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Roswell Crashed Flying Saucer Sham Story That's Still Being Sold

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posted on May, 23 2024 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
The witnesses knew what they saw, it was a coveup.
It was a coverup. They saw remains of something like a large mogul balloon and the cover-up was to try to get them to believe it was a weather balloon. The man who found the wreckage, Mac Brazel, said he had seen weather balloons before and he knew that's not what it was, and he was right.

It is so obvious, do you really think it odd that after the initial reports went out the government, military didn't want any talk of a crashed and recovered alien space craft with bodies so they sent out a team to shut it down. They would do the same today, 80 years later.
Key witnesses like Mac Brazel and Jesse Marcel didn't see alien bodies, those stories came from unreliable people, one whom was the Glenn Dennis, part owner of the Roswell museum who made up those stories to try to draw traffic to his museum in the middle of nowhere. He was caught lying about the name of the nurse Naomi Self, there was no nurse by that name.

Do you trust the government and military to be honest if they retrieved alien technology and crafts?
No, but I also don't trust the guy who made up the name of a fictitious nurse and stories of alien bodies to promote his museum. The primary witnesses didn't see alien bodies.

Do you think in the 13.7 billion years that Earth is the most sophisticated and technologically advanced intelligent life in the universe?
Impossible to say. Life seems likely but even on earth, intelligent life has been extremely rare on long time scales. Intelligent life in the early universe was impossible because the early universe didn't have the heavier elements needed, it was mostly just hydrogen and helium back then. It took generations of stars going supernova to spread the heavy elements and that takes some time. Other intelligent life is certainly possible but it's probably much more rare than ordinary life without the intelligence. Here's a scientist talking about the probabilities, if you were asking the question seriously and want to entertain a serious discussion:

Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb

Earth seems more like the "Ukraine" of the universe. We are lied to everyday about everything that has to do with control and exploitation. That makes more sense to me.
Sure we are lied to by the government, but we are also lied to by the plentiful charlatans in the UFOtainment industry who will promote any untrue story if they think it will make them a buck or two. Just look at the Roswell slides example.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
he witnesses knew what they saw, it was a coveup.

It was a coverup. They saw remains of something like a large mogul balloon and the cover-up was to try to get them to believe it was a weather balloon. The man who found the wreckage, Mac Brazel, said he had seen weather balloons before and he knew that's not what it was, and he was right

Arbit, thank you so much for your calm reply to fringeofthefringe, I appreciate it. Eduardo Lopez, Skeptical Ed, The Shrike, etc.
edit on 24-5-2024 by EduardoLopez because: To correct grammar.

edit on 24-5-2024 by EduardoLopez because: My reply didn't format properly.

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