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Canada’s New Euthanasia Laws Carry Upsetting Nazi-Era Echoes - Warns Experts

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posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 11:55 AM

In an article published by the Associated Press last week, Tim Stainton director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia said the country’s uniquely permissive euthanasia laws were, “probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s.”

The AP article additionally detailed the story of 61-year-old Alan Nichols who had a history of hearing loss and depression and, according to Nichols’ brother, was unlawfully “put to death” by the Canadian state in 2019.
Forb es

The "Euthanasia" issue is being coordinated GLOBALLY and is paving the way for even more depopulation efforts.


I made this OP to highlight the fact that all of these "mainstream" issues *cough* Agenda 2030 *cough* are being coordinated and pushed GLOBALLY.

Coming to a country near you:

A global issue
Around the world, euthanasia, where doctors use lethal doses of drugs to end the lives of patients with terminal and chronic illnesses, is legal in Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand and Spain and certain parts of Australia.

Additionally, several U.S. states including California, Colorado and New Jersey permit a format in which a physician can prescribe barbiturates that are then self-administered by the patient.

Canada’s euthanasia laws came into force in 2016 and resulted in around 10,000 deaths last year.

They're just getting started, folks!

This isn't out of concern for people and their health, this is insidious, here's another article from recent history:

Christine Gauthier rips Canadian government for offering to euthanize her
She wanted a little help — not death.

A paraplegic former Canadian military member is ripping her government, which offered to euthanize her after she complained about delays having a wheelchair lift installed in her home.

Retired Army Corporal Christine Gauthier, who competed for Canada at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Paralympics, testified in Parliament Thursday that a Veterans Affairs Canada caseworker offered the opportunity for a medically assisted death – and even to provide the equipment, according to the CBC.

“I have a letter saying that if you’re so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAID, medical assistance in dying,” said Gauthier who injured her back during a 1989 a training accident.


I don't trust these people with the health of a rat, let alone a human being.

edit on 1/9/2023 by MykeNukem because: format

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:31 PM
Modern Healthcare models.

I'd still chose the system where I go bankrupt rather than get buried. But still...

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: JAY1980
Modern Healthcare models.

I'd still chose the system where I go bankrupt rather than get buried. But still...

We get to choose?

Since when?

I'm surprised they haven't called me up with a MAID offer, I know Trudeau loves I had indigestion the other prime candidate, lol.

edit on 1/9/2023 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:38 PM
Scary stuff, the Quebec College of Physicians wrote a letter to the government asking them to extent maid to mentally disabled children 1 and under. They got shot down this time but it’s something they tried to do.

we are very quickly becoming a very F’d up county. myke the opinions we share on this site very well could land us in jail in the very near future.

I rock my proud member of the fringe minority with unacceptable views shirt at least once a week.

I’ll look for you in the repurposed Covid camps which no doubt will become “reeducation camps” probably in our life’s times…

a reply to: MykeNukem

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:40 PM
I can sort of understand pro life politics when it regards infants who have no voice. I can't understand pro life politics when you are actively restricting medically fragile and exhausted people who DO have a voice from exerting their right to a dignified expiration. If you don't like it, politely say no thanks. But there ARE people who want it and deserve it.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:46 PM
Absolutely it always starts with a veil of dignity. I was one of those people who Initially was sold on it from that point of view. However we have departed from that initial concept drastically. It’s cost savings nothing more. I’ve watched a hand full of people suffer and then eventually draw their last breath and death rattles. I wouldn’t wish a slow painful demise on anyone. Except now this is being used as a justification for not even attempting to treat severe ailment.

It’s the classic path to hell paved with good intent. It started as your terminally ill grandma is suffering and wants to go sooner then later and is ending with this disabled child will cost to much to keep alive let’s kill it. I’d rather my grandma suffer then the child die.

And I’ve watched both my Oma and Opa die to painful cancers. I’d do it again if it means protecting the lives of innocents.

a reply to: TzarChasm

edit on 9-1-2023 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

I have pointed this very thing out. Good to see I am not alone in noticing the similarities.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Athetos

If "professionals" stop asking permission and just sign you up for the MAID procedure, then there is a problem. On the flip side of that coin, people have been voluntarily offing themselves for centuries without anyone's permission.

And I’ve watched both my Oma and Opa die to painful cancers. I’d do it again if it means protecting the lives of innocents.

Not if it means infringing on the autonomy of medical fragile and exhausted patients you have no right to speak for. Imposing blanket protocols out of paranoia is how the vaccine mandates happened.

edit on 9-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

That's where it starts, and then they'd rather kill you than install your wheelchair ramp. If you don't see the problem, that's why we're discussing this.

Give an inch; take a mile. Government in the driver's seat doesn't care.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: Athetos
Scary stuff, the Quebec College of Physicians wrote a letter to the government asking them to extent maid to mentally disabled children 1 and under. They got shot down this time but it’s something they tried to do.

we are very quickly becoming a very F’d up county. myke the opinions we share on this site very well could land us in jail in the very near future.

I rock my proud member of the fringe minority with unacceptable views shirt at least once a week.

I’ll look for you in the repurposed Covid camps which no doubt will become “reeducation camps” probably in our life’s times…

a reply to: MykeNukem

Part of my life uniform!

Featuring Freddy the Freedom Cat!

Camp used to sound fun....

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:56 PM
For sure I don’t disagree that people have been ending their own suffering both justified and not from the dawn of humanity.

