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Hamas Israel cant sustain the loss

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posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 12:29 AM
It looks like Hamas has organized a trap, and has lured the IDF into a war that they have to fight one on one. The Hamas spokesman has a different slant on the conflict that looks a bit grim. He claims that no Hamas leaders have been killed, it was ex-leaders who were not on active service. The IDF has been warned not to go down into the tunnels which by their estimate are five hundred kilometers long. It looks like they mean it this time, and most likely have been preparing this for a long time. So how will this end? it looks like Vietnam, or Israel will have to bomb the place flat. It seems that the rhetoric is to get rid of the colonialists According to Hamas they have many prisoners, and Netanyahu has to keep going or he will end up in prison. This is an interesting interview how it stayed up is anyones guess. But it looks like this will bog America down for a long time. So no wonder they don't
want a war on any other front.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 01:54 AM
This will be Israel's Stalingrad moment if they continue with this genocide. You know you have lost the battle when you are fighting and losing men hand over fist over nothing but rubble.

As you say, Israel has fallen into the trap, and hell mend them. It's been a long time coming.

And for those who say, "But Israel will win the war" It may appear so for a brief moment but the Mothers, fathers, sons, and brothers of those already slaughtered will never forget.

The Longest conflict in history is not about to end anytime soon. If the US and its coalition of the willing couldn't subjugate a people willing to stand its ground then Israel won't do it either. They will run out of their own money, other peoples money and patience first.

Maybe they should just pull back, stop with the expansion give back a good slice of what they have stolen, apologise, and spend their money on building a better Iron Dome. They are going to need it if they continue with this stupidity.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: ohahhupthera

The soldiers know they cannot win this type of war, they are sitting ducks in explosive boxes.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 04:12 AM
The IDF to Iranian proxy groups kill ratio is historically somewhere near 10/1 and that by my maths makes Israel likely to endure anything the terrorists can throw at them. The current incursuion if we are to believe hamas figures are something close to the historical figure. I'm more than aware the people in the entity right now known as Gaza breed like rabbits and can throw loads more brainwashed children into the fight, yet a kill ratio of 10/1 should enable the IDF to prosper and see their goals achieved.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: orbhunter
The IDF to Iranian proxy groups kill ratio is historically somewhere near 10/1 and that by my maths makes Israel likely to endure anything the terrorists can throw at them. The current incursuion if we are to believe hamas figures are something close to the historical figure. I'm more than aware the people in the entity right now known as Gaza breed like rabbits and can throw loads more brainwashed children into the fight, yet a kill ratio of 10/1 should enable the IDF to prosper and see their goals achieved.

I'm pretty sure The US and the coalition of the willing's kill ratio was higher. And they achieved the grand sum of nothing. Eventually gtfo in another Saigon moment with their tails between their legs.

It's not what the Israelis can throw at them but what the Palestinians are willing to endure that will determine this war of attrition. How long has Israel been trying to defeat them utilising some of the most advanced weaponry on earth? 40-50 years?

Hamas and before them, the PLO have cost Israel and is Lenders of choice $Trillions with nothing more than sticks and stones by comparison.

As I said earlier. Reduce Gaza to rubble. It will only aid one side as the recent videos coming out have proven. Stalingrad 2.0 Enter if you dare.

edit on rd2023Thursday2023pThu, 23 Nov 2023 04:26:39 -060020233020232023-11-23T04:26:39-06:00 by ohahhupthera because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: ohahhupthera

The kill ratio in Israel is completely different to the adventures the west has in their recent incursions into the ME etc. Israel is fighting for its existence. All they have to do is put Hamas back a decade or so, then rinse repeat. This whole sh8t show will probably go on for eternity as the iIraeli's by nature and religion are unwilling to wipe out the Gazan population. The IDF plays it fair. They are honourable in their battle against terror. If the IDF really wanted to they could wipe out Gaza in a given time period. Yet they don't play it dirty, they play it fair. rinse repeat. We will be here again in another decade or so debating a similar occurance I'm sure of that..................... Unless of course the West has the balls to go and cut the head of the snake. Iran. Until Iran is eliminated as a meddling influence nothing will change at all. The way to peace over there in the ME and the eastern Med' is the elimination of the Iranian regime. Nothing more will suffice. Let's wait and see what happens over the next year or so and see if the head can be cut off the snake.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 04:53 AM
Israel has a few weapons and tech to be able to clear the tunnel system with minimal loss of life.

