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Oneness of Being

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posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: glend

Why do you think Jesus said in Gospel of Thomas "I’ve cast fire on the world, and look, I’m watching over it until it blazes.”?

You've probably seen me answer this a few times in my post on this forum

"For the mind that shines it light down upon the world, is exactly same as the one within, looking upwards within the brilliance of its own light

What it means, is that the sun in the sky, and the mind that we picture as being "within our head" are one in the same

This is not a metaphor. They are not "like" each other. The sun, very literally, is your mind

We are a phase off-set

We look up at the sun, we are looking at our own mind

Babylonian Tablet Of Shamash

In the Sumerian culture, they referred to this as the solar throne

The sun, is phase polarity to your mind
The moon, is phase polarity to your body

We are a point of centre within the equilibrium, able to reflect back upon itself

This relief depicts a person sat upon a throne, which is engraved with two prancing lions, reflecting back-to-back, symbolising polarity and duality

The throne hangs a version of the person sitting upon it, up in the sky above it

Which in-turn casts light down upon the alter

The waters beneath, echo the human body, also drawn as waters

As are the three emotional tri-manifested (Hermes Trismagistus) form of self

One of the three is also, water. Another of grasps the alter of light (being the Earth)

Above the large man on the throne, are a moon and two suns, correlating to the three emotionally tri-manifested versions of himself, standing before him on the throne in reflection

The water man on the left is the moon, controlling the tides. The middle man depicted as the sun, is the sun and expanded solar system body. The man holding the throne of light, also depicted as the sun, is the physical embodiment of the sun on Earth. The human body. Which is why it is shown holding onto the throne (the Earth) of light

The planets spreading out from the sun, are no different to the chakra spreading down from the brain/mind, or the spectrum of colour

A modern translation for the verse you quoted:

"The sun is your conscious mind. It casts down upon the Earth, but it also looks up at that which is being cast down upon it"


SÁM 66, an illuminated Icelandic Manuscript from the 18th century

This version shows Odin, within his "closed eye" connected to the sun

This is because the Norse version of these teachings, tells us that sun shining upon us during the day, turning to night, is no different to our eyes opening and closing

When they are open, we see the external world and light
When they are closed, we see the internal world and darkness

They represented this "Conscious" by a man (Odin) depicted as having one eye open, and one eye closed

The closed eye, is the sun

Again, they understood that the seat of the conscious mind, is the sun

It is the "Solar throne"

The Freemasons have their own version of this, which is only taught to the higher degree members, referred to as "The Throne Of Solomon"

Solomon = Solar Moon

They are referring to the exact same thing as all the other ancient illuminated teachings

The distinction, is that they never go through the true illuminated teachings in order to understand this knowledge when it is given to them

And there is a difference between knowing and understanding

The temple of Solomon is the human body. Which is "rebuilt" through procreation. The "ark of the covenant" is the heart
edit on 2 6 23 by Compendium because: Clarified

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 02:30 AM
Another version of this is Ra

The Egyptian symbol ⊙ was said to have the meaning:

"Ra" and "Sun"

But this is a misunderstanding of the ancient wisdom

The symbol means "Mind"

To the Egyptians of the time, there was no difference between the conscious mind within your head, and mind as the sun in the sky

They were/are one in the same

Both were/are ⊙ / Ra / Mind

You can look up depictions of Ra, with the sun shining down upon him, and these depictions are almost identical to the Babylonian/Sumerian depictions

Because they area explaining the same concepts

This is why Ra ended up becoming so controversial when belief systems based upon "Gods" were later installed

They do not want people understanding that they ARE the solar throne

edit on 2 6 23 by Compendium because: Corrected spelling

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 05:11 PM
That's interesting, I don't think I ever heard of solar system being aligned with consciousness and chakra's . It seems to somewhat correlate with Hinduism's three energy channels (nadis) of the body --- Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The ida channel is also referred to moon channel (cool, water). The Pingala called the sun channel (hot,fire). The middle channel, Sushumna, is the channel of the Absolute (air, thought vibrations from beyond).

