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Personal Orientation Toward Acceptance of the UFO Phenomena

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posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 10:16 PM
Now that the unofficial leader of the world (in some respects) has its government deciding after more than seven decades of silence and denial to discuss the credibility of uninvited guests to our world, we should, respectively, find our place in this fiasco. Their minions of one strip or another are revealing unproven details that are probably true or not which adds a great deal of uncertainly to the program such that those waiting on the side lines can do nothing but do a slow absorbing of what is about to overtake our world. To be frank, many of us are scared. Many unacquainted to any science fiction cannot take the situation seriously and cast around in denial for more worldly explanations. Some folks that strongly denied the possibility of the phenomena being aliens have largely left ATS. A few folks have recognized the coming of a new dawn in humanity and will accept more or less our fate of what is to come.

I am of the latter group, more so than any poster that I've ever seen on ATS that was halfway reasonable toward the subject across the years. I call myself a pragmatic realist. That view is based up my experiences and approach to life and ATS. Basically, I find the official narrative totally false but required to keep panic at a low level. For those will continue reading this, I'll pass on some personal history to prove my point.

Your frame of reference for viewing our situation is vast. First, you must accept a few points: (1) Alien life is extensive in the universe. (2) The ETs/AIs are here and have been for a long time, (3) They mean us no direct harm at this time. (4) They are collectively here to guide us to a transitional state of being beyond that of the mere humans as we are today.

How can I make such outrageous statements? One other point that you must accept that I didn't put down above is ((5). our visitors have been working, for a long time, with some of us. In the recent decades, of the 1960s through the 1900s they have abducted people and caused changes in personalities and DNA which are causing basic changes across our types.

Most people have no idea that decades ago unofficial studies, compilations, if you will, were done to show that some abductions were not random but followed family lines, through the fathers. This proved in my case. Briefly, my father had two UFO experiences, one in about 1910 when he was about eight years old and another in about 1950. I endured a roadside abduction of over two hours in 1964. The visitors have the ability to totally control the minds and bodies of these they want to interact with. Evidently, thousands and thousands of people were abducted. My son, was 21 when he and his mate both were abducted from their bed and were show images of an earth in destruction. He and she are both still troubled by those few hours. Myself, I eventually learned to intergrade my experiences and being a rural Illinois hillbilly at the time eventually decided I needed "some education" and went to four years of college and a degree. Most of my life since has been devoted to breaking the news that the UFO are genuine facts to our lives and that we need to better understand that we are much more than developed monkeys we still tend to emulate.

Nothing have I said here is proof of anything. I'm just an old guy about ready to cash in his chips. Ignorance is a terrible thing to waste, and if you cannot accept any or most of the several points that I've made above, then that is your loss at the cost of willful ignorance that you will have to eventually face as the times become more dire. I understand the situation. I once had a partner that I knew from several sources was boldly cheating on me and out 18-month-old-child, but refused to accept that truth until it hit me full in the face. If what I say here helps you to understand any better your position in the universe, then so be it, otherwise, good luck.

edit on 12-8-2023 by Observer19 because: added a word or two

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Observer19
I am of the latter group, more so than any poster that I've ever seen on ATS that was halfway reasonable toward the subject across the years.

Seriously gtfo literally. And who are you again? I been around the ATS block many times and if you are looking for teir lvl authority, well you are not that person.

In your theory? You left out the whole aspect that these entities could be living right here alongside us or even below us?
edit on 8 12 2023 by Ilikesecrets because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 11:37 PM
I know this guy who is a skeptic on everything, its annoying how inflexible he can be. Every UAP is terrestrial black ops tech that we dont know about, I doubt he would beilive in aliens even if one met him and slapped him in the face; I hope one does.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: Observer19

They are collectively here to guide us to a transitional state of being beyond that of the mere humans as we are today.

So far they suck at that part. What techniques are they using to accomplish this?

