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Everything is consciousness.

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posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

That my friend when in regards to others and their plans for you can be a nightmare... As my idea of a heaven has no one else in it at all ever. The idea that all your friends and all your relatives etc will be there with you... Um Hell please cause thats what that is to me.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

The eye is difficult but the nose is what will drag you into the lower realms of animals and cannibals... So ordering which one to pure land first is important to consider.

I would not liken the olfactory sense to be dragging me to the lower realms of animals and that sense is tied to so many other senses. Also just a smell can make one consciously? travel back in time to a memory.

“… I carried to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had let soften a bit of madeleine. But at the very instant when the mouthful of tea mixed with cake crumbs touched my palate, I quivered, attentive to the extraordinary thing that was happening inside me.”

It’s a seminal passage in literature, so famous in fact, that it has its own name: the Proustian moment — a sensory experience that triggers a rush of memories often long past, or even seemingly forgotten. For French author Marcel Proust, who penned the legendary lines in his 1913 novel, “À la recherche du temps perdu,” it was the soupçon of cake in tea that sent his mind reeling.

But according to a biologist and an olfactory branding specialist Wednesday, it was the nose that was really at work.,r elated%20to%20emotion%20and%20memory.
edit on q00000028831America/Chicago5555America/Chicago8 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Well you know those segments in society that don't eat meat or whatever for religious reasons and not out of disgust?

I am an omnivore going by the teeth where it's chopping for veggies, grinding for grains, and tearing for meat...

But there are some folks that aren't going by that evolution and in using the third eye? What a sight to behold when a pain in the foot is one of those that have sworn off pork chowing on your foot after you've eaten it... You know what gets called phantom pains? Of course practice means and this too shall pass but in reality hopefully they do cause how many years of you being eaten by them and their unconscious craving for it as they really don't find it disgusting just a ritual no. If they found it disgusting then they wouldn't be sleep walking in that craving and getting a good bite or nibble of you.

I know I can't be the only one and whats worse is even when in physical form they have the dentures and well in that sleep walk craving it form real teeth that aren't falling out and bite just as hard as any teeth can.

Proximity to them is likely also a factor like ima bury a cured ham right outside of the neighbors window... one of these days to avoid getting bitten and nibbled on.

edit on 14-8-2023 by Crowfoot because: clarity

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Hindu scriptures promote a vegetarian dietary ideal based on the concept of ahimsa—non-violence and compassion towards all beings.

We don't have to use our third eye to show compassion towards all beings, but humans are naturally adapted to be omnivores, so to go against that grain may take the third eye and much more progression towards non-violence.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

I was originally a strong willed atheist. But because of certain experiences that couldn't be explained by my understanding of science I investigated the inner realm using various meditation techniques (Breath Fire Yoga etc) that I read from books. Which involved at one stage a period of extensive meditations that lasted for months (meditating 6-12 hours a day). During those extensive meditations I experienced temporary awakenings. I was able to communicate with people directly through that awakened consciousness. Having a very lengthy discussion (via thoughts) with one person in particular that I knew. Allowing me to confirm those experiences were not illusory.

My experiences did not absolutely confirm to me that everything is consciousness. Unfortunately my self exploration was cut short when I had to return to work from long service leave to a very busy environment. But it did confirm other aspects in religions such as Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhism that are at odd's with scientific modeling of our universe. Perhaps with the exception of quantum mechanics that now suggests that every point in space and time is connected to every other point in space and time. Thus our bodies are not limited to the confines of our skin but is intimately connected with everything else in space and time.

How do I prove to you, that a realm of unlimited unmanifested potentials exists within you, that you can sink into, to experience these things for yourself. I am guessing there is no need to. One day, when you are ready to experience these things for yourself. Perhaps this life, perhaps another. The motivation to do so will become a priority for you as well.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

That has to do with the holy cow or so called mother of the Ox that Vishnu rides as a heavenly mount aka the Gautama Buddhas body since Gautama was born in a Chinese year of Dog and parinibbanaed in a year of the Ox.

Also Brahma is a type of bull and Brahmin the men that mind the Ox to fulfill their holy life. What do they as a ruminate eat? Grasses etc. as well as an occasional snake.

All the anthropomorphism is both figurative and literal. So seeing one side of it one misses the other seeing both sides of it then one is liberated from being a bull and eating vegetarian.

China should be thought of as Thoth as they have pretty much records of everything and when. The crane iconography already points like the bull to that being the case.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: glend

Never saw that as a reflection of your own mind overcoming the corpse re inhabiting it and going about its way?

p.s. few know or are that in tune with their body and mind the moment every cell in it is replaced and that thing you speak of dawns.

When I saw another one later I realized it was the light of death and as glorious as it was to behold? It wasn't mine.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: glend

Thank you for that. It was an interesting read. I do hope you realise that when you claim the ability to communicate telepathically ('having a very lengthy discussion via thoughts with one person in particular...'), you are inviting disbelief from the likes of me. That said, I am quite prepared to accept that you believe what you are saying.

