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Meanwhile, at the all ages Sam Smith drag concert

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posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2
I just opened the Amazon Prime app to watch some TV shows; and with out me asking they had an add for a new movie out in September with two guys grabbing each other's buns.


My kids can watch Amazon Prime; how can they just show this fith to kids? I feel bad for the future.

Broke Back Mountain Part Duex ?

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 09:30 PM
I wouldn't let my kids go to some punk shows either.
I've seen way worse than this but it's definitely not appropriate for kids.
I fail to see the appeal in a flabby old guy singing through autotune while shaking his cellulite.
But teenagers going for this guy? Eww...!
All while looking 100% ridiculous.
Watch out Queen, Sam is coming for Freddy's spot.
(but I love Queen, especially their early albums)

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
I wouldn't let my kids go to some punk shows either.
I've seen way worse than this but it's definitely not appropriate for kids.
I fail to see the appeal in a flabby old guy singing through autotune while shaking his cellulite.
But teenagers going for this guy? Eww...!
All while looking 100% ridiculous.
Watch out Queen, Sam is coming for Freddy's spot.
(but I love Queen, especially their early albums)

You should be flogged close to death by a feather boa for comparing this man to Freddie...........I have spoken

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: KTemplar

Yes, that's what we need more of.. shutting down free speech. I think it's too far out there for kids but it's a parents choice to determine. Not all parents are going to be making great decisions. But the government shouldn't be interfering with parents and taking their kids away unless the parents are truely irresponsible and putting their kids in danger.

As the article states, the kids were fans of the dance moves and music. While I wouldn't take kids there, i don't think the kids are seeing this as anything more than silly man dressing up and dancing.

The children are innocent, but this is treating children like sexual objects, and you're normalizing it...

Something is very wrong here.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: nugget1

i agree with everything you just said except 1 thing.

"I have a feeling that it won't stop until these deviants try to incorporate a deeper level of child participation and that will be the day when all hell breaks loose; the day when all those living their trans fantasies will be looking for a place to hide.
THAT will be what WWIII is fought over; the children."

That would really depend on how 'desensitized' people get to this nonsense. The goal is to keep rubbing it in until it becomes a 'normal' thing, or your 'tired' of dealing with it, or you 'give up' and ban talking about it.. This is the reason why they keep bringing the crap up, they can't let any of it become fresh again, it has to become 'normal'. They have to rub it in until you automatically tune it out and accept it via your silence. (Even if it's not really accepting it but 'burnout' because saying it over and over again only goes so far.. Saying nothing means you accept it by their definition)

This is what they did with covid, many people heard about it over and over again til they became brainwashed to certain views(repeating said views no matter cost), into accepting one way or another to the point they disowned family members. People stopped being friends, and some people actually consider said topic to be a "Boundry" never to speak about. (This isn't a dis on covid/vaccines/or beliefs, it's a comparison of strategy: A strategy that causes 'mental burnout'). It's a proven strategy that works on large amounts of the population. Then you will be shamed by your fellow man into submission, while being forced to watch them literally #ing a child on stage. If you say anything, you will be put down like a rabid dog once all is said and done.

So, the best anyone can currently do is literally ignore them, Don't talk about them. Don't click their links. Don't give them ratings and reasons to keep promoting and supporting this. Don't give them MONEY by looking at it, if they can't make money off of it they will go elsewhere and no longer support it. Look at quickly BLM disappeared.. Don't let them normalize and PROFIT off this behavior, protect your mind.

(By constantly being exposed to this it triggers connections through brain nodes that constantly get stronger developing pathways that will automatically 'normalize' it for you, even if it's against your will. If you want further information on this research how emotions trigger pathways of the brain, etc). It's the only way to fight back is to forget their existence until that bar is crossed and it is time for the pitchfork.

It does become easier to avoid being 'put to sleep' if you are aware that your experiences build new connections and create new normals for you. It's something I knew growing up and kept in my own mind among a few other 'tricks' like not paying attention to the news and media, not being very widely socialized because of an abusive situation and immunity issues, I see a lot of things in society that should not be the way it is.

Don't let yourself become emotionally involved or invested in these events, if it pops on your screen close it. Don't share it, sharing = money for them and ratings and reasons to keep supporting it. Because of the term 'sensational news' it means news that rules the senses. Don't let them rage you now so you keep complaining and talking about it, currently they are only targeting those parents who are willing to put their child through this(which is 'not' your problem). When they target their child and rape them in front of the parents it will be time to protest and reveal your true anger. So bottle it up, and look away and forget these small inclusions that are meant for ratings and money more then anything else.

