posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 06:33 PM
Here we have a reporter on the streets asking anyone or everyone what they think about the vaccine. These are real people in a down-to-earth community
who definitely have their own opinion which seems to have evolved over time. If the WEF wants to try and continue along the course of action that they
have been it would be reasonable to expect big grassroots pushback. I doubt whether the reaction from the streets in Ireland is any different from
anywhere else which has had to put up with what has been going on over the last few years. The reality of this reaction will certainly make any new
politician think that if they ran for office on the back of public support they would get in with quite high numbers. There seems to be only one way
that the present crop of politicians will be able to hold onto office as these opinions gather more momentum, and that is to dump all present
policies, fake the elections, or indict the scapegoats with righteous indignation. Or double down with emergency powers.