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Why do we allow disgusting drug addicts to ruin society?

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posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

Killing people is not the solution to social issues.
Distraction is one of the biggest dangers in traffic.
If one would follow through on OPs logic, whenever you text someone while driving in your car, you should get shot because your phone addiction just endangered someone innocent.
Does that really feel appropriate to you?

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:38 PM
Just get the Taliban into run things,they are ripping the mad funkies of the streets cleaning them up . last time they tried that àmerica got involved with sending supplies to the other side and starting a war .

But the woman in this story should be tied to the bumpers of two cars and them driven apart quickly , job done

posted on Apr, 4 2023 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: Antimony

It's a two way street ... If you are pumping people with all kinds of drugs and then wondering why so many people are addicted to them and looking for something similar from their good old local dealer, the blame is on all sides. Just look at all the stats ... there is a direct correlation. But then you have pharma companies that pay a lot of taxes to the government .. and then those same taxes are used for social benefits for other, non addicts too and to run your country. You have to start with reforming the fundaments, and other things will align ... killing people is not a solution, you already have enough of it as is and it's not helping but making things even worse.

My example was just one of many that shows how interconnected everything is, I could make many more but it shows that the problems are much deeper and you need another solution that addresses the roots of your problem, not the aftermath.

posted on Apr, 4 2023 @ 11:01 AM
Wow! Yeah let's just euthanize a person who is on drugs because of some personal trauma they've dealt with in their lifetime. Putting them through more trauma seems like a great idea! 😂 I've known all kinds of people over the years including addicts and believe it or not, they're not all unproductive members of society. I've known many who are functional and kept their life together even though they were using m*th or c*ke on a daily basis. President of a US Bank, business owners, regional national manager

posted on Apr, 4 2023 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: MNnativeamer

Consider yourself lucky.

The ones I met were thieves, child abusers/rapists, murderers, two even maimed police officers (thanks AZ for releasing that Ahole)., and assault nurses.

I also had a neighbor in AZ who was a methhead it turns out, stab his girlfriend in the face, then got his shotgun and roamed through the neighborhood to do her off, while high on meth.

Luckily, the police got him into custody!

All fun and games til you’re victimized by one.

edit on 4-4-2023 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2023 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: Antimony

No idea what is so hard to understand that I have been there literally addicted homeless gave a blow job for 20 dollars desperation.

I could not find your BJ reference, so that might be the reason why it "is so hard to understand...". You're using that phrase wrong, just saying.

posted on Apr, 5 2023 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Antimony

I'm a drug addicted scumbag, I've been a heroin addict since I was 17 - twenty years nearly 21, I've been struggling stopping and starting all that time.

I was a shoplifter for a few years and served about a year in prison all in all - I've been at the raw end for a long time and I'm telling you that most of the issues are caused by the policies surrounding drug use and distribution.

Not to mention that the same people who dominate and control our political systems make illicit profits from the smuggling and sale of these same substances.

In the UK the government sacked their lead drugs policy advisor Professor David Nutt because he recommended that following the Portuguese model would be the most sensible approach and cause the least harm, and that nicotine and alcohol are worse for our health than THC and MDMA.

They have an agenda, simple as.

It's my body and my choice to ingest whatever I please so long as it's not hurting anyone else, the demand will ALWAYS exist, even with our "efforts' the substances are more readily available than ever - the gangs only profit BECAUSE of the illegally of these substances.

The war on drugs has ended - Drugs won, now we must stop banging our heads against the brick wall and focus on harm minimisation and education, these are the only strategies which actually deliver positive results.

Most people only mess with riskier drugs for example research chemicals because things like cannabis and opiates are illegal - if we allowed the most vulnerable in society to partake and manage their dependency with support from professionals then we would see crime to fund these habits nearly disappear.

I use to deal with past trauma, at least that's my opinion , I am vulnerable and always have been, I now manage to maintain my own use and remain within my budget but it's taken 20 wasted years and a lot of pain to get here, why can't we do the sensible thing for once!?

posted on Apr, 5 2023 @ 09:46 AM
Not to be funny, but sugar is a drug.

posted on Apr, 5 2023 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: Antimony
A complete reject drug addicted scumbag murdered two men by running them over with her car. Here was her response to the judge reading the charges at her arraignment:

During her arraignment on Wednesday, Bradley began screaming and swearing at the judge from jail during a virtual courthouse hearing.

When the judge read the charges Bradley faces, Bradley looked closely into the camera and said, "No, no, no, no," The Lincoln Journal Star reports.

The judge continued reading the charges and Bradley interrupted her, saying, "I had a shoplifting charge! That's all I've ever had!" she says in the video, KETV reports.

Growing more agitated, she said, "They think I'm on so many drugs," Bradley said. "Because they stocked me full of all my mom's drugs."

At one point she started yelling, "One, two and three!" saying "I don't give an absolute f—."

Bradley lives at the apartment complex and allegedly ran the fatal victims over near the clubhouse at the apartment complex.

So what is the appropriate punishment for this person? Just an absolute waste of resources. You know, we talk about state sponsored euthanasia for the weak, the ill, the disabled, the old. In some countries being depressed or mentally ill can get you approved to be euthanized. Some states and countries utilize the death penalty to varied levels of success. In many states the death penalty is totally ineffective because it is delayed 20+ years. Some argue that wrongful convictions are a problem and lead to wrongful execution.

Well, in many situations there is collateral damage, just look at the rise of drug overdose deaths and suicides that resulted from the coronavirus lockdowns. That is fine according to society because the vast majority were made safer from the lockdowns (NOT my personal opinion) and the safety of the majority matter more than the minority. Cyberbullying is becoming a big problem and kids are committing suicide because of it but we don't see anyone setting limits on the internet for kids. It is a free-for-all. I don't need to bring up wars, etc. The bottom line is the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The majority of people are never ever going to be in a situation where they are facing the death penalty wrongfully. And if they are and that can be proven as a fact beyond any doubt and they do end up getting executed, then their family should be able to sue the state for wrongful death.

I support the death penalty for any drugged up reject who murders any innocent people. Just think about these poor men's families. They will never see their smiles again. Never get a hug from dad again. Never make that inside joke with their husband again. The judgment should be... you have wasted your life using drugs, have no regard for your own or any human life at all and so you die. Simple. Easy.

Everyone is just standing by while drug addicted losers destroy everything nice about the world. Literally just killing people and don't even care because they're so hopped up on drugs. It is so sick.
Reagan signed away the Petris-Short Act & now it is very hard to get a family member committed to a mental hospital in Kilafornia .

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 12:31 AM
Creating drug addicts has been intentional. Addicts help destroy the country faster. Plus lots of people (including slimy politicians) make a lot of money from the drug trade.
a reply to: Antimony

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