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posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 11:04 PM
Hello everyone!

I discovered this forum based website sometime in the 2000's and have been addicted to it ever since.

The variety of topics discussed and the back and forth debating has always intrigued me. There truly is no other space, that I've found, to be as unique as this one.

I cruise reddit often but find that the threads are often an echo chamber. Some members may not agree but this appears to be the most balanced place for discussion on the interwebs.

According to the latest politically leaning quiz, admittedly years ago, that I've taken I'm ever so slightly right leaning of center.

My views on any given topic are pretty liquid as new information is provided. I try my best not to jump to conclusions but I am after all, human. I've found that even when I agree with someone, I like to play devils advocate because I get a deeper understanding of where the other person is coming from. Some people don't like it but I'm not a fan of surface level answers.

One of my favorite quotes is "There are three points of view. Yours, mine and somewhere in between lies the truth."

Looking forward to commenting on topics and engaging with everyone. Especially those who I don't agree with lol

Stay safe and have fun

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: WannabeeAuCourant

Who has the hottest hotties?

Hamas or IDF?

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