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List of Majestic 12 members from 1947-2023

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posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 06:07 PM
I tried to list all the members of MJ12 from 1947-2023. Majestic twelve is also known as the Working group/UFO control group. They allegedly control the black budget projects in the US. The members of MJ12 consist of engineers from Aerospace companies , scientists from LANL , Admirals from the Navy and directors from intelligence agencies.

The first list starts from 1947 , the second starts from 1960 and the last from 1980 to 2023.

Top - Dr. Lloyd Berkner, Dr. D. W. Bronk, Dr. Vannevar Bush, Sec. James Forrestal

Middle - Gordon Gray, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter , John von Neumann , Dr. Donald H. Menzel

Bottom - General Robert Montague, Sidney Souers, General Nathan Twining, General Hoyt Vandenburg

Upper - Dr. Karl T. Compton, Ben Rich , Wernher Von Bruan
Middle - Bobby Ray Inman , Kelly Johnson , Dr. Donald M. Kerr, Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Bottom - Dr. Robert F. Rinehart

Upper - John McConnel , Dan Burisch , William-o-Studeman , Steven k Black
Middle - Uknown
Bottom - unknown

edit on 3-11-2023 by RedPanda95 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 07:10 PM
In latter unknowns, you might want to consider Carl Sagan as being worthy of their numbers. While he is widely known as being a vocal in the public as being a critic of anything about present day alien visits, his personal views were entirely different. Early in his career he and a group of other scientists interested in the phenomena linked with Dr. John Lilly and his studies of dolphins. Their group turned out to be so important that a key member of this group had small, gold pins made for each member. Collectively, they called themselves "The Order of the Dolphins."

Sagan describes details of the group in one of his early books, but never gave a clue about their activities. From my investigations of Sagan, he was true to the government's wishes about what the public could/should not be told about UFO's, but he definitely was unfaithful to true science and his true self.

I know that Johnny Carson and many members of the public thought him a wonderful man, a legend in his time. He had great appeal and knowledgeable that he could get across. The public needed his suave and calming voice assuring the public that we definitely had everything under control...and NASA and their shuttles almost proved that didn't they?

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 08:31 PM
Just a point of interest related. . . .

What better way to dispel - - - simply "officially" declare something is fake !!

FBI Records: The Vault Majestic 12

Majestic 12 In 1988, two FBI offices received similar versions of a memo titled “Operation Majestic-12…” claiming to be highly classified government document. The memo appeared to be a briefing for newly-elected President Eisenhower on a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination. An Air Force investigation determined the document to be a fake.

posted on Nov, 4 2023 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: WingDingLuey
Just a point of interest related. . . .

What better way to dispel - - - simply "officially" declare something is fake !!

FBI Records: The Vault Majestic 12

Majestic 12 In 1988, two FBI offices received similar versions of a memo titled “Operation Majestic-12…” claiming to be highly classified government document. The memo appeared to be a briefing for newly-elected President Eisenhower on a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination. An Air Force investigation determined the document to be a fake.

exactly, then 20 years later you have this CIA agent testifying on his deathbed that MJ12 was real. (7:17)

So who is telling the truth? , is the mj12 documents forged or is the FBI just clueless on the topic because don't have access to this information? either way even if the documents are fake the control group still exists.

edit on 4-11-2023 by RedPanda95 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2023 @ 05:43 PM
It appears new names has recently been leaked. The individuals listed below were present during the 1950s-60s alien interview footage.

- Dr Craig Mcphearson
- Captain Lowell Jacoby Naval Intelligence
- Admiral Edward D. Sheafer

also I forgot to add the name of Dr. Eric A. Walker

edit on 4-11-2023 by RedPanda95 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2023 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus
In latter unknowns, you might want to consider Carl Sagan as being worthy of their numbers. While he is widely known as being a vocal in the public as being a critic of anything about present day alien visits, his personal views were entirely different. Early in his career he and a group of other scientists interested in the phenomena linked with Dr. John Lilly and his studies of dolphins. Their group turned out to be so important that a key member of this group had small, gold pins made for each member. Collectively, they called themselves "The Order of the Dolphins."

Sagan describes details of the group in one of his early books, but never gave a clue about their activities. From my investigations of Sagan, he was true to the government's wishes about what the public could/should not be told about UFO's, but he definitely was unfaithful to true science and his true self.

I know that Johnny Carson and many members of the public thought him a wonderful man, a legend in his time. He had great appeal and knowledgeable that he could get across. The public needed his suave and calming voice assuring the public that we definitely had everything under control...and NASA and their shuttles almost proved that didn't they?

Yeah I wouldn't say Sagan was a working group member but I think both he and Jacques Valee had inside knowledge on the ufo phenomena. Usually they would leaked this information to film directors which is what happened with the movie Close encounters.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:33 PM
ok..ok..I was a member of MJ-12 ya caught me. Or was I? maybe it was Astro? maybe HE was the MJ-12 mastermind!!

But seriously folks. All MJ-12 is and was is a CONTROL mechanism for the media.


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