I had interesting dream this morning. I was returning to an apartment to park and someone had change the number on my car park to their apartment number. So I was trying to prove to them its my car park and that they had changed the number. I think the dream was warning me, perhaps in advance, not to worry about labels in which we park our beliefs. Fluidity be required else we get stuck on tangents that may delay our purpose.

Thus my concept of three may not align with your concept of three or Christianities concept of three. But all three may only be correlations that allow our limited minds to only grasp at the unknown. The achieving of which, may only be possible when our limited segmented minds give way to the unlimited 144,000 petal powered consciousness. Which might or not might be, the universe itself.
edit on 2-6-2023 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 01:31 AM
Or, your car park could be the solar throne

That has been claimed by certain religions, by changing the meaning in the texts

But, you are right, it does not really matter

The sauce may taste a little different, but it still goes on spaghetti

Pineal - Planet
Solar plexus - Solar system

This is the macro/micro alignment of our two bodies

All version of the trinity are the same. They are just different levels of phase

Internal, external, and that which binds them "fluidly" in between

They can all be simplified to numbers

1, 2, 3

1, inside
2, outside
3, inbetween

The 3 parts of the Om symbol are the same as these three numbers

The base concept within numbers can actually be written into a mathematical thesis and formulas

Simplified ... All forms of Trinity would be:

1 cannot exist without 2
2 cannot exist without 1

And neither could exist without 3

0 does not exist. Except as a comparative of that which does

Regardless of which Trinity ...

It is all about the ability to reflect upon self

Where people get confused, is trying to reflect and define, their ability to reflect and define


Off to watch the football

All the best glend

A pleasure as always 👍😀
edit on 3 6 23 by Compendium because: Added the word "fluidly"

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: glend

Thanks good Glend, and sorry for the delay in this reply.

Been up-to the regular, you know : letting ego run the show.
Bouncing-around, pretending to know more than is knowable.

Makin frenemies on the boards, being judgmental of those whom were judgmental ... LoL !!

Am happy that you feel that concept of how folks see us differently, depending on how we are vibing.

It's awesome that you are able to not be bothered by cool temps most of the time.
My experiences with that are rare, and probably mostly from heat exposure, rather than deep circulation.
( Sauna, sweat-lodge, hot-tub, etc ... )

Am still interested in your OP ideas of Oneness, and how we are looking at it in your reply.
There is somehow, somethingish, that brings an instantaneous connection, when that oneness is glimpsed, when people are interacting.

Have had a couple of those recognition moments again, recently.
Have you had any more of those situations, where you notice that someone catches your vibe, and just is unknowingly attracted to it ?

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Nothin

lol, perhaps a change of name to "nothinbutego" is in order! I use to get down on myself, until I listened to words from Nisargadatta Maharaj, that sometimes we step backwards to gather more strength.

I use to think my mind just likes being noisy but some recent experiences in which my mind just stopped thinking one morning, makes me wonder if that is the case. Or is the minds roar a result of desires. So I say to myself. If the desire be fulfilled how would I feel. When I reflect on desires that way, I always see a lack of accomplishment or satisfaction. Unless of cause the desires are purely altruistic. Helping others gives a warmth inside our hearts.

Yes definitely, oneness is real. Many donks back, after meditating for lengthy periods of time (10+ hours a day for months). When the mind remains quiet and the barriers of ego-mind fractures, thought from others and our own mind, co-exist in that one consciousness. We certainly have our individuality but we also have a shared existence. Perhaps similar to what twins experience - knowing each other thoughts etc. In that mode it is very possible to have thought conversations with people we may know, regardless if they are enlightened or not. Obviously there is much more to it but the taste I experienced ended abruptly when I returned to a stressful environment (aka work).

Today, the subtleness of that shared communication is hidden below the constant roar of my mind. Occasionally, I can sometimes feel a tiny glimpse of those messages but no-where near as prominent as before (they were as loud as my own thoughts). That might be why people interact with us, they too feel that connection, even though it exists, below the awareness of our conscious minds.

I continue to experience that warmth in a smile.

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