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Congressional "Hush Fund" and Rape Culture of DC Politicians.

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posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 04:25 PM

Since 1997, the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights has paid out $18.2 million to settle 291 cases of workplace disputes for Congress, the Capitol Police, the Architect of the Capitol, and the Library of Congress.

When news first broke of the settlement account, Congress was accused of having a veritable #MeToo slush fund to secretly pay off victims of sexual harassment. Reports surfaced that then-Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) negotiated a secret settlement with a female staffer who accused him of sexual misconduct, and the 88-year-old quickly resigned from Congress.

It turns out Conyers’ Congressional office budget paid out his sexual misconduct settlement, meaning that total wasn’t even included in the multi-million-dollar “slush” fund’s reported total.

Slowly, it has emerged that the fund, appropriated annually by Congress, includes payouts for workplace safety and pay disputes, in addition to sexual harassment claims, though many specifics are not reported.

Until June 18 of fiscal year 2018, two Senator’s offices and five House member’s offices had claims filed against them. An additional House member’s office had a case filed against it from June 19 through December 2019, out of the total 20 filed. Though 32 allegations of “Sex/Gender/Pregnancy” discrimination were filed in FY2018 and 28 were filed in FY2019, it is not known if those types of discrimination or harassment cases were against congressional offices or other offices under the fund.

A 2019 report noted 16 employees were paid a total of $600,363 in settlements, and while 20 claims were filed, just 16 appear to have been filed by protected class: three under “Sex/Gender/Pregnancy,” three under “National Origin,” four under “Disability,” and six under “Race/Color.”

After 23 years and $18 million in payouts from the Workplace Rights office, it seems like taxpayers might have a right to know more details.


2021 imagine what has happened under o'biden...

Not good.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

I wouldn't be surprised if that's where a lot of that Sea Turtle Grant money is headed.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:28 PM
People with power, money and influence will always seek out that which they do not have or control. Taboo ideas and actions for them is the next challenge.

A sick and perverse group with no morals or a brake for their needs.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Sadly this is what we get to know, I am sure that is more secret funds using taxpayer funds for more nefarious purposes.

Politicians are like leaches; they will suck up every hard-working dollar out of the taxpayer any way they can as long as their on money is not touch.

Paying for briberies nothing more and nothing else that is what we are paying for.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Darn dirty horny goats old farts, how despicable, they are just despicable.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: marg6043

We have been waiting since 2017, to see more transparency.

Six years later, and nothing except Russia Russia Russia, not a peep about the hush fund of Politicians, like Pelosi, you can bet she's on that list. It is not all dirty old men...

This list is probably identical, to Epsteins. Very close if not.

Time to stay focused on the Politicians, not who they accused falsely.

I want to see the names.

Also for the record, there is no such thing as a "protected class" under American laws;

House member’s office had a case filed against it from June 19 through December 2019, out of the total 20 filed. Though 32 allegations of “Sex/Gender/Pregnancy” discrimination were filed in FY2018 and 28 were filed in FY2019, it is not known if those types of discrimination or harassment cases were against congressional offices or other offices under the fund.

A 2019 report noted 16 employees were paid a total of $600,363 in settlements, and while 20 claims were filed, just 16 appear to have been filed by protected class: three under “Sex/Gender/Pregnancy,” three under “National Origin,” four under “Disability,” and six under “Race/Color.”

Since 2017

For people to be equal, no one, can be above another;

On the Constitutional Prohibition Against Titles of Nobility
Section 9 of the Constitution reads: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States…” Section 10 reads: “No State shall…grant any Title of Nobility.” Thus, both federal and state governments are prevented from conferring a Title of Nobility upon any of its citizens. These are not only laws, they’re constitutional ...

What exactly is a "title of nobility" under the US Constitution?
Titles of Nobility confer legal privileges. Titles of Nobility in U.K. law at the time the U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1789, among other things, conferred immunity to a trial by an ordinary jury and instead gave rise to a jury of one's peers (i.e. other nobles of the same rank or higher) if one was charged with a crime


Politicians are not Nobilty, they may fancy themselves as such, but America was founded to get away from Monarchs.

Not the insect that flies either, Monarchy of Nobilty.
Yet we see too many of these "elected" officials staying in position for decades over a lifetime.

Who makes careers, to get rich politics?

