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Grusch UFO OP?

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posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: karl 12

I'm trying to think if there is a skeptic in the public eye who is true to the tenets? I can't think of one.

I can't think of one who is worth their salt.

Bloody good point.

Oh Nooooo
edit on 2-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:46 AM
I really want to see that show when he testifies, and they find out nothing.

It will be interesting to see these politicians get burned by these fairy tales that go back decades in the UFO circuit.

They might have been better off doing a FAKE congress hearing with retired Congres people like Greer does.

A show is a show no matter where it resides.

Dont even bring popcorn, have cotton candy around.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:30 PM
Once again the majority is fluff but reckon some very important points are made below about UFOs, the Rockefellers, and BG.

The Cosmos Club - UFO Bilderberg Revealed.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 09:36 AM
The problems with this David Grusch guy are very simple.

First, he was in this All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, the Department of Defense’s UFO research wing.

For how long. I mean, it just started, right? So, what can he know, and what can he prove that quickly save some tales he heard in a briefing, at best?

And on what authority is he revealing this stuff, his own?
And offers no proof of anything, just more theories.

And there are his ideas about interdimensional phenomena as a possibility of these alien ufo creatures.

That’s about as concrete as believing in hobbits and sounds like a distraction to me.
“We know there are extra dimensions due to high-energy particle collisions; I’m not a physicist, but such a statement is not an iota of proof of such a thing. It’s a theory from the string theory in physics.

Finally, all his “ revelations” can be tracked down too many ufologists' lore.

I believe this is deliberate disinformation where typically the “ whistleblower” hides behind secrets he can't reveal...

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 02:13 AM
The UFO circus is probably a billion dollars industry in the US. The moment you give the subject to actual scientists like NASA or Kirkpatrick, these clowns will lose control over the narrative to milk believers and gullible officials with their products and fake-science/defense programs. I find interesting their newest champion is being pushed like 2 weeks after NASA conference. Grusch has been groomed by the likes of Zondo, Travis Taylor and Jay Stratton while serving in this joke of UAP task force.
edit on 11-7-2023 by Wackadoodle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: karl 12
a reply to: The GUT

• PS Of all the claims Grusch could have made did find it telling he brought up Mussolini - put me in mind of these documents from waaay back but pretty sure they were never independently verified.

Relevant Info dump from The Anomalist.

Italian Researcher Shares Extraordinary Evidence Files of World's 'First' UFO Crash-14 Years Before Roswell-and the Secret Department Set Up by Mussolini's Government to Study the Craft That Was Later Captured by US Forces The Daily Mail

David Grusch's "whistleblower" testimony about crash-retrievals has re-ignited controversy about a Vatican connection to a nascent US effort. Josh Boswell and Chris Sharp report an exclusive interview with Roberto Pinotti, who with colleague Alfredo Lissoni received±beginning in 1996—documents regarding the Mussolini regime's UFO interests and study of at least one crashed UFO. An Italian "MJ-12"? Pinotti's Daily Mail claims have Sascha Brodsky writing A Researcher Says the First UFO Really Crashed in Italy in 1933. And He Has Evidence for Popular Mechanics, no less. Brodsky also notes that Grusch's claims have energized "The renewed UAP interest" in government.

Other Italian ufologists have long published telling observations against the provenance and dating of the claim, the Pinotti/Lissoni pair's interpretations, and their refusal to allow others to see the documents. Micah Hanks brings things current in his Italy's Fascist UFO Files: Crashes, Coverups, and the RS/33 Cabinet. Though there may have been pre-WWII UFO sightings in Italy, the 1933 Magenta crash story appears around 2000, and an actual Vatican participation in events may have first been asserted by William "Billy" Brophy in 2010. Billy Brophy claimed his father figured in the 1945 "Trinity" and another crash, and is generally discounted as a source. Hanks speculates the entire 1933 crash/retrieval story plus an eventual Vatican/US "deal" may be US-style "misinformation" spread beyond American borders to confuse our potential adversaries. If so, David Grusch didn't have the facts in this instance.

After the Knapp debacle looks like more UFO BS is being promoted by the Daily Mail (and Popular Mechanics).

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Wackadoodle
The UFO circus is probably a billion dollars industry in the US. The moment you give the subject to actual scientists like NASA or Kirkpatrick, these clowns will lose control over the narrative to milk believers and gullible officials with their products and fake-science/defense programs. I find interesting their newest champion is being pushed like 2 weeks after NASA conference. Grusch has been groomed by the likes of Zondo, Travis Taylor and Jay Stratton while serving in this joke of UAP task force.

Another interesting fact is that David Grusch's story came out publicly on June 5, 2023, in the Kean and Blumenthal story, and the June 11 release of the Coulthart interview is seven days and one day before the well-publicized Steven Greer UFO/UAP Disclosure Press Conference took place.

Coincidence? I doubt it.

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