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Something isnt right ....

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posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 06:46 PM
We have all these World leaders , And lets admit they are our masters just what are they using us for ? You can't tell me all these powerful people are only after a paper dollar or a heavy golden rock It makes no sense whatsoever . I've given up trying to make any logic from the World we live in - These Leaders of our Planet do not even get longer then natural life they have to be serving a hidden society - You got Wars in Heaven in it's self is a pretty stupid concept why throughout are know History has there been Wars death destruction .

Our World is a LIE controlled by some other race that even some of our leaders don't get a chance to meet or understand other then following what ever agenda that has been given to them . I am no longer afraid of fear or death after all once it happens it's done you got no control over it so why fear it ?

Humans have been transplanted here for a reason A reason beyond our comprehension we are a PRODUCT like cattle but to what end ? Cant be for meat or food if that was the case they would harvest us before we get old and decrepit . Or could that be a delicacy for them . WE are not here to live a magical life and get hugs by loving Gods - IS it our afterlife they are after is it they figured out that aging us into our 90's would be the best tasting souls ? It's not our presidents or World leaders it's moronic for them to be only chasing MONEY something else is controlling them . Like they are the shepherds keeping us in the fence .....

Some people are just born with silver spoons and good lives but most of us are not -- Pretty deep subject but why inst any power putting all resources into longevity and moving us to different Worlds so we can survive after all we are always just minutes away from extinction .

I've always been a good guy hell I don't even squish bugs but that has gotten me no where only further into servitude .

+4 more 
posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

At this point, the world has become so weird, so unpredictable, so corrupt. I am starting to believe that at some point, I got thrown onto some alternate time line. It is the only rational way to explain it.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Business as usual...

I guess the manifested economic system has it's pendant in the spiritual world and the main currency isn't money...
The killer dynamic in both systems is interests.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: StarsInDust

You & me both!

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

It's gotta be for food.

Casket aged meat. Mmmmm.

Or you're right, maybe they snatch up our souls before God can get to them.

I think proving their existence or their presence on Earth would be step one.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 08:08 PM
Life is grand when living freely along the banks of a river. Just watch out for the gators.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 08:24 PM
It’s all about control Raven. Those with no control over themselves seek to control everything and everyone around them.

I suspect that the nature of reality is being deliberately hidden from humanity as well.

So many assumptions and traditions being taught as fact and truth. Peeps being made dumb intentionally and distracted constantly.

a reply to: Ravenwatcher

edit on 18-4-2023 by Dalamax because: Era

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

I get tired of saying it: "You want the truth? Ypu can't handle the truth!" Jack Nickolson, from A Few Good Men.

If you are fully aware of who you are and where you are, you should know that UFOs and aliens are here and have been for decades and evidently they have commanded world leaders, government officials and ranking members of economics and business to change the world into the New World Order, Redo, or Chaos.

Understand, it is our move to make. I'm assuming, given the seemingly vast interest we have received from the multitude of different ships witnessed in our skies over the decades that we are to either be initiates into a cosmic order or ....

This may seem crazy or away from the topic, but anyone that seriously wants to understand what is happening should go to the internet and research Joe Firmage.

He is a billionaire that made his fortune early in Silicone Valley. One night in his bedroom he has a conversation with an ET that told him that we had put the whole earth into jeopardy with our manner of civilization. Firmage has written that he was not afraid to speak out but he personally knows of many other important individuals around the world that were also approached. He said, that most of those individuals were not going to speak out directly about what they had personally experienced, but nonetheless they were working in their own fashion to change the world.

I have not kept up on his recent activities, but a few months ago he was thinking about running for the presidency of the US in 2024. I know nothing about his program.

Obviously, few members of this list will give any of these words and my suggestion any thought but dismiss it out of hand as wild talk because they have the opinion that they know better for some reason (or not).

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: StarsInDust
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

At this point, the world has become so weird, so unpredictable, so corrupt. I am starting to believe that at some point, I got thrown onto some alternate time line. It is the only rational way to explain it.

A lot of what is going on is very predictable. So much so they are betting on it.