Harry Truman — ‘Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I'll show you a crook.’.

Not only are they getting rich off off taxpayers, they are misappropriating tax payed funds, to settle sexual criminal cases...why are we not pushing the media to uncover that?

Because the media is beholden to corrupt career parasite politicians, who are in violation of Smith Mundt Act.
It needs to be re-enacted, or media will always be a mockingbird...

edit on 15-4-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

I wonder how many of the pay outs are from complain or deeds done in Epstein Island, I would love to know about that, is remarkable how the elite in the US cover their butts from all the dirty laundry they protect each other regardless of party lines, but at the same time they get blackmailed, I am sure.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: marg6043

If it wasn't for double standards, they would have no standards at all.

Yeah, scary how this has been ongoing since 1995, and still no word as of 2017...

"Optics" or politic speak for perspective, is worse than looks.


posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Is blackmailing, what else could be, I do not mind a fund for sexual discrimination and race, but for sexual harassment and pregnancy? really give me a darn break.

Are we paying for abortions for the top feeders too?

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: marg6043

That's a very likely possibility, that the system would be abused by even the richest of people, who care more about money than human life. Typical politican & ignorant sheeple.

I find it amazing that every one who is for abortion, has already been born.

Perhaps they should stand by their conviction, and self abort. The left doesn't seem to think there's any thing wrong with late what's stopping them from doing so?

Seriously, all those people who are so gung ho abortion, can just self abort themselves.

How about take responsibility for adult acts, like sex, and the responsibility of safe sex or being an adult and raising the child. After all, those of us reading this, had pro life parents.

I know that much, because ya'll are reading this.

posted on Apr, 17 2024 @ 04:18 PM
Speaking of legalized child murder, there was a thread about how much money was being made from baby parts.

Seems like it was buried in the threads of time.
But it wasn't too long ago that it was posted.

Things get buried faster when it breaks the narrative mold.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 09:56 AM
Has anyone ever wondered, why the CORRUPT CAREER PARASITE POLITICIANS who have themselves, a Sexual assault HUSH FUND paid for by taxpayers?!


Why else do you think they, the corrupt career parasite politicians are going so hard after a man?

A man who put his reputation on the line, for his Country?
Before running for Office, Donald J Trump was every ones best friend, even on democrats side.

If you were alive long enough, y'all would know that.

Even to the extent that decades ago when asked what he would do, they applauded him on both the Democrat left and Republican right. All the way until he ran against the CORRUPT CAREER PARASITE POLITICIANS.

Any body, who has a brain cell left to see the BS being used is a distraction.

Remember that if they can ruin a man's life who was President, they will ruin any one else's who oppose them.

Good people don't slander, or run a smear campaign.
Bad people are those with egotistical narcissist tendance.

Politicians are the worst of that kind.

Stop being fools and falling for everything...

The mainstream media is a propaganda outlet, and will continue to be such until Smith Mundt Act is re-enacted.

Search and see;

The Smith–Mundt Act was a law that prohibited the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors from disseminating government-produced programming (see propaganda) within the United States. In 2013, Democrats under Obama, abolished the domestic dissemination ban, which has led to a debate about the role of the federal government in free public discourse. This Note argues for attributing any government-produced programming these agencies disseminate within the U.S.

edit on 7-5-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2024 @ 06:12 AM
Hold everyone accountable if we are singling out one...

"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."

To date, over 200 million dollars in 200 settlements have been paid since 1998. But tell us more about Trump’s possible campaign finance violations…. — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) December 13, 2018. “Congress has a slush fund, made up of tax dollars, that is used to pay off & silence their alleged sexual assaults and affairs,

Since when are members of Congress and their staffs accused of sexual harassment allowed to hush up and pay off their accusers from a secret “shush” fund full of taxpayer dollars? Since 1995, it turns out.

Congress, we all know, chooses to exempt itself from many of the same laws it foists on the rest of us. It’s a grievance I hear regularly during my travels around the country, as grassroots activists complain about this law or that regulation. “If only Congress had to live under the same laws we do, they’d get it, and they’d change it” is a common refrain.

For years, for instance, I’ve been speaking out about the illegal special exemption of Congress from ObamaCare, which allows members and staff to avoid the financial burdens they imposed on us when they passed that terrible law. If only they had to live under the law the same way the rest of us do, without benefit of taxpayer dollars to subsidize their premiums purchased fraudulently on the D.C. small business exchange, they might be more incentivized to repeal that law.

