woman who supports BLM and questioned him on why Black parents give their kids instructions on what they should do and not do when they go out: “Black Lives Matter is funded by the White House ma’am. By Obama, George Soros. ALL Lives Matter ok, God made us ALL…. This is what happened in Black neighborhood… It’s black on black that kills the young youth in their neighborhood… The Democratic Party has owned the black neighborhood… And they give you a Black President whose a Muslim… He supports radical Islam… They’re the one who created ISIS. Look at their policies…”

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: nugget1
Pretty sure dude is 86.

Seems like most of the people Q said were going to be arrested are actually going to die of old age.

Puts a twist on "They won't be able to walk the streets"

Well if this is the clone, then he was toast a while back. AND the WEF folks are having a hard time in Europe with the natives not liking the agenda.

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Why would the whitehats arrest someone and insert a clone that is just going to continue doing what the original was doing?

It just makes more sense to me that the anons got trolled. Have you ever see Jesse Watters interview the leader of antifa? Of course it was just some kid trolling him, typical chan culture, which just happens to be where Q popped up.

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 11:09 PM
Why indeed? Well, to prevent a civil war in the USA.

That would likely also be to keep the loons on the extremes from going jungle on the normies when all the crimes and sentencing is revealed. To get it to a point where because they "saw for themselves" the crimes, it was understandable if a child abuser from the Epstein crowd was hung at Gitmo. People will not riot in the streets like we see in the rest of the world if they see the crimes justified the death sentence. The wicked do need to be removed from positions of power world wide and it isn't easy to break up their crime syndicate.

a reply to: daskakik

edit on 22000000423120245America/Chicago05pm5 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
You are reaching.

Why would arresting Klaus Schwab cause a civil war in the USA?

Taking someone out and replacing them with a clone that does the same thing isn't actually removing anyone from positions of power and after all this time you really haven't shown the world their crimes.

We have a bunch of numbers, gematria and things that some people think match but has any evidence been introduced as a result of the years of digging?

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 12:27 AM
Allahu Akbar

edit on 777Vam23America/ChicagoThu, 23 May 2024 00:28:40 -0500 by 777Vader because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 06:42 AM
Reminder - The Documents Case and the fear behind IT

Memorandum on Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation January 19, 2021

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:

Section 1. Declassification and Release. At my request, on December 30, 2020, the Department of Justice provided the White House with a binder of materials related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Portions of the documents in the binder have remained classified and have not been released to the Congress or the public. I requested the documents so that a declassification review could be performed and so I could determine to what extent materials in the binder should be released in unclassified form.

Biden Admin. Continues To Conceal Declassified Crossfire Hurricane Records 02.15.2022

More than a year after then-President Trump directed details of the government’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation to be declassified, the Justice Department continues to hide those important records. Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Ranking Member Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) today are calling on the department to promptly comply with the declassification directive.

“We remain concerned that over one year from the date then-President Trump directed the Justice Department to declassify certain Crossfire Hurricane records the Justice Department has not only failed to declassify a single page, the Department has failed to identify for Congress records that it knows with certainty to be covered by the declassification directive.,” the senators wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Another case of Avian Influenza, this time in Michigan.
Second Human Case In the U.s.

Technically it is 3. So we have Colorado, Texas and Michigan. Messing with #'s =14.
I've been wondering about the pink eye and the connection to certain symbolism.

Anyway we have some disturbing developments...
"Dawn O'Connell, assistant secretary for Preparedness and Response @ HHS revealed 4.8 million doses of H5N1 vaccine has been stockpiled."

Some plans for deployment, when we have only 2 cases to date but they are desperate to find more.
This makes no sense-"It takes months to be able to fill and finish vaccine doses, so I thought it made sense, given what we are seeing."

