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Activist doctors and abortion propaganda.

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posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:30 PM
The propaganda spin cycle is in full effect since the repeal of Roe v. Wade. I am posting this to point out the propaganda and also the tactics of activist doctors.

I have seen 4 or 5 different stories hit the MSM about this issue. All have the same basic facts going on. Mother has PPROM. That is a condition that is considered a medical emergency. Mother lives in state with abortion ban, the abortion ban in their state DOES allow for termination of pregnancy due to medical emergency.

This article is about a case in Missouri so here is the relevant piece of the Missouri abortion ban law.

It shall be an affirmative defense for any person alleged to have violated the provisions of subsection 2 of this section that the person performed or induced an abortion because of a medical emergency.  The defendant shall have the burden of persuasion that the defense is more probably true than not.

And yet, the doctors in this case would not perform the abortion, despite the medical emergency PPROM, citing the law in the state of Missouri.

Doctors also told Farmer that “awaiting a medical emergency may put her at further risk for maternal mortality” or the removal of her uterus, medical records show.

But because her fetus still had a heartbeat and her condition wasn’t considered a life-threatening medical emergency at that moment, they couldn’t terminate the pregnancy in Missouri, they told her. She eventually got an abortion in Illinois.

Records from that visit say doctors told Farmer that the law supersedes their medical judgment and “contrary to the most appropriate management based (on) my medical opinion, due to the legal language of MO law, we are unable to offer induction of labor at this time.”

“They were telling me to basically get out of the state to get the care that I needed,” the 41-year-old told AP.

These refusals are also in violation of federal law that requires medical facilities to determine whether a condition is a medical emergency and provide treatment, that is why in this case, not only is the state of Missouri health department investigating but also

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is investigating two hospitals that “did not offer necessary stabilizing care to an individual experiencing an emergency medical condition, in violation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA),” according to a letter from US Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.

This is a masterful display of propaganda, meant to cause women to fear for their lives if there are any restrictions on abortion.

Activist doctors claiming:

Missouri’s abortion ban includes exceptions for medical emergencies, although doctors and hospitals have said they’re unsure exactly what that covers.

Which I find disingenuous, because I would think that with all the knowledge doctors have, they would ask if they didn't understand the law, instead of possibly causing women's deaths by feigning ignorance for a cause. I mean, even i understand what an affirmative defense is. They just have to show there was actually a medical emergency necessitating the abortion.

The woman featured in the articles also participated in a campaign ad for a democrat senator criticizing the abortion ban.

Doctors willing to perhaps let a patient die, claiming they are ignorant of the law on both the state and federal level in order to further their pro-choice agenda.

The hospitals are under investigation but what about the doctors?
edit on 6-5-2023 by Antimony because: typo.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Antimony

Did somone die? It's not entirely clear...
if not, all propaganda, if yes, still propaganda but it kills...

If there have been casualties, wow, you folks have gone mental over your identity politics... Really disturbing to see that we now refuse life saving measure out of political conviction. What century is this again?
edit on 6-5-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Antimony

Did somone die? It's not entirely clear...
if not, all propaganda, if yes, still propaganda but it kills...

If there have been casualties, wow, you folks have gone mental over your identity politics... Really disturbing to see that we now refuse life saving measure out of political conviction. What century is this again?

In the recent articles I have seen (there are a couple different women's stories from Missouri and also a couple from Tennessee) no one has died thus far. Although I am not going to say that no one has ever died from an abortion refusal due to medical emergency.

I just thought it was odd that doctors would refuse a legal abortion because they "don't understand the law". Things that make me wonder.....

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Antimony

Doctors willing to perhaps let a patient die, claiming they are ignorant of the law on both the state and federal level in order to further their pro-choice agenda.

These doctors obviously have far more at stake than a political agenda.

From your excerpts, it seems prosecution is more likely than not, meaning the doctors will have to pay a pretty penny for attorney fees and court costs, plus time for depositions and court hearings. Very likely lose some patients. Plus, their professional practice and personal freedom at worst.

And I sure wouldn't want my professional decision in an emergency second guessed by non-professionals with the luxury of hindsight.