But until recently, I did not know about the “shush fund” of Congress, a fund managed by the “Office of Compliance,” which itself was created following the 1995 enactment of the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), the first law enacted by the first Republican House in four decades.

Since 1997, the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights has paid out $18.2 million to settle 291 cases of workplace disputes for Congress, the Capitol Police, the Architect of the Capitol, and the Library of Congress.

When news first broke of the settlement account, Congress was accused of having a veritable #MeToo slush fund to secretly pay off victims of sexual harassment. Reports surfaced that then-Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) negotiated a secret settlement with a female staffer who accused him of sexual misconduct, and the 88-year-old quickly resigned from Congress.

It turns out Conyers’ Congressional office budget paid out his sexual misconduct settlement, meaning that total wasn’t even included in the multi-million-dollar “slush” fund’s reported total

Until June 18 of fiscal year 2018, two Senator’s offices and five House member’s offices had claims filed against them. An additional House member’s office had a case filed against it from June 19 through December 2019, out of the total 20 filed. Though 32 allegations of “Sex/Gender/Pregnancy” discrimination were filed in FY2018 and 28 were filed in FY2019, it is not known if those types of discrimination or harassment cases were against congressional offices or other offices under the fund.

A 2019 report noted 16 employees were paid a total of $600,363 in settlements, and while 20 claims were filed, just 16 appear to have been filed by protected class: three under “Sex/Gender/Pregnancy,” three under “National Origin,” four under “Disability,” and six under “Race/Color.”

After 23 years and $18 million in payouts from the Workplace Rights office, it seems like taxpayers might have a right to know more details.

Let’s open the books.

Congress HUSH FUND paid for by taxpayers
edit on 12-5-2024 by ADVISOR because: url

posted on May, 12 2024 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

This whole subject is not really all that hard to understand if you change the perspective a little bit and perhaps some of the metrics. Note - It is still filthy, disgusting and criminal beyond words, but if one wants to truly wrap their head around it, it only takes a moment.

Think of virtually organized crime street gang, say something like the Crips, or the Bloods, or the Hell's Angels, etc. If you want to be a full fledged member of one of these gangs, you'll have to go through some sort of an initiation ritual. This initiation ritual will likely involve committing some serious crime or crimes, often murder. The reason for this is to give the gang leadership something to hold over you in order to make sure you never stray, but there's also another reason. The other reason is so the gang leadership and other members can trust you with their own illicit activities and debauchery.

Now, let's say you live in an a depressed inner-city ruled by one or more of these gangs. You could choose not to become a member of one of these gangs, even though you live right in the middle of their territory, BUT if this is your choice then you were fair game to be relentlessly terrorized and extorted by these gangs UNLESS you pay your "protection money" to them (essentially extortion). The extortion (protection) was really protection from their own gang (mafia style), and it was designed to keep enough pressure on you that you could exist, but never really flourish without becoming a member of the gang yourself. This was all by design; you would eventually acquiesce/capitulate and become a member.

The DC crowd works the same way. You're not allowed to play in the big money, and with the big dogs, until you join the gang. And, in order to join the gang, you have to pay the entrance fee (initiation).

Now, some people know of the game and refuse to become part of it for moral / legal reasons. But the gang is clever, and they don't give up so easy; remember, the stakes here are high. So, what will happen is, members of the gang will work tirelessly to entrap a non-member into doing something which, if discovered by the public or authorities, would be ruinous to their career goals. This is where the Epstein's of the underworld come in. Get some liquor in them, some expensive drugs and pretty young girls, all in some far away anonymous place, and...your wildest / darkest fantasies come true. Remember, you are above the law are a politician; nobody can touch you! Besides, who would ever find out, right? WRONG! Your name goes down in some little black book, complete with names, dates and photographs. Next thing you know...

'Welcome, new member! Glad you could finally join us at last. Allow me to introduce you to some of your colleagues. You already know many of them, but not in this context.'

