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Rosatom personnel and Russian troops rapidly leaving Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on mass

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posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: anonentity

I wonder if this will play out, This is from the Hindustani Times, their take is a bit different from what we in the West get. Apparently.

Different then the West and much closer to the truth to

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: quintessentone
Nice bit of a read. Now tell me what would happen if the wind was blowing away from Europe? No, I'll tell you. At the moment, if you'd care to look at the weather maps, the wind is circling from Ukraine to Belarus to Poland to Russia then back to Ukraine. NOW, tell me who would suffer the most from this supposed self inflicted accident. Stop thinking Putin is stupid or irrational, he aint. But Zelenski and the western war hawks want this badly, they don't care just who gets "poisoned" because they'll be far far away.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: quintessentone
Nice bit of a read. Now tell me what would happen if the wind was blowing away from Europe? No, I'll tell you. At the moment, if you'd care to look at the weather maps, the wind is circling from Ukraine to Belarus to Poland to Russia then back to Ukraine. NOW, tell me who would suffer the most from this supposed self inflicted accident. Stop thinking Putin is stupid or irrational, he aint. But Zelenski and the western war hawks want this badly, they don't care just who gets "poisoned" because they'll be far far away.

If you consider nuclear terrorism blackmail by Putin to be not stupid or not irrational then your opinion is your own. Others call him 'mad' as in 'madness'.

On June 22, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that russia had additionally mined the Zaporizhzhia NPP and was planning to commit a terrorist attack with the release of radioactive substances. The nuclear blackmail used by russia throughout the full-scale invasion knows no bounds and defies any common sense, and today it is difficult to imagine the scale of the radioactive disaster that would result from the explosion of a nuclear power plant. At the same time, even the consequences of the Chornobyl disaster do not stop russia.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: quintessentone
ok, you keep citing the Homicidal maniac and his long list of nonsense, the rest of us will try and take the UN's (IAEA) word for it for now. But hey, whatever.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: quintessentone
Nice bit of a read. Now tell me what would happen if the wind was blowing away from Europe? No, I'll tell you. At the moment, if you'd care to look at the weather maps, the wind is circling from Ukraine to Belarus to Poland to Russia then back to Ukraine. NOW, tell me who would suffer the most from this supposed self inflicted accident. Stop thinking Putin is stupid or irrational, he aint. But Zelenski and the western war hawks want this badly, they don't care just who gets "poisoned" because they'll be far far away.

You claiming the wind is always blowing in this direction? Last time I checked, the Chernobyl accident caused radiation to fall throughout western and northwestern Europe. And even with the clockwise wind current you describe, Ukraine and Poland will be most adversely affected, because the wind hits them first. And if there is rain, it'll hit them worse still.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:34 AM
Sooo... when was it they were gonna blow up all those mines Zelenskid was crying about???

Or are we not playing that game anymore now that the Biden drama has died down again?

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: AuditTheAudit

Yes, the Russians blew up their own pipeline, attacked their own bridge, blew the dam they controlled and that supplied water to their own citizens and cooled the power plant, and now are going to blow up the power plant they are in control of.

Oh, and Putin is the next Hitler.

Jesus propagandists have an easy job.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Quintilian

Seeing as how Russia controlled the dam, how do you suppose anyone else could have blown it?

Missiles and shells could not have done it.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Quintilian
a reply to: AuditTheAudit

Yes, the Russians blew up their own pipeline, attacked their own bridge, blew the dam they controlled and that supplied water to their own citizens and cooled the power plant, and now are going to blow up the power plant they are in control of.

Oh, and Putin is the next Hitler.

Jesus propagandists have an easy job.

Who ever said that Russia blew up their own bridge (I assume you mean the one connecting Crimea to the Kerch peninsula)? Talk about a straw-man argument. As for who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, sure, some western mouth pieces in the media (not here) made the argument that Russia most likely did this, but no solid evidence has ever been provided of this claim.

So far the evidence regarding the dam's failure points either to Russia's poor operation and maintenance of the dam or to the possibility of having mined it. As to the water that is now longer going to Crimea, apparently lost on you is that the source of water for much of southern Ukraine has also been destroyed, and the destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure and its economy seem to be strategic goals of Russia. And given the destruction of the dam, it is no surprise that Ukraine is worried about the sabotaging of the nuclear power plant as well, particularly given the report of its workers being told to leave the plant.

As for what Russia is capable of doing, are you aware of how it treats its own conscripts, enlists violent felons into its army, commits various war crimes and other atrocities, and had the "good" sense to allow a large private army to operate within its borders and in the theater of operations of the Ukrainian war, and that this private army then mutinied and killed Russian service men? Russia or its Russian-armed allies in the breakaway Oblasts of Ukraine also shot down a civilian airliner, and to this day deny it, even with the overwhelming incriminating evidence against them, so yeah, Russia is capable of just about anything and lies about everything. And which country in the conflict is threatening nuclear escalation as well?

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