Some interesting #'s- 900 people in 24 countries since 2003.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

Pfizer is in trouble- more cost cutting to the tune of $1.5 billion.
Pfizer more cost cutting

Everything is just so well timed.
The first $4 billion was announced in '23 and this latest round is to take place in '25 and '26.
$4 billion + $1.5 billion= [5X5]

More about the Avian flu

We have some serious players around this- especially noteworthy is Richard Hatchett, one of the contributors to the book "Disease X".

What are the chances that Moderna started clinical trials for H5N1 [clade] last summer? Positively clairvoyant.

We have a link to Mr. Pool. using the identifier as dose 1,2,3.

According to Chinese News Network trace amounts of H5N1 have been found in milk Announced April 23, updated 6.32 P.M. April 26th.

Isn't it strange that the FBI conducted a contaminated milk crisis scenario in 3 Colorado Springs hospitals ?
FBI- Bioterrorism drill

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Rook this is unbelievable. I have seen how corrupt the system is but this takes it to a new level.
From the Covid Select Committee.

Morens- Fauci's right hand- deleted emails- now undeleted

Just wow. How to get around FOIA requests but it appears that standard operating procedures involved getting kickbacks from the grantee- in this case EcoHealth Alliance. If they were doing this with them, the question then is how many other grantees were forced to give kickbacks or else they would not receive the grant???

He should lose his pension. Fauci as well, along with anyone else involved with this whole plandemic.

Covid Select committee brief question about FOIA

Chief Nerd tweet

What is amazing is that Fauci lied #people died and now Morens outright lying and there never seems to be any consequences. G. I. T. M. O. Express.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I really never know what to think about Elon Musk. Another strange turn.

X/Twitter to Require ID for Creators

Au10tix is the company he is using which is a subsidiary of ICTS International NV-
Au10tix wiki

ICTS International NV Wiki

"established in 1982 by former members of the Shin Bet, Israel's security agency."

Shin Bet wiki
That's all we need- connections to Mossad.

This must be coming from the new WEF darling CEO Linda Yaccarino.
Controversial hire

Does this make any sense to you. Musk brought her in to help get more add revenue but this ID connection will do the exact opposite. Less content from the users.

General Mcnews tweet

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Wallstreet Apes Tweet- Jeff Bezos & the CIA

This is the first I've heard of the Defense Innovation Advisory board. The timing of this is very suspicious-2016 the critical year.
The Defense Innovation Advisory Board

Eric Schmidt, Google connection as Chairman should give everyone the chills. Isn't it strange that he along with Joshua Marcuse left in March 2020 right when the plandemic was announced.

Jeff Bezos joins the Pentagon Advisory Board 2016

This has all the ear markings of the fox in the hen house.

I wonder who thought this was a splendid idea.
Ashton B Carter - 25th Secretary of Defense

Mad dog Mattis #26

#27 is a dilly...
Mark Esper Department of Defense
We have some great #'s- born April 26, 1964 and served from July 23, 2019 - Nov 9, 2020.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 12:57 PM
Rel is much better than I am in sorting out what Dan Scavino comms.
Dan Scavino Tweet

Giving this a bit of a whirl. This was posted at 9:11 P.M.

#911 March 10, 2018 12:48:07 No 612963 >> Hey Q are we going to have a big week?

Every time I read this it reminds me of Obama.

We have a 911 Obama style-
Wow- John Kerry blocked FBI from arresting Iranian Agents on U.S. Soil

#2274 Sep 23, 2018 7:43:32 No 294
#2445 Nov 7, 2018 1:59:00 No 425

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Does this make any sense to you. Musk brought her in to help get more add revenue but this ID connection will do the exact opposite. Less content from the users.

Absolutely. Musk lives life like he's playing a game on a giant chess board. By his own admission AI nuerolink is bad; very bad, but if he doesn't capitalize on it someone else will.
A great deal of his wealth has come from US government funding, which makes him a bought and paid for servant who thinks he can outsmart his overlords,IMO.