And don't you think non-consensual abductions are rather rude and somewhat antithetical to vibrating us to a more pleasant & galactic frequency?
edit on 13-8-2023 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: Observer19

Your points #1 and #3 I am in full agreement with. #2 is possible, given the age of the universe, but I'm not entirely certain. #4 and 5 are a bit "woo" for me to accept without proof "from the horse's mouth", so to speak.

Meaning us no harm and "benevolence" do not necessarily go hand in hand with "guidance", especially when that guidance has been conducted covertly, and without our informed consent. That is not the way one sentient species respects another sentient species.

A human analogy might be, for example the way white settlers sought to "guide" Native Americans from "savagery" to "civilization" by stealing their children and locking those kids up in "missionary schools", denying native Americans the right to speak and teach their native languages and practice ther ancestral religions.

One would hope an advanced species capable of traversing light years would exercise greater respect.

I have not, personally, ever seen a UFO, nor can I say that I have ever been abducted (though when I was very much younger, 6-8 years old, I did dream about UFO's occasionally), so I cannot speak to the "reality" that such events occurred....Nor can I deny that they have.

My father was directly involved with the "space race" during the 1960's. And before that, he was a computer technician assigned to a Nike interceptor battery in San Francisco, CA...where I was born.

In a sense, I carried on in the "family business", participating in the race to build the first non-governmentally designed and launched rocket to breach the Karman Line.

I spent many a long dark night, miles from "civilization" on the high desert of Nevada preparing for test launches at the break of dawn.

And yet, as far as contact is concerned....Bupkis! Nada! ZILCH!

Guess "they" figure I'm not worth the probe!
edit on 13-8-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

And yet, as far as contact is concerned....Bupkis! Nada! ZILCH!

Havent you noticed all the abduction over the decades. That at very least is contact.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 04:45 AM
I feel they (whatever the things are behind the craft) care about us as much as we care about mosquitos. Or they may view us as an invasive species.

Either that, or they are a future us, in which case they would care.

The one thing I am sure of is that these things are here. But everything else is a guess, and I'm not sure we will ever know for sure.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: kangawoo

Ourselves in the future...maybe.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 01:46 PM
I find it all boring. I think that they exist and I think there is a possibility that various governments have some in their posession. However, I also find that the admission by the various governments in recent years is little more than another stupid game they are playing with the rest of us.

If they land one in a publically accessible place and allow people to see them with their own eyes and possibly even be taken in one and given a ride and so on, then I will finally be able to say, "I believe" instead of "I guess I believe".

I sincerely have UFO fatigue. Bring on the goods, allow us to use the tech to improve the human condition. WWJD?

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Observer19

personal orientation toward acceptance:

worst scenario, we are resource, no different from chickens or barn cats. we are useful until we arent and then we are food.

best case scenario, we are bees building a colony inside someones abandoned tool shed while their corpse waits to be discovered in their favorite armchair and no one will ever "help" us because they have a hundred better things to do

pray they dont like us too much because the closest comparisen for their economy is... well, us

edit on 13-8-2023 by SigmaXSquared because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 03:05 PM
I will say few things about the 'disclosure'. Officials don't know jack. The only thing they scare if we know they are in the unknown just as rest of us. That's why we hear officials claiming wild stuff. They simply cannot stand or allow the situations where officials have no clue. With that said, we will hear all sort of outrageous statements and 'leaks'.

Blessed are those who believe those are angels of some sort. Although, those might panic the most if aliens identified by them as daemons.

Others will go on about their lieves as usual...just like me who needs no disclosure or anyone to confirm to me anything about visitors.

The officials paint them hostile just because some ufos were witnessed in military exercise zones. That does not make them hostile, by the way. Trigger happy military do not know what kind of confrontation they are up to.

Why not those military display a banner saying 'Welcome'? Let's make contact?

edit on 13-8-2023 by DaydreamerV because: (no reason given)

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