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The Western agenda is destroying video games

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posted on Mar, 27 2024 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: Athetos

No if you think my problem is not seeing enough white male protagonist in my vidya games well we arnt on the same page. Not even the same book or library.

But that was the comments in the opening thread.
That 'white male' characters in games were being replaced because of 'diversity' with you agreeing with RT and also replying to me.

Do I think some developers have got lazy, sure I do. Look at 'No Mans Sky' history or the recent 'Starfield', releasing unfinished and broken games that take over a year of updates to actually make the game what they originally promised. I don't see that as a 'woke' issue though.
The issue is, games are no longer made by gamers. They are made by people with degrees in programming or design who may have never played a game in there life, to them it's a career. When these Games Studios were first created they were created by people who were PC gamers out to make a game they wanted to see before any talk of profit. That's not happening anymore.

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