DO NOT READ THEIR NEWS, DO NOT SHARE THEIR NEWS, DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF THIS OR THEY WILL KEEP DOING IT.These things get supported because of money, that is all. Stop giving them money and it all goes out the window. (Ad's, all those ads generate money for them even if it doesn't come out of your own pocket.)
edit on 101020232230 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: KTemplar

Yes, that's what we need more of.. shutting down free speech. I think it's too far out there for kids but it's a parents choice to determine.

It should not be a choice for parents. Attendance should be restricted to adults like other sexualized entertainment and activities -- eg., x-rated movies and strip clubs.

Not all parents are going to be making great decisions.

Exactly why attendance must be restricted by law as we do in so many other situations for minors.

But the government shouldn't be interfering with parents and taking their kids away unless the parents are truely irresponsible and putting their kids in danger.

Agreed to the extent that removing children from their parents should be an absolute last resort. Again, taking away the option and restricting attendance by law.

As the article states, the kids were fans of the dance moves and music. While I wouldn't take kids there, i don't think the kids are seeing this as anything more than silly man dressing up and dancing.

Again, I agree to the extent that many/most will be entertained by those things that appeal to children -- glitter, feathers, dancing, singing -- at a child's level. But some children will feel uncomfortable. Some children will sense there's something not right or good about all this. And, sooner or later, every child will know about sex and see just how sexualized it is.

I don't agree that this is not dangerous. I don't agree it's harmless. We've already seen pedophiles and sex offenders identified in the program. No one can guarantee that pedophiles and sexual predators will not continue to participate. It's a feature, not a glitch.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: lordcomac

How were kids being treated like sexual objects? They wern't made to dress up in skimpy clothes and made to dance on stage to my knowledge.

If you're looking for that, start looking at pageant shows which have been around for awhile. For some reason i dont see the outrage for those shows which make kids dress up in semi-sexualized outfits.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

That would really depend on how 'desensitized' people get to this nonsense. The goal is to keep rubbing it in until it becomes a 'normal' thing, or your 'tired' of dealing with it, or you 'give up' and ban talking about it..

That seems to be their hope, yes; but when you abuse a child in this manor you damage them in unimaginable ways. Some will grow up to 'live what they learned' while others will overcome their raising. THOSE are the ones that will fight this crap with everything they've got.
Their childhood was stolen, and most will be willing to lay their lives on the line to fight against it happening to more children.

I think the number of abused children who grow up chose a different path far outweigh the deviants that mirror the behavior they endured.
I could be wrong, but that is my hope for the world.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Right, so the performance does contain innapropriate content for kids then up to regulators to state that. Perhaps regulators missed the ball on this one. Not sure. But some dress up isn't going to give kids PTSD for the rest of their lives.

Most people who go to those events aren't pedos and 99% of people hate pedophiles and will defend any kids against them.

While I also disagree with taking kids to these events I don't think its a huge deal. Make it a death sentence to molest kids and encourage society to watch out for each other - LGBTQ events doesn't mean pedophila, and LGBTQ hopefully will push the idea of protecting kids with all these allegations going around.

There are sex offenders everywhere. Church, politics, lgbtq, grocery stores ect.. It's not just LGTBQ. Sex offenders look for their opportunity to weave their way into anything that can get them closer to kids.

We just had ANOTHER catholic church sex scandal revolving around kids. So it's not just some influx in trans people or whatever. This is an ongoing issue and we can all come together as a society to crack down on it in all forms.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I didn't look, intentionally.

All of the people involved do not have a clue as to what is going on.

But you an I do. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood..........

We are seeing the return of the gods. They got their toe in the door again, and now they have forced open the door. We are seeing prophecy realized in real time. We never thought it would happen this fast, but here we are. We are almost there. If I disappear, someone will find a gold mine of food and survival prep at my house. My home is elsewhere, as is yours. Chin up!

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:49 PM
Who is Sam Smith? Never heard of him. From the rest of this thread, I don't want to.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

I always find the comparison and/or whataboutery of trans pedophiles with religious pedophiles intriguing. Both are unique situations and circumstances in their own way, each creates opportunities for abuse, and each enables abuse by lack of necessary and appropriate safeguarding practices and protocols. We are supposed to trust the predators, not question the predators, not challenge the predators.

You are probably right that only a very small percentage of trans people are pedophiles. Just like a very small percentage of clergymen are pedophiles. But those relative few clergymen were able to victimize many due to easy access to minors without appropriate safeguards and little to no supervision... and even when they were found out, they were simply transferred to a new church or parish where they were free to abuse again with unsupervised and unrestricted access to many more children. At worst, they were "retired" and no longer had access to children, but never brought to justice.

We know most people -- no matter how they are labeled (except "pedophile") are not pedophiles. We still have safeguards though to protect our children against them because even ONE is too many. Most adults are happy to respect and comply with these safeguards for the safety of all children, and thus more easily identifying the ones to watch because they don't respect boundaries and safeguarding and because they refuse to comply.