It's an unconscionable position to put doctors in.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: Antimony

Hospital administrators-who are business men, not doctors-set policy. It's there job to see the hospital makes the highest profit possible. (Thanks, Nixon for changing the law that banned hospitals from being for-profit.)

The administrator also decides which drugs CAN'T be used in their facility-as we saw with all the life-saving Covid drugs being barred from use.

The policy for which abortions will and won't be allowed is set at the administrative level, and doctors have to follow those guide lines or get terminated.

R v W was staged to create more political division and give the liberals a more polarizing platform to run on, and It has worked well for the ignorant among us.

Pregnant women have over-the-counter methods to terminate an unwanted pregnancy for up to 15 weeks-that's 3 months and one week! If they can't make up their mind by then, perhaps seeing the pregnancy through and putting the baby up for adoption would be a more humane choice-and a hell of a lot cheaper and less than an abortion.

I worked with a gal that had an abortion at 6 months pregnant. From that time on she was obsessed with wanting children, but the abortion left her unable to conceive.

They no longer routinely remove tonsils or appendix because of the slight health risk, yet push abortion as a great solution despite well-known dangerous-and possibly life long health risks.

it's just another nuclear football for politicians.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: nugget1

The policy for which abortions will and won't be allowed is set at the administrative level, and doctors have to follow those guide lines or get terminated.

Thank you -- I didn't know this and it's definitely good to know.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: Antimony

Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) is a condition in which the amniotic sac or “water” ruptures prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy. PPROM is responsible for 30-40 percent of preterm births. Induction of labor for PPROM is NOT an abortion; it's a pre-term birth.
I had this condition with three of my five children. The doctor called it 'tinsel membrane. Pitocin in pill form was used in the first two deliveries, and Pitocin in an IV drip was used in the third.

As far as being a medical emergency, labor usually ensues within hours. If it doesn't start naturally within 24 hours there is a risk of infection which can be harmful to both mother and baby. I'll post a link to what PPROM is, and is not.

Premature birth or late term abortion? The way this story reads is she went to another state to have an ABORTION at 37 weeks; not to deliver a nearly full-term perfectly viable life.


posted on May, 7 2023 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Well in these cases I have seen in MSM, the only info comes from MSM, So I just trust that the quotes are accurate when they say something like...

Doctors also told Farmer that “awaiting a medical emergency may put her at further risk for maternal mortality” or the removal of her uterus, medical records show.

I knew what PPROM was, but I would not go so far as to say the woman wanted to have an abortion at 37 weeks. I am sure the doctors telling her she might die scared her so she felt like she needed the abortion. I just think it is interesting that on one hand doctors are claiming this is life threatening and a medical emergency to the mother, but apparently not enough of a medical emergency to perform an abortion. Which makes me wonder what exactly these news stories are if they are not just pro-choice propaganda.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 06:29 AM
Abortion is the premeditated killing of another human being for convenience, in the majority of cases.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: Antimony
a reply to: nugget1

Well in these cases I have seen in MSM, the only info comes from MSM, So I just trust that the quotes are accurate when they say something like...

Doctors also told Farmer that “awaiting a medical emergency may put her at further risk for maternal mortality” or the removal of her uterus, medical records show.

I knew what PPROM was, but I would not go so far as to say the woman wanted to have an abortion at 37 weeks. I am sure the doctors telling her she might die scared her so she felt like she needed the abortion. I just think it is interesting that on one hand doctors are claiming this is life threatening and a medical emergency to the mother, but apparently not enough of a medical emergency to perform an abortion. Which makes me wonder what exactly these news stories are if they are not just pro-choice propaganda.

When they call a 37 week termination an 'abortion' there's something seriously wrong with medical morality. It's a premature birth that will produce a viable life, in most cases. An abortion is performed to end the life of a fetus, so the whole article is based on false propaganda....and the women going to another state to have said abortion just ended a (more than likely) fully viable life.

No decent human being would 'abort' (kill) a baby because a woman's membranes ruptured three weeks early. The whole story is garbage.

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