What puzzles me is that there is so much we do know. We even know we are being lied to. We are being deceived and yet we still play the game. We make excuses for going along, but we still do exactly what we know will destroy us. Like we have lost the ability to function outside of the system. Like something else is in control. Like we can think, but we cannot escape the master plan.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 09:36 PM
What if the God of the Bible was not really the "good guy"?

What if this God created other minor gods, or angels, for companionship?

What if God, with the others' help, created all material manifestation?

What if the sole purpose of this material manifestation, was to provide a never ending tableau of pain and suffering, which these entities reveled in?

What if nature, animal, human, "mother", all forms of nature, were based on one thing-SELFISHNESS, in all its many manifestations?

What if souls were doomed to a never ending repetition of human existence, via reincarnation?

Welcome to Gnosticism.

Out of dozens of religions that I have studied, seeking the TRUE MEANING OF LIFE, Gnosticism does the best job of explaining the reason for our existence.

Once one understands the basic precepts of it, the evidentiary PROOF is everywhere to be seen.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:03 PM
The big lie is time, We measure then we can own .

There could not ever have been a beginning at the time nothing created nothing.

Time the 1st unit of measurement therefore the 1st unit of ownership The root of greed .

Was time the original currency created to measure dimensional worth ? After all the space we think we take up and see only with our eyes we actually are residing in a much larger space or even spaces then we can comprehend. There's a value to the ones that own or have domain over humans that have a larger time to dimension measurement .
edit on 18-4-2023 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Your right to consider this. The "Owners" have the world running exactly the way they want, but, why, how? Well........

This calls for Deep thoughts......... lol lol And knowing a bit of history... And some speculation into the mindsets of the owners..

Those that are familiar with the Sumerian Anunnaki know that ancient gods created man. Well, I dont really believe that, and would say, they manipulated man that was already here, but at any rate they claim to have created us. When they did there were two sets of us, separated by bloodlines. We were smaller more manageable versions of the original man, or what the bible calls giants, moving on..

We were suppose to be a replacement for the Anunnaki workers who rebelled against the gods. Thousands of years passed with us being good little slaves, except, we were just a bit too smart, and that is one reason the flood was brought on, to cull our numbers, except the other bloodline which was derived from the gods themselves were given preferential treatment. It was that bloodline that got the ride in the Arch. The rest of us "smart monkeys had to take to the high ground, along with the remaining giants who chose to live with us, and eventually were wiped out.

The story really seems to center around these two different bloodlines, one that goes back possibly millions of years, and the demigod bloodlines that only go back roughly 32 - 36,000 years. So if you take into consideration the wildly different attributes the demigod bloodlines posses, they actually must be considered a separate human race.

Now if I were in a position to reincarnate, and I was one of the Anunnaki, I definitely would choose the bloodlines with those attributes to reincarnate, incarnate into. Those attributes would give that person a great advantage over the members of the older race. And taking this idea just a little further, lets force multiply the effect, lets have a "Secret Society" that was owned and operated by that bloodline. Why, you could rule the world.

And to cover up this situation I would have that Secret Society hide all information about our true history, and the history of that "Other" human race. I would build a, as I call it, Matrix of Lies that would cover the world, and history. I would build false histories, fake gods, and constantly insert false information it would take the smart monkeys years to figure out, if ever. I would promise my minions a great afterlife, except, I hate them and will send them right back here. Whoa, where did that come from??

Where on earth is all this hate coming from? Not the earth! Now I suspect those Anunnaki were tasked to get the human form into this reality. This may have occurred millions of years ago, but for some reason they showed back up and realized that they were being used to a end. And they were not happy about that. They felt betrayed for some reason, and I suppose they became jealous of our form, beauty, compared to their form. Yes, they do not look like us, and if you saw them without any warning, you would consider them, repulsive. Well, I believe after that they resented our intelligence and the perfection of our form compared to theirs.

So now they incarnate into those demigod bloodlines not just to torment and torture the original humans, but also to try and enjoy life as we do and live in that perfect form, without empathy for us, generally. They view us as possessions to do with in any way they please, and at the same time have their secret society protecting them from disclosure.

Looking into their minds really isn't that hard when you realize they are a extremely ancient species. Very intelligent, very long lived, but limited to primeval emotions. They have very little concept of advanced emotions. This is why they can manipulate us using our core emotions, or what is called the reptilian brain, greed anger hate revenge, rage. They are masters at this manipulation. And, again, they have no concept of, love. When it comes to this they are Narcissistic.

