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Holy Ghost Stories.

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 03:23 PM
If you got'em, I'd like to hear 'em.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Why don't we start with yours.

Theres no sense starting a post if you don't participate.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:35 PM
I became filled with the holyghost once, when I was a teenager and spoke in tongues in a little country church (Baptist).
The minister was a very powerfully devout lady who simply touched me and it just flowed out of my mouth.
It was a joyful, lovely language that came from my soul.

I did'nt fake it. It was real. And it took me quite by surprise. That's the first and only time that ever happened to me.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 08:42 PM
wow sounds like what happend to the apposles
are most holy ghost stories like this or are the different (ive never heard any holy ghost stories)

[edit on 11-4-2005 by trust_no_one]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 08:55 PM
Reminds me of the day of Pentecost. you were touched by the holy spirit, did anyone understand what you said?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Bobbo
Why don't we start with yours.

Theres no sense starting a post if you don't participate.

There's three reasons why I have to answer because of your post:
1.) You've got a picture of Gene Simmons on your avatar
2.) In addition to that, you're a funeral director
3.) You're right. I should've started with my story first.

I have to admit, I wanted to hear without my opinion what people had to say about the Holy Spirit that was typical of the Bible as well as atypical...especially speaking in tounges. My experience didn't include that. In fact, as far as my conversion goes, this was the ONLY thing that was in fact, typical as the Bible and others describe it.

I was in a fleeting desparation to get away from the one I challenged to reveal himself when I felt I've exausted every possibility. Though I thought it was a nutty idea by a pastor who had no clue what I was going through, I gave it a shot. I truly asked God to forgive my sins, acknowledged He was the one true God, accepting Jesus as His son the saviour and agreed to follow his teachings. Prior to, I was in a state of nervous anxiety from sleepless nights, feeling of impending doom and entrapment from a very impatient Devil. After this prayer was a total rush of release, peace, and joy that can only be described as the complete reversal of what I was going though. Tears fell from my eyes and I knew there was a God, Jesus, and a heaven all at once. That act turned my faith into belief. There is a difference between faith and belief. With belief, you've been shown and trust from that point on it will continue to be there. Kind of like before you sit down, you trust the chair will hold you up. It does every time. I didn't think to myself, "hey, that was the Holy Spirit" but I knew it was a force of God. It wasn't until reading about it in the Bible and talking to others that I made the connection. A lot of times I hedge on that experience. Usually though I'm in public/church and reign myself in from letting go. It's set off from a powerful thought or revealing truth that I hadn't seen before. The Holy Spirit is the force of God. It moves and changes a person totally as if passing through a person or being filled. It's pretty freekin' cool!

There was still the matter of the Devil to deal with. So, my final meeting with him was the following night by dream/vision.

Okay, enough of my yappin'. I'm interested too about Trustnone's question.

[edit on 11-4-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
There's three reasons why I have to answer because of your post:
1.) You've got a picture of Gene Simmons on your avatar
2.) In addition to that, you're a funeral director
3.) You're right. I should've started with my story first.

the gene simmons avatar is a good thing.

correct, I am a funeral director.

you didn't have to start first, I was just stirring conversation.

If I had a story, I'd share it. Instead, I'll enjoy everyone else's.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:35 PM
Here is a thread I started a while back, I dont want to repost the whole story

Its my experience with an angel.

[edit on 11-4-2005 by Darkblade71]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Bobbo
correct, I am a funeral director.

I think it's an interesting profession. In my current job, it's hardly possible to get involved in the life events of others. It would take a whole lot of fortitude for me because I might become unwelcomely concerned about the families going through the loss. It may be off-course, but do you have any profession related stories regarding life & death that would help people understand the transition better?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:09 AM
I'll post on that link too. The angel experiences I had are few and were more or less in discussion format. I'm curious though, it sounds to me like a more powerful contact than mine.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:43 AM
I wish I could stay and finish following this thread. I am off to Alaska today. I'm moving there, and fully trusting God in this move! In fact, as soon as I finish typing this, I will be breaking down my computer and getting it ready to be shipped, and most likely will not be able to return to ATS for a month or so while I try to find a place to live.

