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Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face.

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
I was involved with some secret military stuff, many of us were during that war but it had nothing to do with the aliens that I was aware of.

Now you have me intrigued. Can you elaborate on the secret military stuff? What purpose was the special programming for? I'm sure your refering to hypnosis, right? And have you stayed in contact with anyone who might corroborate your story?

And BTW, thanks for serving.

[edit on 4/11/2005 by Hal9000]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000
Can you elaborate on the secret military stuff? What purpose was the special programming for? I'm sure your refering to hypnosis, right? And have you stayed in contact with anyone who might corroborate your story?

And BTW, thanks for serving.

[edit on 4/11/2005 by Hal9000]

Once it was over we were split up and sent to new units, names were aliases, but it didn't matter I had no desire to get back in touch.

I’d be surprised if anyone came forward to collaborate, if they are still alive----they were a rough bunch anyway----doubt that they cared about anything.

Aliens can hypnotize anyone, any place, at any time-----those soldiers on the ship were being trained for other things----not sure what.

Everything is on a need to know basis----if it didn't concern me I wasn't told.

It's the best way to keep secrets.

If the aliens were concerned about this story getting out they would stop it. Perhaps they know most people will not believe it and are unconcerned.


posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:45 PM
Can you tell us who was directing the programming? I hope you will continue to give us more details. I'm going to try to look up some stuff, do some reading and get back. See you then.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 08:58 PM
Thank you for your answers, but I'm still not seeing WHY you were brought on board by the aliens, nor allowed to be by the military (as you say, they agreed obviously to this). You've mentioned no specific training done by them, nor reported anything back to superiors, so we're still left with no identifiable reason for these repeated joyrides.

Can you elaborate more on this?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:41 PM

This is very interesting story, indeed. Thanks for responding to everyone’s questions. I have three simple questions for you.

1. Who else saw these crafts parked at Army bases?
2. What was your assignment during the end of the Korean War?
3. What did you do after your three tours? You said that you have a little college. I mean other jobs and as well as other alien contact. (It appears your space trips where during your military experience only).

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:47 PM
In all truthfullness I believe the words of your claims. From my point of view you know a lot of things that you can simply not say on their part. They do not allow information to be freely distributed. As most of the forums on this world we see human nature come in front of everything. If we look for a second we understand our own problems and paranoia. We are so scared of war that we assume that everybody is going to go to war with us.

The aliens that visit us do not want any harm done to us, as we are to some extent, I believe, related to them. An alien prescense can be quite a shock and you can feel it like primal fear. What you have explained seems genuine. As I see this you are like me uncertain of what to explain. Why explain it? and to what gain. Either of us have nothing to bring to people that allready believe in such things or are trying to believe. But if we do give ourselves its in the goal of evolving thought around people that we are not being invaded. We are not going to die because of them. But if we do it maybe its because about humanitys jaded way of life.

But if you are here you want to let it out for one reason. Because you are trying to figure out if you are alone or not; when you know too well the anwser to that question. Humanity has always had a stuggle with greed and power and obscession. It will prevail if all of them fight for themselves and without anything else but words or thoughts.

We all have choices to make, and yours is a tough one. But you must do what you feel is right, not what others make you say. Just with the information you have given to me about drugs, I know that they are in your life and helping you out. Why? hehe tingly little feeling.

So I have sent you an U2U and I would most apreciate further getting to know about you if you desire too. (as I was writing this letter I did feel a little bit light headed sorry to all)

Betchi was always here -

[edit on 11-4-2005 by KpxMarMoTT]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 05:32 AM
Sleeper this is interesting stuff and if these questions have been asked before I apologise, but I would be interested know why you were chosen in the first place. Had you expressed interest or belief in aliens?

Why did the millitary 'select' you above others if as you say is correct they allowed this exchange to happen.

Did the aliens convey to you what your mssion was post contact. That is did they say your role was to help create awareness about their existence?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:49 AM
Sleeper, have you done any research on this, and found any cases similar to your own?

Can you tell us where you were taken on your trips? You mentioned bases, where you taken there? If so can you describe them.

Also, can you tell us about one of your childhood experiences. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Truthforall

1. Who else saw these crafts parked at Army bases?
2. What was your assignment during the end of the Korean War?

I was born at the end of the Korean War.

Others that have seen the ships one would presume would be a few select scientists, government officials, and certain military people.

When I entered the ship there were a few people standing behind what was a protective? Glass partition, no guards near the ship, they were posted outside the building.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Thank you for your answers, but I'm still not seeing WHY you were brought on board by the aliens, nor allowed to be by the military (as you say, they agreed obviously to this). You've mentioned no specific training done by them, nor reported anything back to superiors, so we're still left with no identifiable reason for these repeated joyrides.

There would be no military without alien technology. The military (US) receives huge amounts of information from the aliens----but few understand how that knowledge is transferred. The aliens don't had our people a set of blueprints and tell them to go build it. Information is transferred partially threw telepathy, like uploading information on a computer.

I use the word telepathy because we don't have a word to describe higher forms of brain-to-brain transfers of knowledge, ideas, creativity.

We (I) don't always know who is sending the information----aliens, a super computer on the ship----a living mind on the ship?

We are like ants cleaning up a piece of candy that has melted on the sidewalk.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Lady of the Lake Had you expressed interest or belief in aliens?

Why did the millitary 'select' you above others if as you say is correct they allowed this exchange to happen.

Did the aliens convey to you what your mssion was post contact. That is did they say your role was to help create awareness about their existence?