This situation will continue indefinitely, as they have no reason to end this practice, until, we, end it. One way, or another. Actually I suspect they secretly want an end to it just like us. And since they are incapable of stopping, maybe due to DNA programing, they are leaving it up to us, when we become knowledgeable and strong enough to get it done. Our humanity will go nowhere, and do nothing until we win the game. (Hence the Checkerboard symbolically displayed in that Secret Society's floor) They are daring us to "Checkmate" them.

There is one thing that old human race has that those "Demigods" dont, and one reason why they need us. They harvest us for many things, many reasons. But the one thing they dont seem to have, is Divine Inspiration. They like to steal it from us, and we give it ignorantly.

They do have an option open to them, and I hope they take it. I'm sure there was a lot of effort put into creating them, it would be a shame seeing all that go to waist.

So, yes, I know exactly how you feel

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:47 AM
The aliens are are from another dimension, not this Universe. There are different races of the aliens. They have been referred to as fallen Angels.

They polluted the human race with their DNA both before the flood, and then again after. The offspring are hybrids.

Most of the ultra-wealthy and powerful people in the world that are in control have at least a diluted bloodline of the fallen ones. The original offspring of the fallen ones did not have souls and were extremely wicked. They were violent and evil. That sounds like some of the people who are in the world today. They may not have souls, and thus are different from the rest of us. We still have hope, and a way out. They do not.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Observer19

Indeed I wonder what ever did happen to Joe?

I can't find anything within even the last 10byrs?.?

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Interesting thoughts

"My Body, my choice" is a much stronger slogan than many are aware of.
our physical body is a defined space in time, one has absolute authority over.

that is, if you didn't sign off your authority to God just to name the OG dealer on the block, or whomever else is in the business, then you've become another cog in the machine, one with an apparent free will but only to turn clock- or counterclockwise. The energy will never be yours to channel.

edit on 19-4-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher
I read in amazement as the responses to this thread that wonder about the state of things--as this one does, and they it goes off on airy, hypothetical tangents of entirely no substance, fact or logic, avoiding real-world responses that tend to suggest the obvious.

Are such responses as we see here produced to avoid honest discussions of our exact, current reality? Purposely intended, intangible word plays created by bots and agents for the sole purpose of eliminating rational and practical insights into our physical situation in this changing world?

We should be looking for a rational understanding of our predicament as the world rushes toward some undefined future. We see clearly enough in the presence of the UFOs that something serious is being manifested around us. What logic does that invoke? But why do we seem not to care but to look elsewhere for assurances and comfort? Are we that frightened of our destiny?

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: Observer19

Are such responses as we see here produced to avoid honest discussions of our exact, current reality? Purposely intended, intangible word plays created by bots and agents for the sole purpose of eliminating rational and practical insights into our physical situation in this changing world?

And you say the above things from, exactly, what perspective? I see how you offered, anything?

We should be looking for a rational understanding of our predicament as the world rushes toward some undefined future. We see clearly enough in the presence of the UFOs that something serious is being manifested around us. What logic does that invoke? But why do we seem not to care but to look elsewhere for assurances and comfort? Are we that frightened of our destiny?

You should you should you should "We Should". Well, I dont see where you have contributed anything to the effort, just criticism. What, no ideas about our little spiritual zoo? No, inspiration?

Why dont you fill us in on those UFOs, those invaders, tell us all about it. Are you A.I.?

But why do we seem not to care but to look elsewhere for assurances and comfort?
Do we?

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 07:53 AM
They lead a world they want to make for themselves. You have your right to yes and no answers, to doors you open and doors you close. You have the right so you really can make the decision of where you want to stand. When there is nothing to find here there's no such thing as a search.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Untun

They lead a world they want to make for themselves.
And, who exactly are, "They"?

You have your right to yes and no answers, to doors you open and doors you close. You have the right so you really can make the decision of where you want to stand. When there is nothing to find here there's no such thing as a search.

We have absolutely NO RIGHTS when we must base our choices on false information.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

"They" are the world leaders the OP refers to I guess and I guess you too are free to not base your choices on false information.

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