Can't wait till I return to continue where I left off here.

God works in my life, whether people call it the holy spirit or not, I am secure in knowing the creator watches and guides me in my life. When you are alligned with God, things just fall into place for you. All my life, no matter what has happened, God has always assisted me when I needed it. Signs and reassurences, jobs, housing, friends, money....if you need it, God can and will supply it if you are open to his wonders.

Some things to remember:

God helps those who help themselves. You can't just sit around waiting, put out effort and have faith that the creator will assist.

Rough spots in life are meant to teach valuable lessons. Learn from hardships and God will help turn them to your advantage. Life lessons are the hardest to learn, but God never gives you more than you can handle and most of the time we create hardships for ourselves, God helps pull us out. (Footprints come to mind)

When God and the holy spirit enter your life, there is no questioning it, you know, no matter what people will say, that it was God.

God is a unique experience to each person. Just because my experiences might be different from someone elses, that doesn't make it any less valid, or profound. This is the wonder of God. All things are possible.

Best of luck to all who seek out God, if you seek him out....he will already be waiting for you.

Peace love and light to all ATS members, believers and skeptics,atheists and Christians, free spirits and "lost" souls, we are all on a path to the creator, some just take the rough me...LOL

*Jumps a plane to Anchorage*


posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:47 AM
My prayer with you on your move. Thanks for the background, it really made my day.

Pray, train, study.
God bless.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:51 AM
When I was growing up, we moved around alot. I was born in West Virginia and raised in NE Ohio, I still live here. While doing all that moving we attended various churches. Mostly Undenominational, but Baptist and Methodist also. I was Baptized as a teen. In 1972, I married a girl from Michigan who was raised Pentecostal. Because of her, I began attending the local Assembly Of God congregation.
I spoke in tongues once, after several people laid their hands on me. I was told that it was my "Spiritual Baptism" which was different from my physical, water one.
I have more understanding than I used to have in Biblical things. I do not always see things as they are taught or preached, but see beyond sometimes. For example, I have been taught that the book of Revelations is hard to understand because it is a Vision loaded with Symbolism.
NOT SO!!! I see it as a vision until chapter 4. Then it becomes a real life experience and the so-called symbolism is an attempt to describe in the language of that day what the writer sees and experiences, sometimes in a future time. I get this view because in chapter one the writer says that he was in the Spirit. In chapter 4 he is told to "come up here" and goes "in the Spirit" again. The Chapter 4 one is, I think an OBE. I have found no other book in the Bible where the person with a vision describes his own actions, words, or emotions.
Also, I am more at peace with myself than I ever was before the Spiritual Baptism. After her Holy Ghost Baptism, my wife sometimes sees things, sometimes good, sometimes they are warnings. I have learned to trust those visions and act on them when I can.
These days we attend church infrequently, but God holds a strong influence in both of our lives.
I have learned that when I pray about something and wait for an answer, things can go smoothly. If I act then Pray, sometimes I mess up.
The only car I ever had to rebuild an engine in was one I never prayed about. I should have prayed before buying and after recieving an answer, either bought or not, depending. I should definately asked God for a blessing on that car. I have no doubt he would have done it, and the engine would have been a good one as long as I owned the car.
I feel that I have more wisdom than I used to, but maybe that is in part based on 50+ years of life experience.
Darkblade71--I realize you won't see this for a month or so, but take care and God Bless. I work with a woman raised in Alaska and she describes it as being as close to Heaven as you can get on this earth. Hope you like it there.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by rawiea]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:25 PM
I can say that I also had an "experience". That is why I pester ye about the light being in each and every one.

I had had terrible health problems which caused terrible marital problems. Let's face it. Things were terrible.