My trust in Musk is minus 1,000. As many environmentally unsound and even dangerous to humanity projects as he's got going means he's got some very powerful backing from behind the scenes. I think he's drunk with money and power.

It sounds like I've got some major trust issues, huh?

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 02:10 PM
This is frankly strange. We haven't hear much about Eric Schmidt but here he is-

$100 million to girlfriend's company Steel Perlot

As the AI whisper to the Pentagon he has visions of grandeur that this company will be the "AI company of companies."

Michelle Ritter has some interesting connections- "cyber security research assistant with the Department of Homeland Security."

This has the feelz of AI infiltration. A picture paints a picture- she was seen posing with Huma Abedin and Obama! Well she is only 30. Ku #2,3,6,38,45,68,71,77.

Now she claims that the name of the company is a secret.
Anagram calculator

Plotters- plot.

She needs to check in with Billy the Gates for master level twisted tips. I really can't see Billy being onboard with Schmidt stepping in big time with AI at the Pentagon and Homeland Security levels.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Me too.

Billy the Gates has some recommendations for us.
Read this watch that

Watching the linked video at the 1:39 mark he has the word Think- Think- think on the wall. I sincerely hope I'm getting to him. Nervous people make mistakes. He so committed to his #'s that he probably can't bear to part with them. Regardless it's too late.

He does have people scouring the internet looking for conspiracy facts about him. He even did a call out in his book "How to Prevent the Next Plandemic" to ATS. Lol.

President Trump tweet:

Visiting angels comms?
Posted 7:15 p.m.
May 22, 2024 107.2 k Views, 525 reposts, 26 quotes, 2531 Likes, 40 bookmarks.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Are you on top of this?

Windows Recall sounds like a privacy nightmare – here's why I'm worried
Screenshotting everything you do and feeding it into an AI model could be a recipe for disaster.
If you haven't read about it yet, Recall is an AI feature coming to Windows 11 Copilot+ PCs. It's designed to let you go back in time on your computer by "taking images of your active screen every few seconds" and analyzing them with AI, according to Microsoft's Recall FAQs. If anyone other than you gets access to that Recall data, it could be disastrous.


posted on May, 23 2024 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Motivations are suspect ... in more ways than one

AI Relies On Mass Surveillance, Warns Signal Boss

"The AI technologies we're talking about today are reliant on mass surveillance," she said.

"They require huge amounts of data that are the derivatives of this mass surveillance business model that grew out of the 90s in the US, and has become the economic engine of the tech industry."

edit on 23-5-2024 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
You are reaching.

Why would arresting Klaus Schwab cause a civil war in the USA?

Taking someone out and replacing them with a clone that does the same thing isn't actually removing anyone from positions of power and after all this time you really haven't shown the world their crimes.

We have a bunch of numbers, gematria and things that some people think match but has any evidence been introduced as a result of the years of digging?

Please address all Dask,

You were close with replacing them, not all clones are masks. What makes a great movie? Great Actors.

For something that's not happening it's pretty big that there's been a warrant issued for the fake leader of Israel right? Just today MSM reporting on the diary of Ashley Biden, with words like "molested". Are you sure nothing is happening?

He told you.....

What do you think about the Kate Middleton situation?, ya know seeing as an insider claims she overdosed on sleeping pills, ambulance and not seen since? I mean ACTUALLY not seen? That Princess of Wales title sure brings so much with it, what were they after, a bloodline or something?

Riddle me this...How can old Charlie boy go through cancer treatment and appear quickly with no signs of it? Like Boris and his intensive care BS then walking around his back garden 4 days later? Yet a much younger woman has not been seen since December? Yeah...riddle me that.

Announcements of arrests are different to time of arrests.

Tis the season to announce the arrests for treason...

We were right then and we're right now....

It's the last time I'll mention these scumbags.....

We're entering a new world, we're all invited baby.

For them that refused to comply with all the BS and more......

Drip, Drip, FLOOD

It's coming. Lawsuits, arrests.

Peace Frens.

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