I have no idea why I am involved with the aliens-----but it began from the first day I was born----and possibly before-----I have vivid memories of my early contacts----not sure what I can talk about.

The military did not select me----they knew about me----before I knew about them.

I don't know what my role is, perhaps I'm the dishwasher on the ship and when I leave they blank that part out.

Maybe to tell this story.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000
Sleeper, have you done any research on this, and found any cases similar to your own?

Can you tell us where you were taken on your trips? You mentioned bases, where you taken there? If so can you describe them.

Also, can you tell us about one of your childhood experiences. Thanks.

I have read books, magazines, and the internet, hoping to find something like my experience-----I haven't yet.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by sleeper]

[edit on 12-4-2005 by sleeper]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:14 AM

If I talk too much about fantastic places where I have been taken----people will think I have a screw loose----or I'm full of it----

That ship has sailed...

, but seriously, at this point in your tale, the reader is already in one of three camps.

Camp 1. - The guy is full of it.
Camp 2. - OMFG! This guy is legit, I want to hear more!
Camp 3. - I'm still intrigued, not buyin' it yet, but I'll hear the guy out.

No matter what you say at this point, you're not going to reach those in Camp 1, so no use trying. You've already walked onto the diving board...might as well go ahead and get wet...

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:28 AM
Sleeper, since you know already that the "alien" can present themselves as anything or anyone they want. How can you tell what is real and what is not ?

You stated that normal soliders did not give off the "power" type feeling and thats how you knew they were not aliens as opposed to the "real" aliens that you felt some sort of energy off of. How is it that you have the ability to sense this energy while the mass of humanity is unaware ????

As for where you are going with this I already know. I know what it is that you are trying to say without saying it. But I am curious why is it that you have the ability to "see" them, yet you know nothing about what they really look like or even any physical features.

Instead of trying to lead us down a path of bogus data, why don't you just tell everyone the one secret that you are hiding from us. The one thing you know for sure without a doubt about the information that you want to tell us all.

Some of us know more then others and some of us can "see".

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
I felt it while the ship was parked in the VIP parking space on one of the military bases, and at other times.

ummm okay..... VIP Parking for the Aliens... Now I've heard it all

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok[/i

That ship has sailed...

That's a good one!

Alpha Centauri one of the nearby stars is about 4.3 light years away. For an alien that’s not very far, for humans with our present technology it would take several lifetimes.

Our probes can travel about 22,000 miles an hour----we don’t have a ship that can carry humans that fast yet.

But if we did, it would only take about 130,000 years to get to our nearest neighbor, so pack a big lunch.

I visited a star system much further than Alpha Centauri----don’t know which one and it didn’t take more than a few weeks, if that. I don’t know how long the journey was, but it was under a month that I was away. It was like taking an ape into New York city and showing it the town and taking it back to the jungle and letting it tell the other apes what it saw.

I remember crystal type structures----not much about the people.

However I have seen places more in line with earth, human looking people in what we would call futuristic cities

I leaned one thing-----Darwin was wrong, nothing evolved from slime.

[edit on 23-4-2006 by sleeper]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
Some of us know more then others and some of us can "see".

Maybe you can elaborate on this, and he will say if it is the same or not. I'd like to hear more. I wouldn't be concerned with the ridicule factor, as like Gazrok said, that ship has sailed.

Signed, still interested.

Edit: Just saw your post, sleeper. Did you go to zeta reticula?

[edit on 4/12/2005 by Hal9000]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:16 PM
Sleeper, why do you avoid the questions that are the most telling about your "story"?

I remember a lot of crystal type structures----not much about the people.

you never seem to know anything about the people or aliens or whatever it is that you believe they are.

You can fabricate stories about "constructs" becauce they can always be plausible, but you can not fabricate "stories" about tangible evidence of an alien culture because you are unsure if anyone else knows the real truth, thus you never say anything because you, yourself do not want to have your story shot with a bunch of holes.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
Sleeper, since you know already that the "alien" can present themselves as anything or anyone they want. How can you tell what is real and what is not ?

You stated that normal soliders did not give off the "power" type feeling and thats how you knew they were not aliens as opposed to the "real" aliens that you felt some sort of energy off of. How is it that you have the ability to sense this energy while the mass of humanity is unaware ????

As for where you are going with this I already know. I know what it is that you are trying to say without saying it. But I am curious why is it that you have the ability to "see" them, yet you know nothing about what they really look like or even any physical features.

Instead of trying to lead us down a path of bogus data, why don't you just tell everyone the one secret that you are hiding from us. The one thing you know for sure without a doubt about the information that you want to tell us all.

Some of us know more then others and some of us can "see".

I’m not a religious person so that’s not where I’m going with this-----it that is what you mean?

I know there are a lot of people that know infinitely more about this stuff than I; perhaps you are one of them.

Feel free to point out the bogus material, or correct me if you know I strayed off base on something.

For those who don’t believe-----everything I said is bogus.

Belief in my story is not integral to my existence.

What all encompassing secret to you think I am holding out on?

All humans know when an alien is near them----most haven’t associated the feeling with the alien.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix

You can fabricate stories about "constructs" becauce they can always be plausible, but you can not fabricate "stories" about tangible evidence of an alien culture because you are unsure if anyone else knows the real truth, thus you never say anything because you, yourself do not want to have your story shot with a bunch of holes.

Steven Spielberg can give you more details, crisp dialog and lots of visual effects----that's what most people want.

The truth is not as polished, can be boring, definitely lacking in detail----and would not make a good movie unless it was pumped full of "fabricated" material.

Sorry but I'm not a fancy movie director or screen writer.

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