I met an aquaintance of the family one night. She had always spoken in a spiritual way, and many times in riddles. We were discussing my problems one eve and the sun had gone down. The only "problem" was that her eyes lit up like two pinlight flashlights, and it was completely dark!! She spoke of Namaste' or worshipping the inner soul, and our link with nature. As I looked into her eyes which shone so bright I could actually see movement in them. Her face looked like it had 25 years taken off of it. I was in complete peace and tranquility much less awe at what I was witnessing.

Speaking of the POWER that it gave me. Totally unbelievable. I have continually grown stronger, am no longer confused, headed in the right direction, marriage very much alive, etc.

The next day I wrote her. I asked if she was an "angel" since I really had nothing to go by. No, she said she was a conduit. We talked for a few weeks and after that life drifted on until one night.

I worked in a drug store part time. One night as I worked the cash register I felt a "presence" of some sort. I knew it was her, and I knew she was in there. Sho' nuff a couple minutes later here she comes to the counter. So peaceful, and serene.

The Holy Ghost? I dunno. All I know is that light settled a lot of things with me that had deterioated(sp) for years.

That is why I tell you I have seen the light, and it is strong, and it is good. Also since then which was two summers ago. I have been brushed by, had my shirt tugged on, and seen several things(movement) out of the corner of my eye that when I turned was not there. No, it was not the devil playing his games.

I no longer fear anything. All is love.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:31 PM
You can read about My Epiphany here. It is a wonderful experience, and intrinsically important to our survival as individuals and as a species.

May the Holy Spirit come to and through all of us.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 08:38 PM
If I was too jumpy on the other thread, I'm sorry. Around here I've become very wary of the implication that we're gods...which is simply not the case. I'm glad you brought your story here.

Pray, train, study.
God bless.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:05 PM
if mods wanted to merge my thread into yours, I'd certainly welcome it. Thank you very much for sharing that.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
If I was too jumpy on the other thread, I'm sorry. Around here I've become very wary of the implication that we're gods...which is simply not the case. I'm glad you brought your story here.

Pray, train, study.
God bless.

I think you may misinterpret what some like myself are trying to say. NO, we are not Gods. However, we do possess the "light". Given to us by the grace of God.

No harm no foul. I love all. Even George Bush, but that is a tough love.

posted on May, 13 2005 @ 09:37 PM
Anyone else have something they can bring to the table on the subject?

posted on May, 13 2005 @ 10:58 PM
I'm not trying to be a party pooper but I really,really, really feel led that I need to post this info.

In the Old Testament God's spirit came upon a person for a time period and then left that person. He didn't indwell that person on a permanent basis. That doesn't mean that that person did no longer follow God but it simply means what I said.

In the New Testament after Christ's death, burial and resurrection, the Holy Spirit now operates in a different way. During this current age(age of grace or church age)The Holy Spirit only comes and indwells a person who truly accepts Christ as Savior. After that happens the Holy Spirit will never, ever, ever for all eternity cease to live in that person. A christian is indwelt by the Holy Spirit forever.

After the very last person has entered the church(believers in Christ alone for salvation) and the church has been removed from the earth, the Holy Spirit will then revert to the Old Testament way again. People will still come to Christ alone for salvation through the working and conviction of the Holy Spirit until the physical return of Jesus to the earth.

As of right now, the Holy Spirit does not come upon a person and leave him or her. If you haven't accepted Christ for the forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit is not in you. Slain in the spirit is not Biblical. Can someone accept Christ and have the Holy Spirit in them and not listen to Him and thus feel like the Holy Spirit has left them, absolutely. But He has not, He has promised NEVER to leave someone who put their faith in Christ.

It's not how much of the Holy Spirit a person has, but how much of that person the Holy Spirit has. Meaning you receive all of the Holy Spirit at salvation, but we are then in a lifelong surrender to Him. Surrender of our time, finances, possessions, wrong attitudes, right attitudes this I mean everything in us and about us.

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