How do I prove to you, that a realm of unlimited unmanifested potentials exists within you, that you can sink into, to experience these things for yourself.

A good way to start would be to submit your claimed telepathic abilities to an empirical test. The conditions, of course, would have to be carefully specified to eliminate all possible doubt about the results.

Would you be willing to subject yourself to such a test? PM me if you are. I shan't be revisiting this thread, which has drifted far off topic. There's no philosophy here any more, and I'm not interested in pseudoscience, mysticism or magic.

edit on 15/8/23 by Astyanax because:

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Also Brahma is a type of bull and Brahmin the men that mind the Ox to fulfill their holy life. What do they as a ruminate eat? Grasses etc. as well as an occasional snake.

That is contradictory, eating snakes is eating meat.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

When over 2/3rds of the worlds religious population(Christians) says animals don't make it to heaven... I guess they'll be quick to leave it to go find some tastee animals? OR be a good bull/cow and eat that grass not knowing that's what you are!

Silliness aside yeah they do eat it and some look at it as one bull feeds many meaning it's a size thing vs. the amount of death like a regular sized chicken can only feed one moderately sized person. Meaning that meat adds up to more deaths... at least thats what I have heard from the so called orthodox in trying to rationalize death and kamma as some calculation.

The only forbidden foods that I know of to stick by as they are required for a world system to work properly as the reason is; Don't eat humans, snakes, any size cat, or elephants. Everything else is pretty much a go ahead and have at it.

In my personal experience whether it feeds a lot or not youll feel the suffering that all of that animal or plant goes through and vice versa they feel it from you too. But thats from the equanimity stand point. Being aware of it sometimes means consciousness as in aware of it but no compassion there or empathy to know it as the thing itself.

However how transmigration works? There is no break in cow consciousness as one circle of energy. Either you are one or aren't one but having it in ones body then focusing on it then it is the same as taking in all of their pain to where they do not have any... Not saying it is a good practice not saying it is a bad practice but it is something that can be directly experienced in meditations; However that energy will tie itself to yours as it doesn't want to suffer any more than you do.

They eat snakes to avoid sickness of the herd and protect calves and prevent stampedes that separate them... not oh look a snake yummy.

Awareness is perhaps a better word than consciousness as awareness can still be present when unconsciousness is present... like in O.B.E.(out of body experience's) and N.D.E.(near death experiences)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 09:09 AM
Some people will never be able to move beyond their own disbelief because they lack one key component --- imagination.

When you lack imagination, you can't conceive anything outside the confines of your own narrow vision. You can't construct anything of your own. None of your thoughts originate with you. All you can do is parrot what you've memorized from someone else's work. That's why some people have a very difficult time moving past the information they've been taught. They can't conceptualize new data. They can't envision new ideas. So they have to label it as "fake" or "pseudoscience". Everyone on the leading edge of science is mocked and ridiculed before they're accepted.

It must be maddening to lack vision. Einstein knew how important it is.
edit on 15-8-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Or think you're confusing the fact of our percieving the outside world with our percieving it creating the outside world for lack of a better way of putting it.
Best to avoid wandering into insulting anyone disagreeing, which you are.
Can I see it as a possibility?
Is it self evident fact?

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: UtIntusSicForis

Or  think you're confusing the fact of our percieving the outside world with our percieving it creating the outside world for lack of a better way of putting it.

It's too bad you lack a better way of putting it because that makes no sense.

Best to avoid wandering into insulting anyone disagreeing, which you are.

I'm not concerned if you feel insulted. Some people do lack imagination and it shows. That's a fact.

(post by UtIntusSicForis removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: UtIntusSicForis

You do appear to be triggered so I'm calling it as I see it as well.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

You're seeing what you want to see.
Which no doubt is how you've gotten to more than a few of your stances.
I'm discussing.
Specifically, offering criticism.
This is a discussion board after all.

Might as well cry calling me a "hater" too..

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: UtIntusSicForis

Anything else you feel compelled to get off your chest? It appears as though you're seeking a space to vent.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown


posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 12:27 PM
Math exists beyond the boundaries of spacetime

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

Science use to believe in the absoluteness of time. Now they don't. So beliefs are not a constant but always in flux as our knowledge and experiences grow. It doesn't concern me what people think today.

Words like telepathy, extra sensory perception etc are a misnomer. There is no extra of anything but the absence of noise (in brain activity) that allows the far more subtle thoughts from the greater consciousness to reach our conscious mind. Otherwise its all lost in the noise of our minds that exists in barrage of thoughts.

As I mentioned in last comment the experiences were only temporary. Lost when I returned to work in a very busy environment that caused greater brain activity. I do continue to meditate but not as deep as before. If I do achieve those states again I can certainly try prove to you that something exist outside your worldview but not interested in taking it further than that.

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