I see no need to create a government bureaucracy for that cause. I also don’t think that just because you want do die that the wish should be granted if there are alternatives.

People don’t always think straight and severe illness can compound that effect.

a reply to: TzarChasm

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: TzarChasm

That's where it starts, and then they'd rather kill you than install your wheelchair ramp. If you don't see the problem, that's why we're discussing this.

Give an inch; take a mile. Government in the driver's seat doesn't care.

If by "problem" you mean crime, then no I don't. I see conjecture.

originally posted by: Athetos
For sure I don’t disagree that people have been ending their own suffering both justified and not from the dawn of humanity.

I see no need to create a government bureaucracy for that cause. I also don’t think that just because you want do die that the wish should be granted if there are alternatives.

People don’t always think straight and severe illness can compound that effect.

a reply to: TzarChasm

And again, that's exactly the kind of nonsense which justified vaccine mandates. People can't think for themselves so decide their best interests without consultation or consent.

edit on 9-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: Athetos
If "professionals" stop asking permission and just sign you up for the MAID procedure, then there is a problem.

They actually HAVE done that. It's in the first article and highlighted in the OP:

The AP article additionally detailed the story of 61-year-old Alan Nichols who had a history of hearing loss and depression and, according to Nichols’ brother, was unlawfully “put to death” by the Canadian state in 2019.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

When government controls the options and the treatment for everything is death, it's an issue. Why is the government out front with option?

"Why is my wheelchair ramp late?"

"Would you like to die?"

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: Athetos
If "professionals" stop asking permission and just sign you up for the MAID procedure, then there is a problem.

They actually HAVE done that. It's in the first article and highlighted in the OP:

The AP article additionally detailed the story of 61-year-old Alan Nichols who had a history of hearing loss and depression and, according to Nichols’ brother, was unlawfully “put to death” by the Canadian state in 2019.

Did you read the additional article?

Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.

Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner.

His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.

Nichols’ family reported the case to police and health authorities, arguing that he lacked the capacity to understand the process and was not suffering unbearably — among the requirements for euthanasia. They say he was not taking needed medication, wasn’t using the cochlear implant that helped him hear, and that hospital staffers improperly helped him request euthanasia.

Alan did exactly what he wanted and his family is outraged because they couldn't choose for him and supersede his autonomy. I don't see any crime here.

edit on 9-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: MykeNukem

I have pointed this very thing out. Good to see I am not alone in noticing the similarities.

Nope, you're on the ball.

Or, just as crazy as me, either way!

I mean, who doesn't support them making suggestions like that to depressed people as well? You know, give them a little push in the right direction?


posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

It is now proper to have a non-medical person 'suggest' state assisted death "for the sake of society?"

I am very interested to see how Canadian react to this... not Canadian elites... not Canadian politicians... but actual Canadians... because quite frankly, they are not stupid people, nor sheepishly inclined to bobble head their way through these kinds of developments...

What's truly amazing is the apparently purposeful silence of organizations and "global" institutions who should decry this, and point out the eugenics connection ...

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: Athetos
If "professionals" stop asking permission and just sign you up for the MAID procedure, then there is a problem.

They actually HAVE done that. It's in the first article and highlighted in the OP:

The AP article additionally detailed the story of 61-year-old Alan Nichols who had a history of hearing loss and depression and, according to Nichols’ brother, was unlawfully “put to death” by the Canadian state in 2019.

Did you read the additional article?

Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.

Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner.

His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.

Nichols’ family reported the case to police and health authorities, arguing that he lacked the capacity to understand the process and was not suffering unbearably — among the requirements for euthanasia. They say he was not taking needed medication, wasn’t using the cochlear implant that helped him hear, and that hospital staffers improperly helped him request euthanasia.

Alan did exactly what he wanted and his family is outraged because they couldn't choose for him and supersede his autonomy. I don't see any crime here.

Missed this?:

he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.

He wanted out of there.

They then went to work and "tricked" him into signing a euthanasia request.

It was illegal and murder.

You agree with that? That's not the scenario you said you agreed with earlier...

Hearing loss? Yeah, ok. They couldn't even be bothered to list a viable reason.

Nazi-like IMO.

I don't disagree with ALL euthanasia, just the sneaky kind...
edit on 1/9/2023 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: TzarChasm

When government controls the options and the treatment for everything is death, it's an issue. Why is the government out front with option?

"Why is my wheelchair ramp late?"

"Would you like to die?"

There are people who want it and deserve it. Many restaurants offer vegan or gluten free substitutes and offer them to me, specifically. I don't resent them for their courtesy because I'm not a snowflake.

edit on 9-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: Maxmars
a reply to: MykeNukem

It is now proper to have a non-medical person 'suggest' state assisted death "for the sake of society?"

I am very interested to see how Canadian react to this... not Canadian elites... not Canadian politicians... but actual Canadians... because quite frankly, they are not stupid people, nor sheepishly inclined to bobble head their way through these kinds of developments...

What's truly amazing is the apparently purposeful silence of organizations and "global" institutions who should decry this, and point out the eugenics connection ...

Curious about how us average Canadians feel?

It's about to pop off again. Not just about this, but things are compounding, and the outlook is bleak.

That's how.

I'm obviously part of the "fringe minority", so my views may be admittedly hostile.

edit on 1/9/2023 by MykeNukem because: eh?

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