It's sick, and it's twisted, but this is just how filthy and disgusting these people truly are! It is a game who's evil knows no boundaries, and it is VERY REAL!

edit on 5/12/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2024 @ 07:37 AM
Often times (more often than not, unfortunately) things are not always what they seem to be in DC, especially inside the "beltway". Payola is the order of the day; it's everywhere and it's inescapable. What follows is by no means an excuse for what goes on, but rather an explanation (albeit partial) of why.

So, the subject at hand is this "Hush Money" slush fund which congress can draw upon. At face value, this thing stinks to high heaven, replete with crooked politicians and scumbags, and this is true, but it didn't start out that way. Originally, these types of financial mechanisms were designed to protect the integrity of the government, not the individuals. They were a means of last resort for an entrapped individual to get out of whatever situation they were in without further damaging the government (i.e. secrets, intelligence, policy, etc.) Again, I'm not sticking up for these scumbags here, just offering the not so apparent explanation. Now, consider someone entrapped by the Russians and being extorted. Funds such as these used to extract the individuals from situations like this. Remember, people like Epstein were just one person / organization, but there are literally thousands of scumbuckets just like Epstein circulating around DC, and some of them have very evil intentions indeed, far more evil than Epstein.

Back when these financial mechanisms were first created (and trust me, it was well before 1995; 1995 was just the first time they were made public) there were actually some checks and balances. In order to use these funds a person had to come clean with their deeds and effectively swear it would never happen again, but all this turned into was just another 'gang' playing the same game as the first gang who ensnared the individual to begin with. And, over time, more and more different gangs added layers to the whole game. Eventually, people just threw there hands up and said..."Here, just take the money and go away as peacefully as you can because this is too much to manage!"

And this is the backstory, well, part of it anyway.

posted on May, 16 2024 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

We don't need an explanation, any one interested enough can download the list and see names and prices paid.

It needs to be made common knowledge, so politicans get held responsible, instead of breaking laws and getting away with it. If the corrupt career parasite politicians are going to attempt charging President Trump for alleged crimes they themselves are committing, every one should be charged.

Instead we see a perfect example of double standards.

Politics Culture Policy

There’s a little-known fund that goes to victims of sexual harassment on the Hill. You pay for it.

The fund that settles sexual harassment cases in the legislative branch is unlimited and funded by taxpayers.

Dems accusing others of what they do themselves

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 04:44 PM

The groundbreaking bill would also require any member of Congress who has ever been named in a sexual harassment or sexual assault settlement that’s been paid for by taxpayers to reimburse the U.S. Treasury with interest.

This year alone, the Treasury has paid nearly $1 million to settle sexual harassment and other complaints against members of Congress and their staff – in secret.

“The need for secrecy is the smokescreen under which public officials often conceal government behavior that is embarrassing, incompetent, corrupt, reckless, dangerous, illegal, or even criminal,” Andrew McCarthy, senior fellow at the National Review Institute, said. “Particularly when a matter is outside the realm of national security ... and when it involves the behavior of public officials, there should be a strong presumption against confidentiality.”


posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 05:18 AM
What is that people won't get, or don't want to get, about the Corrupt career PARASITE politicans, who have been in DC for decades, having a tax payers funded hush account for sexual assaults, that they don't want to know more about...?

The people who are in DC, are rapist pedophiles who are enabling and profiting off of human trade.

They definitely know it exists, yet they're not doing anything, to out a stop to it.

They'd rather send billions to Ukraine, than use it to finance counter human sex trade policies.

Child slave labor ended a few decades ago, yet our government is enabling those foreign labor masters to use child slave labor in production we buy...

That's hypocrite bs!

Why is it that the media and their brainwashed parrot viewers, are solely focused on Trump, when he's one person who spent 4 years in politics. Yet they turn a blind eye to the Corrupt career parasite politicians who have been doing that for decades even a half Century for many.

It's mind boggling seeing the obsession with Trump.
Especially when it's paired with complete ignorance of what is still happening.

People say they want to protect the children, yet they keep voting for the same politicans who built cages for them.

That is why We the People need Jesus, because half of America has a broken morality compass.

Our Heavenly Father, we pray for a broader vision of the needs, of humanity, and a deeper compassion, to fill those needs. For a planting of the seeds of concern for all humanity in our hearts; for a tapping of the wells of generosity. May we live together as people who have been forgiven a great debt.

Not to us, LORD, not to us, but to your name be given glory on account of your gracious love and faithfulness. 🙏 Amen.

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