I do agree that seeing one or two of these shows will not be harmful to the vast majority of these children, but a pattern or habit developing could be.

I gotta add that even beyond the risk of predators, the very premise is insulting and damaging to ALL women, and it's disgusting to see it sponsored and promoted by so many once-respected institutions, such as libraries. It's just as vile as if they sponsored and promoted an "All Ages Blackface Night!!!" Neither should be taught to children as "entertainment" nor an "art form."

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

i would argue once you place any group in special protection the pedos will flood in and the similarities is the protection certain groups get to abuse their positions.. i guess that a uk view would include the free masons being protected by the establishment for the irish it was the church, one of the staples of uk police procedural dramas if focused on 60s uk is the wide spread child abuse by freemasons protected by the police/media and the instruments of government all the way down to local levels.

it seems national memories are short and the uk already moved on from Saville he was given keys to children's cells to abuse kids the deity that is nhs had saintly doctors and nurses providing cover for his abuse of sick children on children's wards, that'll be the true extent of this stuff the abuse of societies most vulnerable.. andrew was always known as randy andy, spitting image even did a song about it..

the more recent satanic panic led in the uk by tavistock had everyone pointing fingers at Christian grooming gangs all the while covering up the real grooming gangs raping and selling kids, for many its easy to blame a christian than accept the truth even now.

the satanic panic we saw the tools emerge to train everyone to spot specific signs while teaching them how to ignore the real signs. even now the known grooming culture is being protected by the establishment and girls as young as 10 are still labeled as sex workers.. this is all without anyone else piggy backing onto the scene as they always do.. this is the main group being transed in the uk.. instead of seeing signs of abuse the teachers/social workers see trans.

as a survivor i did some support work post healing myself after my emotional issues surfaced to kill my first marriage and was told there where only half dozen mps and the same number of chief constables that could be trusted in the uk to deal with abuse claims the other where unknowns and approaching them was a risk, what we are seeing with londons met police force proves how serious that risk was and still is.

It feels ludicrous to think those who'd spend years training to be a doctor policeman or priest to gain access to a pool of victims would not also piggy back any other movement that offers them protection from scrutiny and will bring out the pitchforks to the victims to protect a monster.

this is what happens when liberals pull down all forms of safeguarding.. and we are at the tip of the iceberg on this stuff, it will kick off at some point the problems are wide spread, historic and gone unaddressed for so long that the trans groups are risking walking into a firestorm by by not shoring up the safeguarding of kids and attacking any one who raises safeguarding as an issue.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I can't stand Sam Smith and all he represents....and his music is appalling.
Got to say there's far worse # than that around, bands/artists glorifying in all sorts of stuff....but as adults we all have a choice.

But you really have to question a parent taking their own five year old child to watch him live knowing full well what to expect and then revelling in the fact that the child 'copied' his so-called dance moves.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 02:41 AM
Not even LGBTQ-news is so up to date with everything trans, got to give that to the ATS's phobia squat..

Don't hold back, there is no such thing as bad publicity...

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 03:44 AM

edit on Fri Apr 14 2023 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 03:56 AM
with a bit of Lucy Jordan thrown in.

i thought the thread was about the beer, going the way of bud lite.
i love Sammy's oatmeal stout tho.

nmds= normal mental derangement syndrome.

i have no use for this guy.

do kids under 12 get in for 1/2 price?

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 05:08 AM
Some things just can't be unseen. Knew i should have ate breakfast before coming on ATS.

I'd rather see GG Allin live.
edit on 14/4/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 05:43 AM
Personally I think Sam Smith should be locked up, both of them, and not in the way he/they/them would enjoy.
When I was younger anyone walking around saying they were a "they/them" recieved treatment for the mental disorder they were clearly suffering from.
I'm past the point of caring if I upset anyone these days with my views, if you're gay that's cool, if you're straight that's cool.
What isn't cool is biologically being a man but stating you are a woman so you can indulge you're weak self in beating up actual women in the ring.
What isn't cool is claiming that you are both male and female (mental illness all day long as far as I'm concerned)
What definitely isn't cool is actually allowing children to view the perverted filth that is Sam Smith and a multitude of other so called "stars"
Get fu@£d and drop dead the lot of you.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge2
Who is Sam Smith? Never heard of him. From the rest of this thread, I don't want to.

An "entertainer" that they are propping up. They are having his team "perform" at award shows like the Grammys.

This one reminds me of the 1984 pep rally Biden performed.

Watch Sam Smith and Kim Petras Perform "Unholy" | 2023 GRAMMYs

edit on 14-4-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

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