Robots/drones have been used to access them in this conflict and 'sticky bombs' have/are being used. The bombs release expanding foam to seal off tunnel entrance and exists to bury the occupants alive.

They also have a gun that is able to shoot around corners

It does appear like Hamas have blown up a dozen or so IDF tanks but Israel have a lot more of those and nearly 400 IDF soldiers have died so far but Hamas have lost upwards of 8000 and lost control of most of North Gaza with several Qassam Brigades eliminated.

I think the IDF death figures include Oct 7th as attack deaths as other sources say ~69 died inside Gaza.
edit on 23-11-2023 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: orbhunter
a reply to: ohahhupthera

Israel is fighting for its existence.

No, They are extinguishing Palestinian existence and replacing them with foreign Zionists with no connection to Israel whatsoever...Other than Money and an ancient book of fiction that says it's their right to do what ever the # they like.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: bastion
Israel has a few weapons and tech to be able to clear the tunnel system with minimal loss of life.

Robots/drones have been used to access them in this conflict and 'sticky bombs' have/are being used. The bombs release expanding foam to seal off tunnel entrance and exists to bury the occupants alive.

They also have a gun that is able to shoot around corners

It does appear like Hamas have blown up a dozen or so IDF tanks but Israel have a lot more of those and nearly 400 IDF soldiers have died so far but Hamas have lost upwards of 8000 and lost control of most of North Gaza with several Qassam Brigades eliminated.

I think the IDF death figures include Oct 7th as attack deaths as other sources say ~69 died inside Gaza.

Defeated by expanding foam. Well, who knew?

edit on rd2023Thursday2023pThu, 23 Nov 2023 05:10:35 -060020233020232023-11-23T05:10:35-06:00 by ohahhupthera because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: annonentity

It is a false, tactical dream to think that fighters in tunnels will win any war. Tunnels are for hiding not fighting.

Personally, I've not made a decision of who is the "bad guy" here...maybe both? --Maybe all of us.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: ohahhupthera

originally posted by: orbhunter
a reply to: ohahhupthera

Israel is fighting for its existence.

No, They are extinguishing Palestinian existence and replacing them with foreign Zionists with no connection to Israel whatsoever...Other than Money and an ancient book of fiction that says it's their right to do what ever the # they like.

WTF lol................ You think Israel is "extinguishing Palestinian existence." The human beings known by some as Palestinian's breed like feckin rabbits. They don't do much else. Other than create trouble within the ME. Population growth like nowhere on Planet Earth.

Nevertheless Israel is planted now and whatever your conspiracy theory above is about, the IDF is fully engaged with the neutralistaion of Hamas in Gaza. Next step where? My bet's on Hezbollah. Already small scale battles taking place upthere. Lebanon has been hijacked by Iran and its proxy. I feel for the Lebanese people. I expect we are about to see the periodic destruction of their state again. It's just the way it goes over there. Israel is on a mission here and only once its borders are cleansed of threats can peace be restored to the Holy Land and a true coexistence be formulated. Only when Iran is pushed back to its borders can peace be restored to the region. Then we come to Iran
and cutting the head off the snake.

There can be no peace in the ME until Iran is neutralised.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: orbhunter

Here, here.

There can be no peace in the ME until Iran is neutralised.

I'd take out Saudi Arabia and one of two other countries as well.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 09:54 AM
The mother sons and daughters will never forget. You are correct. That’s why I never support any Muslim causes at all what so ever.

