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JFK: The Paradoxical Zionist: The kind of man America needs right now, but you blew his head off.

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posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 05:04 AM
If you are serious about this you must read this speech:

Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Zionists of America Convention, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York, NY
August 26, 1960;

Also, watch this video of his peace speech that impressed Russia (when USSR) so much they allowed it to be printed in full;

After that you will understand that this man was a real President with real global political vision. The conclusions he draws about our world are mirrored by King Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. Check this speech King Haile made to the United Nations;

Now listen to Dr. Martin Luther King's speech before he was murdered;

All three of these men were murdered. That is not a coincidence.

I have come to avenge them. It will not be revenge. It will be evolution and what they have told you WILL COME TO PASS.

These are the kinds of men you need right now. This was the President of vision that the U.S needs, that was making the U.S very great in the world. This is the King who loved G-D and people. He was an old schook King, but a RIGHTEOUS one who remembered G-D. This the priest of G-D who knows that only in our evolution as a world together can we truly ever know peace and justice for all.

It will happen for PLANET EARTH. It will take a while. We will evolve and we will go gently into that good night when G-D is ready for Judgment Day. At that time we will not be presenting HIM with a # show. Unfortunately, you are all presenting Christ with a right mess of a toilet.

It is the Waste Land. We will plant flowers and it will bloom again. There is no choice in this because you can't be allowed to completely wipe this thing out and that is what the human race has been doing.

AMERICA! If you want to get it right, for G-D's sake listen to the SENATOR JFK speech. It was actually his most important speech that will guide you. Interesting that it was made so early on in his career.

And yes, ATS, I am a Zionist of a kind, but I am G-D's Zionist. I am not a straw person. Kennedy, King Haile and Martin were REAL. They laid their lives on the line for their vision. I will do that too. Will you? Will you gamble your chips now on healing us and getting it right for once?

LISTEN to the ghosts of these men this Hallowe'en; their words, real vision from a King, a President and a Priest. They were the best. They had their weaknesses as we have our weaknesses. Our ancestors are walking among us today.

It is the Day of the Dead.

Kennedy, King Haile and wives.

Kennedy and Martin Luther King together as a Christian Federation.

These men had spirit. All the politicians now are washouts. They have no spirit to evolve and improve our lives collectively. What I have written here today is in EVERYONE ON PLANET EARTH'S INTERESTS; including Netanyahu,Zelensky, Sunak, Biden, Putin. You are all in the same hole. We can get you out, but only if you will dig. Do you dig?

I am being DEADLY serious. LIVE or DIE, it is your choice, people. Make them change.

edit on 31-10-2023 by Avengelist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

There's another angle to it.

King, JFK, and Malcolm X were all huge players in the Civil rights movement and were all taken out by means of assassination.

Just some food for thought.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Avengelist

There's another angle to it.

King, JFK, and Malcolm X were all huge players in the Civil rights movement and were all taken out by means of assassination.

Just some food for thought.

That is exactly part of it.

I am not going to guess. It is about NOW! STOP thinking about then.

Do you know the names of those who conspired to kill Christ? You still do not. You never will. Perhaps it will be that way with Kennedy? Rome does as Rome does? G-D lets what HE decides should be known and what is a guilty secret for HIM to forgive. HIS Business.

Jesus told you to think about today only. That is what I do. You are all trapped in then. I am in now. I have to keep turning my head back to address you. Please catch up with me quick as you can. My neck is aching. Then is uselesss unless we make it now.

Their vision should be our reality. It will be reality. There is no choice as that is LIFE. The other is DEATH as we are finding out right now.

Because you are all so haughty G-D is going to scare the living daylights out of you all. You deserve it. You will be bleating for His presence by the end of this CONFUSION.

I am meaning collective you. It is not the OP. The OP is just cool for replying. He is right too. What are we with collective HUMAN RIGHTS? Don't you all get it? Without that you are all a lot of monstrous murdering savages. You can't be trusted. G-D knows you can't be trusted.

Thank you for your kind reply. I hope you and your family have a lovely day today. Bless!

edit on 31-10-2023 by Avengelist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

Just a litle question as a footnote:

Did G-d and Jesus do all this just because? The reason why is why.

Jesus came to make us evolve all over the world. He forced us out of our barbarism. Look at all the human rights we have because of the blood of martyrs. Would you rescind that? No, you will not be allowed to. He came with a sword and not peace where He needed to come with a sword. He came in a WORD when it was fertile enough for Him to come as a WORD. You dictated your own fate by what you did to Him. G-D can't be stopped by any of you, freeman or slave, Rothschild or Clay. Clay shattered into pieces and broke just like a little girl before His Presence. So will the world. I do not have the Authority. The Authority is coming. Do as Bob Marley said so when the Man comes there will be no doom. Right now it is doom not bloom. It could even go BOOM!

I think this is probably beyond the grasp of most. It is certainly beyond the faith of most too. These words I have written at Jesus' lesiure and pleasure for you today are all true and they have happened, are happening and will happen. Time will tell:

Here is a Bob Marley song about TIME TELLING:

"Time alone and time will tell
Think you're in heaven, but you're living in hell".

Moses made spelling mistakes too. He needed Aaron to be his speaker as He had a speech difficulty. Jesus didn't even bother to write anything down as He knew it would all be written for Him.

edit on 31-10-2023 by Avengelist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

Nice fellow, but I'm not sure how much use he would be in this day of age, considering he would be 106 years old or thereabouts.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

It is about NOW! STOP thinking about then.

After you told us to listen and read all about then.

Dylan's song was performed one month before JFK announced the Cuban Missile Crisis to America.

Our neighbors started having bomb shelters built under their driveways. Booming business for swimming pool building companies. We lived just a few miles from a nuke storage facility, close to ground zero, as potential target.

The family was watching one of the new fangled made for TV doom porn movies; people loading up their cars, headed for the hills, fighting off marauders.

My older brother asked my dad "So do we have a plan? What will we do when the nukes fall?"

"We will die." That from a WWII Marine.

Once again a crisis. And you want to spur us to action, force change in our leadership. That's what the protests and counter protests think they're doing.

Crisis of impotence. I'm just sitting on the side-line. I paid my taxes, voted, wrote letters to Presidents and Congress people. That's as far as I am willing to go.

edit on 31-10-2023 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

no president has been real since Ethan Allen donned the Washington mask.

don't ever mess with the Green Mount-
Ain boys.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 03:27 PM
He would have been long dead by now anyway.

Calm down.

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