They still kill over 2000 year old blood feuds. They gleefully send off their children as fodder while their leaders hide in literal ivory towers suckling from the wealth of western nations brought to them by oil. F em all.

muslims never give only take. They will use any means necessary to spread the will of allah everything is on the table, lying cheating moral bankruptcy of the highest order in the name of enlightenment. The moderates just let the extremists carry out their will as they stand silent while your beheaded.

The world has changed so much and the middle east so little. Time to move on I say. I don’t care who does it but if it’s Israel’s turn to bat more power to em, where would a person send bullet I wonder.

Instead of funneling money to Ukraine to fight Russia why not Israel. When they are done they can move onto iran and the UAE.

a reply to: ohahhupthera

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 11:38 AM
The real problem is nobody can seem to figure out who the bad guy is.

Palestine voted in Hamas to lead them, whose only goal is to eventually subjugate the entire world into their belief system-or kill those who will not believe as they do. They were raised to believe there is more honor in dying while forcing others to believe as they than living peacefully with those who choose another path.

As long as such a large portion of the population continues to worship such a violent, outdated religion there can only be one of two ways this will end.

Every government on the planet has become corrupt at this point, so the question becomes do we want to live under the authoritarian rule of western 'democracy' or that of Sharia Law?

This war is just one small step towards our eventual future. It's time to consider what lies ahead in the decades to come if radical Islam is allowed to continue to be forced on a nations people.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 11:40 AM
They still havent be able to destroy the small area known as Gaza?

Why am I even sending tax dollars?

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 03:34 PM
why doesnt israel just use some sort of radioactive dye in the tunnels ?a reply to: annonentity

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Let's not forget IDF forces are now at the Lebanese border fighting with Hezbollah and they are ever-increasing their ranges of battle.

Iran-backed factions are getting involved and the U.S. has been stationed in that region for a while now, shooting down Yemen missiles and who knows what else. Point being, Israel military will be spread thin and what does that mean for the U.S. involvement?

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

We have a strange situation. The actual people of the USA are only interested in the USA. But I would hazard that the twenty thousand CDs found in Epstein's place, means that most of the top brass have been recorded in questionable acts, which means their assets are owned, the show trial is over and seems too big to touch. Which might mean that Moaad and the CIA are the same beast.MI6 included. Maxwell's father was retired and his assets were handed over to Epstein, which were most likely Israeli property anyway. On any other day, the Israeli bombings of women and children would never see the light of day, as the media is essentially owned by Israeli assets. So it looks like they are inflaming the situation for a greater conflict. If they do Iran Russia will be dragged in along with China and North Korea. NATO are organizing the faster movement of tanks to the Russian border. It looks like we are getting bamboozled into a mess.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: quintessentone

We have a strange situation. The actual people of the USA are only interested in the USA. But I would hazard that the twenty thousand CDs found in Epstein's place, means that most of the top brass have been recorded in questionable acts, which means their assets are owned, the show trial is over and seems too big to touch. Which might mean that Moaad and the CIA are the same beast.MI6 included. Maxwell's father was retired and his assets were handed over to Epstein, which were most likely Israeli property anyway. On any other day, the Israeli bombings of women and children would never see the light of day, as the media is essentially owned by Israeli assets. So it looks like they are inflaming the situation for a greater conflict. If they do Iran Russia will be dragged in along with China and North Korea. NATO are organizing the faster movement of tanks to the Russian border. It looks like we are getting bamboozled into a mess.

You just made my cry.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 05:21 AM

originally posted by: orbhunter
The IDF to Iranian proxy groups kill ratio is historically somewhere near 10/1 and that by my maths makes Israel likely to endure anything the terrorists can throw at them.

This has me thinking about the numbers on each side of the conflict.

There are about 9,000,000 Israelis.
And 6,000,000 Palestinians.

But when it comes to their respective religions, there are around 15,000,000 Jews.
And around 2 billion Muslims.

Which leads me to believe that Israel only has the advantage if this conflict is contained.

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